George Leung
Entity Contrastive Learning in a Large-Scale Virtual Assistant System
Jonathan Rubin
Jason Crowley
George Leung
Morteza Ziyadi
Maria Minakova
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Industry Track)
Conversational agents are typically made up of domain (DC) and intent classifiers (IC) that identify the general subject an utterance belongs to and the specific action a user wishes to achieve. In addition, named entity recognition (NER) performs per token labeling to identify specific entities of interest in a spoken utterance. We investigate improving joint IC and NER models using entity contrastive learning that attempts to cluster similar entities together in a learned representation space. We compare a full virtual assistant system trained using entity contrastive learning to a production baseline system that does not use contrastive learning. We present both offline results, using retrospective test sets, as well as live online results from an A/B test that compared the two systems. In both the offline and online settings, entity contrastive training improved overall performance against production baselines. Furthermore, we provide a detailed analysis of learned entity embeddings, including both qualitative analysis via dimensionality-reduced visualizations and quantitative analysis by computing alignment and uniformity metrics. We show that entity contrastive learning improves alignment metrics and produces well-formed embedding clusters in representation space.
Efficient Semi-supervised Consistency Training for Natural Language Understanding
George Leung
Joshua Tan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Track
Manually labeled training data is expensive, noisy, and often scarce, such as when developing new features or localizing existing features for a new region. In cases where labeled data is limited but unlabeled data is abundant, semi-supervised learning methods such as consistency training can be used to improve model performance, by training models to output consistent predictions between original and augmented versions of unlabeled data. In this work, we explore different data augmentation methods for consistency training (CT) on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) domain classification (DC) in the limited labeled data regime. We explore three types of augmentation techniques (human paraphrasing, back-translation, and dropout) for unlabeled data and train DC models to jointly minimize both the supervised loss and the consistency loss on unlabeled data. Our results demonstrate that DC models trained with CT methods and dropout based augmentation on only 0.1% (2,998 instances) of labeled data with the remainder as unlabeled can achieve a top-1 relative accuracy reduction of 12.25% compared to fully supervised model trained with 100% of labeled data, outperforming fully supervised models trained on 10x that amount of labeled data. The dropout-based augmentation achieves similar performance compare to back-translation based augmentation with much less computational resources. This paves the way for applications of using large scale unlabeled data for semi-supervised learning in production NLU systems.