Günter Neumann

Also published as: Guenter Neumann, Gunter Neumann


Investigating the Encoding of Words in BERT’s Neurons Using Feature Textualization
Tanja Baeumel | Soniya Vijayakumar | Josef van Genabith | Guenter Neumann | Simon Ostermann
Proceedings of the 6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

Pretrained language models (PLMs) form the basis of most state-of-the-art NLP technologies. Nevertheless, they are essentially black boxes: Humans do not have a clear understanding of what knowledge is encoded in different parts of the models, especially in individual neurons. A contrast is in computer vision, where feature visualization provides a decompositional interpretability technique for neurons of vision models. Activation maximization is used to synthesize inherently interpretable visual representations of the information encoded in individual neurons. Our work is inspired by this but presents a cautionary tale on the interpretability of single neurons, based on the first large-scale attempt to adapt activation maximization to NLP, and, more specifically, large PLMs. We propose feature textualization, a technique to produce dense representations of neurons in the PLM word embedding space. We apply feature textualization to the BERT model to investigate whether the knowledge encoded in individual neurons can be interpreted and symbolized. We find that the produced representations can provide insights about the knowledge encoded in individual neurons, but that individual neurons do not represent clear-cut symbolic units of language such as words. Additionally, we use feature textualization to investigate how many neurons are needed to encode words in BERT.

Auto-Encoding Questions with Retrieval Augmented Decoding for Unsupervised Passage Retrieval and Zero-Shot Question Generation
Stalin Varanasi | Muhammad Umer Tariq Butt | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Dense passage retrieval models have become state-of-the-art for information retrieval on many Open-domain Question Answering (ODQA) datasets. However, most of these models rely on supervision obtained from the ODQA datasets, which hinders their performance in a low-resource setting. Recently, retrieval-augmented language models have been proposed to improve both zero-shot and supervised information retrieval. However, these models have pre-training tasks that are agnostic to the target task of passage retrieval. In this work, we propose Retrieval Augmented Auto-encoding of Questions for zero-shot dense information retrieval. Unlike other pre-training methods, our pre-training method is built for target information retrieval, thereby making the pre-training more efficient. Our method consists of a dense IR model for encoding questions and retrieving documents during training and a conditional language model that maximizes the question’s likelihood by marginalizing over retrieved documents. As a by-product, we can use this conditional language model for zero-shot question generation from documents. We show that the IR model obtained through our method improves the current state-of-the-art of zero-shot dense information retrieval, and we improve the results even further by training on a synthetic corpus created by zero-shot question generation.


MedDistant19: Towards an Accurate Benchmark for Broad-Coverage Biomedical Relation Extraction
Saadullah Amin | Pasquale Minervini | David Chang | Pontus Stenetorp | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Relation extraction in the biomedical domain is challenging due to the lack of labeled data and high annotation costs, needing domain experts. Distant supervision is commonly used to tackle the scarcity of annotated data by automatically pairing knowledge graph relationships with raw texts. Such a pipeline is prone to noise and has added challenges to scale for covering a large number of biomedical concepts. We investigated existing broad-coverage distantly supervised biomedical relation extraction benchmarks and found a significant overlap between training and test relationships ranging from 26% to 86%. Furthermore, we noticed several inconsistencies in the data construction process of these benchmarks, and where there is no train-test leakage, the focus is on interactions between narrower entity types. This work presents a more accurate benchmark MedDistant19 for broad-coverage distantly supervised biomedical relation extraction that addresses these shortcomings and is obtained by aligning the MEDLINE abstracts with the widely used SNOMED Clinical Terms knowledge base. Lacking thorough evaluation with domain-specific language models, we also conduct experiments validating general domain relation extraction findings to biomedical relation extraction.

Few-Shot Cross-lingual Transfer for Coarse-grained De-identification of Code-Mixed Clinical Texts
Saadullah Amin | Noon Pokaratsiri Goldstein | Morgan Wixted | Alejandro Garcia-Rudolph | Catalina Martínez-Costa | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing

