SubmissionNumber#=%=#149 FinalPaperTitle#=%=#CAILMD-23 at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Multilingual Evaluation of Semantic Textual Relatedness ShortPaperTitle#=%=# NumberOfPages#=%=#6 CopyrightSigned#=%=#Sharvi Endait JobTitle#==# Organization#==# Abstract#==#The explosive growth of online content demands robust Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques that can capture nuanced meanings and cultural context across diverse languages. Semantic Textual Relatedness (STR) goes beyond superficial word overlap, considering linguistic elements and non-linguistic factors like topic, sentiment, and perspective. Despite its pivotal role, prior NLP research has predominantly focused on English, limiting its applicability across languages. Addressing this gap, our paper dives into capturing deeper connections between sentences beyond simple word overlap. Going beyond English-centric NLP research, we explore STR in Marathi, Hindi, Spanish, and English, unlocking the potential for information retrieval, machine translation, and more. Leveraging the SemEval-2024 shared task, we explore various language models across three learning paradigms: supervised, unsupervised, and cross-lingual. Our comprehensive methodology gains promising results, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach. This work aims to not only showcase our achievements but also inspire further research in multilingual STR, particularly for low-resourced languages. Author{1}{Firstname}#=%=#Srushti Author{1}{Lastname}#=%=#Sonavane Author{1}{Username}#=%=#srushtisonavane Author{1}{Email} Author{1}{Affiliation}#=%=#Pune Institute of Computer Technology Author{2}{Firstname}#=%=#Sharvi Author{2}{Lastname}#=%=#Endait Author{2}{Username}#=%=#sharviendait Author{2}{Email} Author{2}{Affiliation}#=%=#Pune Institute of Computer Technology Author{3}{Firstname}#=%=#Ridhima Author{3}{Lastname}#=%=#Sinare Author{3}{Email} Author{3}{Affiliation}#=%=#Pune Institute of Computer Technology Author{4}{Firstname}#=%=#Pritika Author{4}{Lastname}#=%=#Rohera Author{4}{Email} Author{4}{Affiliation}#=%=#Pune Institute of Computer Technology Author{5}{Firstname}#=%=#Advait Author{5}{Lastname}#=%=#Naik Author{5}{Email} Author{5}{Affiliation}#=%=#Pune Institute of Computer Technology Author{6}{Firstname}#=%=#Dipali Dattatray Author{6}{Lastname}#=%=#Kadam Author{6}{Username}#=%=#dipali-123 Author{6}{Email} Author{6}{Affiliation}#=%=#SPPU at Pune ========== èéáğö