Omid Kashefi


Assessing Online Writing Feedback Resources: Generative AI vs. Good Samaritans
Shabnam Behzad | Omid Kashefi | Swapna Somasundaran
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Providing constructive feedback on student essays is a critical factor in improving educational results; however, it presents notable difficulties and may demand substantial time investments, especially when aiming to deliver individualized and informative guidance. This study undertakes a comparative analysis of two readily available online resources for students seeking to hone their skills in essay writing for English proficiency tests: 1), a widely used platform where students can submit their essays and receive feedback from volunteer educators at no cost, and 2) Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT. By contrasting the feedback obtained from these two resources, we posit that they can mutually reinforce each other and are more helpful if employed in conjunction when seeking no-cost online assistance. The findings of this research shed light on the challenges of providing personalized feedback and highlight the potential of AI in advancing the field of automated essay evaluation.

When Argumentation Meets Cohesion: Enhancing Automatic Feedback in Student Writing
Yuning Ding | Omid Kashefi | Swapna Somasundaran | Andrea Horbach
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

In this paper, we investigate the role of arguments in the automatic scoring of cohesion in argumentative essays. The feature analysis reveals that in argumentative essays, the lexical cohesion between claims is more important to the overall cohesion, while the evidence is expected to be diverse and divergent. Our results show that combining features related to argument segments and cohesion features improves the performance of the automatic cohesion scoring model trained on a transformer. The cohesion score is also learned more accurately in a multi-task learning process by adding the automatic segmentation of argumentative elements as an auxiliary task. Our findings contribute to both the understanding of cohesion in argumentative writing and the development of automatic feedback.

LEAF: Language Learners’ English Essays and Feedback Corpus
Shabnam Behzad | Omid Kashefi | Swapna Somasundaran
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

This paper addresses the issue of automated feedback generation for English language learners by presenting a corpus of English essays and their corresponding feedback, called LEAF, collected from the “essayforum” website. The corpus comprises approximately 6K essay-feedback pairs, offering a diverse and valuable resource for developing personalized feedback generation systems that address the critical deficiencies within essays, spanning from rectifying grammatical errors to offering insights on argumentative aspects and organizational coherence. Using this corpus, we present and compare multiple feedback generation baselines. Our findings shed light on the challenges of providing personalized feedback and highlight the potential of the LEAF corpus in advancing automated essay evaluation.


Argument Detection in Student Essays under Resource Constraints
Omid Kashefi | Sophia Chan | Swapna Somasundaran
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining

Learning to make effective arguments is vital for the development of critical-thinking in students and, hence, for their academic and career success. Detecting argument components is crucial for developing systems that assess students’ ability to develop arguments. Traditionally, supervised learning has been used for this task, but this requires a large corpus of reliable training examples which are often impractical to obtain for student writing. Large language models have also been shown to be effective few-shot learners, making them suitable for low-resource argument detection. However, concerns such as latency, service reliability, and data privacy might hinder their practical applicability. To address these challenges, we present a low-resource classification approach that combines the intrinsic entailment relationship among the argument elements with a parameter-efficient prompt-tuning strategy. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in reducing the data and computation requirements of training an argument detection model without compromising the prediction accuracy. This suggests the practical applicability of our model across a variety of real-world settings, facilitating broader access to argument classification for researchers spanning various domains and problem scenarios.


Contrapositive Local Class Inference
Omid Kashefi | Rebecca Hwa
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2021)

Certain types of classification problems may be performed at multiple levels of granularity; for example, we might want to know the sentiment polarity of a document or a sentence, or a phrase. Often, the prediction at a greater-context (e.g., sentences or paragraphs) may be informative for a more localized prediction at a smaller semantic unit (e.g., words or phrases). However, directly inferring the most salient local features from the global prediction may overlook the semantics of this relationship. This work argues that inference along the contraposition relationship of the local prediction and the corresponding global prediction makes an inference framework that is more accurate and robust to noise. We show how this contraposition framework can be implemented as a transfer function that rewrites a greater-context from one class to another and demonstrate how an appropriate transfer function can be trained from a noisy user-generated corpus. The experimental results validate our insight that the proposed contrapositive framework outperforms the alternative approaches on resource-constrained problem domains.


Quantifying the Evaluation of Heuristic Methods for Textual Data Augmentation
Omid Kashefi | Rebecca Hwa
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)

Data augmentation has been shown to be effective in providing more training data for machine learning and resulting in more robust classifiers. However, for some problems, there may be multiple augmentation heuristics, and the choices of which one to use may significantly impact the success of the training. In this work, we propose a metric for evaluating augmentation heuristics; specifically, we quantify the extent to which an example is “hard to distinguish” by considering the difference between the distribution of the augmented samples of different classes. Experimenting with multiple heuristics in two prediction tasks (positive/negative sentiment and verbosity/conciseness) validates our claims by revealing the connection between the distribution difference of different classes and the classification accuracy.


Semantic Pleonasm Detection
Omid Kashefi | Andrew T. Lucas | Rebecca Hwa
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers)

Pleonasms are words that are redundant. To aid the development of systems that detect pleonasms in text, we introduce an annotated corpus of semantic pleonasms. We validate the integrity of the corpus with interannotator agreement analyses. We also compare it against alternative resources in terms of their effects on several automatic redundancy detection methods.