Despite the advances in digital healthcare systems offering curated structured knowledge, much of the critical information still lies in large volumes of unlabeled and unstructured clinical texts. These texts, which often contain protected health information (PHI), are exposed to information extraction tools for downstream applications, risking patient identification. Existing works in de-identification rely on using large-scale annotated corpora in English, which often are not suitable in real-world multilingual settings. Pre-trained language models (LM) have shown great potential for cross-lingual transfer in low-resource settings. In this work, we empirically show the few-shot cross-lingual transfer property of LMs for named entity recognition (NER) and apply it to solve a low-resource and real-world challenge of code-mixed (Spanish-Catalan) clinical notes de-identification in the stroke domain. We annotate a gold evaluation dataset to assess few-shot setting performance where we only use a few hundred labeled examples for training. Our model improves the zero-shot F1-score from 73.7% to 91.2% on the gold evaluation set when adapting Multilingual BERT (mBERT) (CITATION) from the MEDDOCAN (CITATION) corpus with our few-shot cross-lingual target corpus. When generalized to an out-of-sample test set, the best model achieves a human-evaluation F1-score of 97.2%.

Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Low-rank and Model-agnostic Representations
Ioannis Dikeoulias | Saadullah Amin | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

Temporal knowledge graph completion (TKGC) has become a popular approach for reasoning over the event and temporal knowledge graphs, targeting the completion of knowledge with accurate but missing information. In this context, tensor decomposition has successfully modeled interactions between entities and relations. Their effectiveness in static knowledge graph completion motivates us to introduce Time-LowFER, a family of parameter-efficient and time-aware extensions of the low-rank tensor factorization model LowFER. Noting several limitations in current approaches to represent time, we propose a cycle-aware time-encoding scheme for time features, which is model-agnostic and offers a more generalized representation of time. We implement our methods in a unified temporal knowledge graph embedding framework, focusing on time-sensitive data processing. The experiments show that our proposed methods perform on par or better than the state-of-the-art semantic matching models on two benchmarks.


T2NER: Transformers based Transfer Learning Framework for Named Entity Recognition
Saadullah Amin | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Recent advances in deep transformer models have achieved state-of-the-art in several natural language processing (NLP) tasks, whereas named entity recognition (NER) has traditionally benefited from long-short term memory (LSTM) networks. In this work, we present a Transformers based Transfer Learning framework for Named Entity Recognition (T2NER) created in PyTorch for the task of NER with deep transformer models. The framework is built upon the Transformers library as the core modeling engine and supports several transfer learning scenarios from sequential transfer to domain adaptation, multi-task learning, and semi-supervised learning. It aims to bridge the gap between the algorithmic advances in these areas by combining them with the state-of-the-art in transformer models to provide a unified platform that is readily extensible and can be used for both the transfer learning research in NER, and for real-world applications. The framework is available at: https://github.com/suamin/t2ner.

AutoEQA: Auto-Encoding Questions for Extractive Question Answering
Stalin Varanasi | Saadullah Amin | Guenter Neumann
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

There has been a significant progress in the field of Extractive Question Answering (EQA) in the recent years. However, most of them are reliant on annotations of answer-spans in the corresponding passages. In this work, we address the problem of EQA when no annotations are present for the answer span, i.e., when the dataset contains only questions and corresponding passages. Our method is based on auto-encoding of the question that performs a question answering task during encoding and a question generation task during decoding. We show that our method performs well in a zero-shot setting and can provide an additional loss to boost performance for EQA.


Wikinflection Corpus: A (Better) Multilingual, Morpheme-Annotated Inflectional Corpus
Eleni Metheniti | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Multilingual, inflectional corpora are a scarce resource in the NLP community, especially corpora with annotated morpheme boundaries. We are evaluating a generated, multilingual inflectional corpus with morpheme boundaries, generated from the English Wiktionary (Metheniti and Neumann, 2018), against the largest, multilingual, high-quality inflectional corpus of the UniMorph project (Kirov et al., 2018). We confirm that the generated Wikinflection corpus is not of such quality as UniMorph, but we were able to extract a significant amount of words from the intersection of the two corpora. Our Wikinflection corpus benefits from the morpheme segmentations of Wiktionary/Wikinflection and from the manually-evaluated morphological feature tags of the UniMorph project, and has 216K lemmas and 5.4M word forms, in a total of 68 languages.

