Ruike Zhang


Dynamic Routing Transformer Network for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
Yuan Tian | Nan Xu | Ruike Zhang | Wenji Mao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multimodal sarcasm detection is an important research topic in natural language processing and multimedia computing, and benefits a wide range of applications in multiple domains. Most existing studies regard the incongruity between image and text as the indicative clue in identifying multimodal sarcasm. To capture cross-modal incongruity, previous methods rely on fixed architectures in network design, which restricts the model from dynamically adjusting to diverse image-text pairs. Inspired by routing-based dynamic network, we model the dynamic mechanism in multimodal sarcasm detection and propose the Dynamic Routing Transformer Network (DynRT-Net). Our method utilizes dynamic paths to activate different routing transformer modules with hierarchical co-attention adapting to cross-modal incongruity. Experimental results on a public dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Our codes are available at

Cross-Lingual Cross-Target Stance Detection with Dual Knowledge Distillation Framework
Ruike Zhang | Hanxuan Yang | Wenji Mao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Stance detection aims to identify the user’s attitude toward specific targets from text, which is an important research area in text mining and benefits a variety of application domains. Existing studies on stance detection were conducted mainly in English. Due to the low-resource problem in most non-English languages, cross-lingual stance detection was proposed to transfer knowledge from high-resource (source) language to low-resource (target) language. However, previous research has ignored the practical issue of no labeled training data available in target language. Moreover, target inconsistency in cross-lingual stance detection brings about the additional issue of unseen targets in target language, which in essence requires the transfer of both language and target-oriented knowledge from source to target language. To tackle these challenging issues, in this paper, we propose the new task of cross-lingual cross-target stance detection and develop the first computational work with dual knowledge distillation. Our proposed framework designs a cross-lingual teacher and a cross-target teacher using the source language data and a dual distillation process that transfers the two types of knowledge to target language. To bridge the target discrepancy between languages, cross-target teacher mines target category information and generalizes it to the unseen targets in target language via category-oriented learning. Experimental results on multilingual stance datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to the competitive baselines.

Target-Oriented Relation Alignment for Cross-Lingual Stance Detection
Ruike Zhang | Nan Xu | Hanxuan Yang | Yuan Tian | Wenji Mao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Stance detection is an important task in text mining and social media analytics, aiming to automatically identify the user’s attitude toward a specific target from text, and has wide applications in a variety of domains. Previous work on stance detection has mainly focused on monolingual setting. To address the problem of imbalanced language resources, cross-lingual stance detection is proposed to transfer the knowledge learned from a high-resource (source) language (typically English) to another low-resource (target) language. However, existing research on cross-lingual stance detection has ignored the inconsistency in the occurrences and distributions of targets between languages, which consequently degrades the performance of stance detection in low-resource languages. In this paper, we first identify the target inconsistency issue in cross-lingual stance detection, and propose a fine-grained Target-oriented Relation Alignment (TaRA) method for the task, which considers both target-level associations and language-level alignments. Specifically, we propose the Target Relation Graph to learn the in-language and cross-language target associations. We further devise the relation alignment strategy to enable knowledge transfer between semantically correlated targets across languages. Experimental results on the representative datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to competitive methods under variant settings.