Partha Pratim Das

Also published as: Partha Pratim Das


Improving Contextualized Topic Models with Negative Sampling
Suman Adhya | Avishek Lahiri | Debarshi Kumar Sanyal | Partha Pratim Das
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Topic modeling has emerged as a dominant method for exploring large document collections. Recent approaches to topic modeling use large contextualized language models and variational autoencoders. In this paper, we propose a negative sampling mechanism for a contextualized topic model to improve the quality of the generated topics. In particular, during model training, we perturb the generated document-topic vector and use a triplet loss to encourage the document reconstructed from the correct document-topic vector to be similar to the input document and dissimilar to the document reconstructed from the perturbed vector. Experiments for different topic counts on three publicly available benchmark datasets show that in most cases, our approach leads to an increase in topic coherence over that of the baselines. Our model also achieves very high topic diversity.


SaSAKE: Syntax and Semantics Aware Keyphrase Extraction from Research Papers
Santosh T.y.s.s | Debarshi Kumar Sanyal | Plaban Kumar Bhowmick | Partha Pratim Das
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Keyphrases in a research paper succinctly capture the primary content of the paper and also assist in indexing the paper at a concept level. Given the huge rate at which scientific papers are published today, it is important to have effective ways of automatically extracting keyphrases from a research paper. In this paper, we present a novel method, Syntax and Semantics Aware Keyphrase Extraction (SaSAKE), to extract keyphrases from research papers. It uses a transformer architecture, stacking up sentence encoders to incorporate sequential information, and graph encoders to incorporate syntactic and semantic dependency graph information. Incorporation of these dependency graphs helps to alleviate long-range dependency problems and identify the boundaries of multi-word keyphrases effectively. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets show that our proposed method SaSAKE achieves state-of-the-art performance in keyphrase extraction from scientific papers.