Andrei Bejgu


Word Sense Linking: Disambiguating Outside the Sandbox
Andrei Bejgu | Edoardo Barba | Luigi Procopio | Alberte Fernández-Castro | Roberto Navigli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is the task of associating a word in a given context with its most suitable meaning among a set of possible candidates. While the task has recently witnessed renewed interest, with systems achieving performances above the estimated inter-annotator agreement, at the time of writing it still struggles to find downstream applications. We argue that one of the reasons behind this is the difficulty of applying WSD to plain text. Indeed, in the standard formulation, models work under the assumptions that a) all the spans to disambiguate have already been identified, and b) all the possible candidate senses of each span are provided, both of which are requirements that are far from trivial. In this work, we present a new task called Word Sense Linking (WSL) where, given an input text and a reference sense inventory, systems have to both identify which spans to disambiguate and then link them to their most suitable meaning.We put forward a transformer-based architecture for the task and thoroughly evaluate both its performance and those of state-of-the-art WSD systems scaled to WSL, iteratively relaxing the assumptions of WSD. We hope that our work will foster easier integration of lexical semantics into downstream applications.

CroCoAlign: A Cross-Lingual, Context-Aware and Fully-Neural Sentence Alignment System for Long Texts
Francesco Molfese | Andrei Bejgu | Simone Tedeschi | Simone Conia | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Sentence alignment – establishing links between corresponding sentences in two related documents – is an important NLP task with several downstream applications, such as machine translation (MT). Despite the fact that existing sentence alignment systems have achieved promising results, their effectiveness is based on auxiliary information such as document metadata or machine-generated translations, as well as hyperparameter-sensitive techniques. Moreover, these systems often overlook the crucial role that context plays in the alignment process. In this paper, we address the aforementioned issues and propose CroCoAlign: the first context-aware, end-to-end and fully neural architecture for sentence alignment. Our system maps source and target sentences in long documents by contextualizing their sentence embeddings with respect to the other sentences in the document. We extensively evaluate CroCoAlign on a multilingual dataset consisting of 20 language pairs derived from the Opus project, and demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. To ensure reproducibility, we release our code and model checkpoints at