Alya Issa


Sahara Pioneers at FIGNEWS 2024 Shared Task: Data Annotation Guidelines for Propaganda Detection in News Items
Marwa Solla | Hassan Ebrahem | Alya Issa | Harmain Harmain | Abdusalam Nwesri
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

In today’s digital age, the spread of propaganda through news channels has become a pressing concern. To address this issue, the research community has organized a shared task on detecting propaganda in news posts. This paper aims to present the work carried out at the University of Tripoli for the development and implementation of data annotation guidelines by a team of five annotators. The guidelines were used to annotate 2600 news articles. Each article is labeled as “propaganda”, “Not propaganda”, “Not Applicable”, or “Not clear”. The shared task results put our efforts in the third position among 6 participating teams in the consistency track.