Anton Voronov


Mind Your Format: Towards Consistent Evaluation of In-Context Learning Improvements
Anton Voronov | Lena Wolf | Max Ryabinin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large language models demonstrate a remarkable capability for learning to solve new tasks from a few examples.The prompt template, or the way the input examples are formatted to obtain the prompt, is an important yet often overlooked aspect of in-context learning.In this work, we conduct a comprehensive study of the template format’s influence on the in-context learning performance.We evaluate the impact of the prompt template across 21 models (from 770M to 70B parameters) and 4 standard classification datasets. We show that a poor choice of the template can reduce the performance of the strongest models and inference methods to a random guess level.More importantly, the best templates do not transfer between different setups and even between models of the same family.Our findings show that the currently prevalent approach to evaluation, which ignores template selection, may give misleading results due to different templates in different works.As a first step towards mitigating this issue, we propose Template Ensembles that aggregate model predictions across several templates.This simple test-time augmentation boosts average performance while being robust to the choice of random set of templates.


Pixel-Level BPE for Auto-Regressive Image Generation
Anton Razzhigaev | Anton Voronov | Andrey Kaznacheev | Andrey Kuznetsov | Denis Dimitrov | Alexander Panchenko
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Performance and Interpretability Evaluations of Multimodal, Multipurpose, Massive-Scale Models

Pixel-level autoregression with Transformer models (Image GPT or iGPT) is one of the recent approaches to image generation that has not received massive attention and elaboration due to quadratic complexity of attention as it imposes huge memory requirements and thus restricts the resolution of the generated images. In this paper, we propose to tackle this problem by adopting Byte-Pair-Encoding (BPE) originally proposed for text processing to the image domain to drastically reduce the length of the modeled sequence. The obtained results demonstrate that it is possible to decrease the amount of computation required to generate images pixel-by-pixel while preserving their quality and the expressiveness of the features extracted from the model. Our results show that there is room for improvement for iGPT-like models with more thorough research on the way to the optimal sequence encoding techniques for images.


Text Detoxification using Large Pre-trained Neural Models
David Dale | Anton Voronov | Daryna Dementieva | Varvara Logacheva | Olga Kozlova | Nikita Semenov | Alexander Panchenko
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present two novel unsupervised methods for eliminating toxicity in text. Our first method combines two recent ideas: (1) guidance of the generation process with small style-conditional language models and (2) use of paraphrasing models to perform style transfer. We use a well-performing paraphraser guided by style-trained language models to keep the text content and remove toxicity. Our second method uses BERT to replace toxic words with their non-offensive synonyms. We make the method more flexible by enabling BERT to replace mask tokens with a variable number of words. Finally, we present the first large-scale comparative study of style transfer models on the task of toxicity removal. We compare our models with a number of methods for style transfer. The models are evaluated in a reference-free way using a combination of unsupervised style transfer metrics. Both methods we suggest yield new SOTA results.