CopyBERT: A Unified Approach to Question Generation with Self-Attention
Stalin Varanasi | Saadullah Amin | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Conversational AI

Contextualized word embeddings provide better initialization for neural networks that deal with various natural language understanding (NLU) tasks including Question Answering (QA) and more recently, Question Generation(QG). Apart from providing meaningful word representations, pre-trained transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017), such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) also provide self-attentions which encode syntactic information that can be probed for dependency parsing (Hewitt and Manning, 2019) and POStagging (Coenen et al., 2019). In this paper, we show that the information from selfattentions of BERT are useful for language modeling of questions conditioned on paragraph and answer phrases. To control the attention span, we use semi-diagonal mask and utilize a shared model for encoding and decoding, unlike sequence-to-sequence. We further employ copy-mechanism over self-attentions to acheive state-of-the-art results for Question Generation on SQuAD v1.1 (Rajpurkar et al., 2016).

A Data-driven Approach for Noise Reduction in Distantly Supervised Biomedical Relation Extraction
Saadullah Amin | Katherine Ann Dunfield | Anna Vechkaeva | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 19th SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing

Fact triples are a common form of structured knowledge used within the biomedical domain. As the amount of unstructured scientific texts continues to grow, manual annotation of these texts for the task of relation extraction becomes increasingly expensive. Distant supervision offers a viable approach to combat this by quickly producing large amounts of labeled, but considerably noisy, data. We aim to reduce such noise by extending an entity-enriched relation classification BERT model to the problem of multiple instance learning, and defining a simple data encoding scheme that significantly reduces noise, reaching state-of-the-art performance for distantly-supervised biomedical relation extraction. Our approach further encodes knowledge about the direction of relation triples, allowing for increased focus on relation learning by reducing noise and alleviating the need for joint learning with knowledge graph completion.


DOMLIN at SemEval-2019 Task 8: Automated Fact Checking exploiting Ratings in Community Question Answering Forums
Dominik Stammbach | Stalin Varanasi | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In the following, we describe our system developed for the Semeval2019 Task 8. We fine-tuned a BERT checkpoint on the qatar living forum dump and used this checkpoint to train a number of models. Our hand-in for subtask A consists of a fine-tuned classifier from this BERT checkpoint. For subtask B, we first have a classifier deciding whether a comment is factual or non-factual. If it is factual, we retrieve intra-forum evidence and using this evidence, have a classifier deciding the comment’s veracity. We trained this classifier on ratings which we crawled from qatarliving.com

Identifying Grammar Rules for Language Education with Dependency Parsing in German
Eleni Metheniti | Pomi Park | Kristina Kolesova | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling, SyntaxFest 2019)

Team DOMLIN: Exploiting Evidence Enhancement for the FEVER Shared Task
Dominik Stammbach | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER)

This paper contains our system description for the second Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER) challenge. We propose a two-staged sentence selection strategy to account for examples in the dataset where evidence is not only conditioned on the claim, but also on previously retrieved evidence. We use a publicly available document retrieval module and have fine-tuned BERT checkpoints for sentence se- lection and as the entailment classifier. We report a FEVER score of 68.46% on the blind testset.


An Interactive Web-Interface for Visualizing the Inner Workings of the Question Answering LSTM
Ekaterina Loginova | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We present a visualisation tool which aims to illuminate the inner workings of an LSTM model for question answering. It plots heatmaps of neurons’ firings and allows a user to check the dependency between neurons and manual features. The system possesses an interactive web-interface and can be adapted to other models and domains.

How Robust Are Character-Based Word Embeddings in Tagging and MT Against Wrod Scramlbing or Randdm Nouse?
Georg Heigold | Stalin Varanasi | Günter Neumann | Josef van Genabith
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)

Code-Mixed Question Answering Challenge: Crowd-sourcing Data and Techniques
Khyathi Chandu | Ekaterina Loginova | Vishal Gupta | Josef van Genabith | Günter Neumann | Manoj Chinnakotla | Eric Nyberg | Alan W. Black
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching

Code-Mixing (CM) is the phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages which is prevalent in bi- and multi-lingual communities. Most NLP applications today are still designed with the assumption of a single interaction language and are most likely to break given a CM utterance with multiple languages mixed at a morphological, phrase or sentence level. For example, popular commercial search engines do not yet fully understand the intents expressed in CM queries. As a first step towards fostering research which supports CM in NLP applications, we systematically crowd-sourced and curated an evaluation dataset for factoid question answering in three CM languages - Hinglish (Hindi+English), Tenglish (Telugu+English) and Tamlish (Tamil+English) which belong to two language families (Indo-Aryan and Dravidian). We share the details of our data collection process, techniques which were used to avoid inducing lexical bias amongst the crowd workers and other CM specific linguistic properties of the dataset. Our final dataset, which is available freely for research purposes, has 1,694 Hinglish, 2,848 Tamlish and 1,391 Tenglish factoid questions and their answers. We discuss the techniques used by the participants for the first edition of this ongoing challenge.

LightRel at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Lightweight and Fast Relation Classification
Tyler Renslow | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present LightRel, a lightweight and fast relation classifier. Our goal is to develop a high baseline for different relation extraction tasks. By defining only very few data-internal, word-level features and external knowledge sources in the form of word clusters and word embeddings, we train a fast and simple linear classifier


An Extensive Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Morphological Tagging for 14 Languages
Georg Heigold | Guenter Neumann | Josef van Genabith
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers

This paper investigates neural character-based morphological tagging for languages with complex morphology and large tag sets. Character-based approaches are attractive as they can handle rarely- and unseen words gracefully. We evaluate on 14 languages and observe consistent gains over a state-of-the-art morphological tagger across all languages except for English and French, where we match the state-of-the-art. We compare two architectures for computing character-based word vectors using recurrent (RNN) and convolutional (CNN) nets. We show that the CNN based approach performs slightly worse and less consistently than the RNN based approach. Small but systematic gains are observed when combining the two architectures by ensembling.


An analysis of textual inference in German customer emails
Kathrin Eichler | Aleksandra Gabryszak | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Third Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2014)

The Excitement Open Platform for Textual Inferences
Bernardo Magnini | Roberto Zanoli | Ido Dagan | Kathrin Eichler | Guenter Neumann | Tae-Gil Noh | Sebastian Pado | Asher Stern | Omer Levy
Proceedings of 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations


Design and Realization of the EXCITEMENT Open Platform for Textual Entailment
Günter Neumann | Sebastian Padó
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing. Textual Inference and Structures in Corpora

Bridges Across the Language Divide — EU-BRIDGE Excitement: Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual EntailMENT
Ido Dagan | Bernardo Magnini | Guenter Neumann | Sebastian Pado
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: European projects

Excitement: Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual EntailMENT
Ido Dagan | Bernardo Magnini | Guenter Neumann | Sebastian Pado
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: European projects

Exploiting User Search Sessions for the Semantic Categorization of Question-like Informational Search Queries
Alejandro Figueroa | Guenter Neumann
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing


An Adaptive Framework for Named Entity Combination
Bogdan Sacaleanu | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

We have developed a new OSGi-based platform for Named Entity Recognition (NER) which uses a voting strategy to combine the results produced by several existing NER systems (currently OpenNLP, LingPipe and Stanford). The different NER systems have been systematically decomposed and modularized into the same pipeline of preprocessing components in order to support a flexible selection and ordering of the NER processing flow. This high modular and component-based design supports the possibility to setup different constellations of chained processing steps including alternative voting strategies for combining the results of parallel running components.

Parsing Hindi with MDParser
Alexander Volokh | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian Languages

ARNE - A tool for Namend Entity Recognition from Arabic Text
Carolin Shihadeh | Günter Neumann
Fourth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic-Script-based Languages

In this paper, we study the problem of finding named entities in the Arabic text. For this task we present the development of our pipeline software for Arabic named entity recognition (ARNE), which includes tokenization, morphological analysis, Buckwalter transliteration, part of speech tagging and named entity recognition of person, location and organisation named entities. In our first attempt to recognize named entites, we have used a simple, fast and language independent gazetteer lookup approach. In our second attempt, we have used the morphological analysis provided by our pipeline to remove affixes and observed hence an improvement in our performance. The pipeline presented in this paper, can be used in future as a basis for a named entity recognition system that recognized named entites not only using gazetteers, but also making use of morphological information and part of speech tagging.


Automatic Detection and Correction of Errors in Dependency Treebanks
Alexander Volokh | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content
Günter Neumann | Sven Schmeier
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations


DFKI KeyWE: Ranking Keyphrases Extracted from Scientific Articles
Kathrin Eichler | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

372:Comparing the Benefit of Different Dependency Parsers for Textual Entailment Using Syntactic Constraints Only
Alexander Volokh | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation


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Unsupervised Relation Extraction From Web Documents
Kathrin Eichler | Holmer Hemsen | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

The IDEX system is a prototype of an interactive dynamic Information Extraction (IE) system. A user of the system expresses an information request in the form of a topic description, which is used for an initial search in order to retrieve a relevant set of documents. On basis of this set of documents, unsupervised relation extraction and clustering is done by the system. The results of these operations can then be interactively inspected by the user. In this paper we describe the relation extraction and clustering components of the IDEX system. Preliminary evaluation results of these components are presented and an overview is given of possible enhancements to improve the relation extraction and clustering components.

The QALL-ME Benchmark: a Multilingual Resource of Annotated Spoken Requests for Question Answering
Elena Cabrio | Milen Kouylekov | Bernardo Magnini | Matteo Negri | Laura Hasler | Constantin Orasan | David Tomás | Jose Luis Vicedo | Guenter Neumann | Corinna Weber
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

This paper presents the QALL-ME benchmark, a multilingual resource of annotated spoken requests in the tourism domain, freely available for research purposes. The languages currently involved in the project are Italian, English, Spanish and German. It introduces a semantic annotation scheme for spoken information access requests, specifically derived from Question Answering (QA) research. In addition to pragmatic and semantic annotations, we propose three QA-based annotation levels: the Expected Answer Type, the Expected Answer Quantifier and the Question Topical Target of a request, to fully capture the content of a request and extract the sought-after information. The QALL-ME benchmark is developed under the EU-FP6 QALL-ME project which aims at the realization of a shared and distributed infrastructure for Question Answering (QA) systems on mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones). Questions are formulated by the users in free natural language input, and the system returns the actual sequence of words which constitutes the answer from a collection of information sources (e.g. documents, databases). Within this framework, the benchmark has the twofold purpose of training machine learning based applications for QA, and testing their actual performance with a rapid turnaround in controlled laboratory setting.

A Puristic Approach for Joint Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling
Alexander Volokh | Günter Neumann
CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning


DFKI2: An Information Extraction Based Approach to People Disambiguation
Andrea Heyl | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007)

Recognizing Textual Entailment Using Sentence Similarity based on Dependency Tree Skeletons
Rui Wang | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing


Exploring HPSG-based Treebanks for Probabilistic Parsing HPSG grammar extraction
Günter Neumann | Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

We describe a method for the automatic extraction of a Stochastic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammar from a linguistically rich HPSG Treebank. The extraction method is strongly guided by HPSG-based head and argument decomposition rules. The tree anchors correspond to lexical labels encoding fine-grained information. The approach has been tested with a German corpus achieving a labeled recall of 77.33% and labeled precision of 78.27%, which is competitive to recent results reported for German parsing using the Negra Treebank.

Cross-Cutting Aspects of Cross-Language Question Answering Systems
Bogdan Sacaleanu | Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Question Answering - MLQA ‘06


An Integrated Archictecture for Shallow and Deep Processing
Berthold Crysmann | Anette Frank | Bernd Kiefer | Stefan Mueller | Guenter Neumann | Jakub Piskorski | Ulrich Schaefer | Melanie Siegel | Hans Uszkoreit | Feiyu Xu | Markus Becker | Hans-Ulrich Krieger
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


A Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Shallow Parsing of German Free Texts
Gunter Neumann | Christian Braun | Jakub Piskorski
Sixth Applied Natural Language Processing Conference


Automatic extraction of stochastic lexicalized tree grammars from treebanks
Günter Neumann
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)


Applying Explanation-based Learning to Control and Speeding-up Natural Language Generation
Gunter Neumann
35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

An Information Extraction Core System for Real World German Text Processing
Gunter Neumann | Rolf Backofen | Judith Baur | Markus Becker | Christian Braun
Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing


DISCO-An HPSG-based NLP System and its Application for Appointment Scheduling Project Note
Hans Uszkoreit | Rolf Backofen | Stephan Busemann | Abdel Kader Diagne | Elizabeth A. Hinkelman | Walter Kasper | Bernd Kiefer | Hans-Ulrich Krieger | Klaus Netter | Gunter Neumann | Stephan Oepen | Stephen P. Spackman
COLING 1994 Volume 1: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics


Self-Monitoring with Reversible Grammars
Gunter Neumann | Gertjan van Noord
COLING 1992 Volume 2: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics


A Bidirectional Model for Natural Language Processing
Gunter Neumann
Fifth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Reversibility and Modularity in Natural Language Generation
Gunter Neumann
Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing


A Head-Driven Approach to Incremental and Parallel Generation of Syntactic Structures
Gunter Neumann | Wolfgang Finkler
COLING 1990 Volume 2: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
