Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop Associated with RANLP 2019

Venelin Kovatchev, Irina Temnikova, Branislava Šandrih, Ivelina Nikolova (Editors)

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Varna, Bulgaria
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Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop Associated with RANLP 2019
Venelin Kovatchev | Irina Temnikova | Branislava Šandrih | Ivelina Nikolova

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Normalization of Kazakh Texts
Assina Abdussaitova | Alina Amangeldiyeva

Kazakh language, like other agglutinative languages, has specific difficulties on both recognition of wrong words and generation the corrections for misspelt words. The main goal of this work is to develop a better algorithm for the normalization of Kazakh texts based on traditional and Machine Learning methods, as well as the new approach which is also considered in this paper. The procedure of election among methods of normalization has been conducted in a manner of comparative analysis. The results of the comparative analysis turned up successful and are shown in details.

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Classification Approaches to Identify Informative Tweets
Piush Aggarwal

Social media platforms have become prime forums for reporting news, with users sharing what they saw, heard or read on social media. News from social media is potentially useful for various stakeholders including aid organizations, news agencies, and individuals. However, social media also contains a vast amount of non-news content. For users to be able to draw on benefits from news reported on social media it is necessary to reliably identify news content and differentiate it from non-news. In this paper, we tackle the challenge of classifying a social post as news or not. To this end, we provide a new manually annotated dataset containing 2,992 tweets from 5 different topical categories. Unlike earlier datasets, it includes postings posted by personal users who do not promote a business or a product and are not affiliated with any organization. We also investigate various baseline systems and evaluate their performance on the newly generated dataset. Our results show that the best classifiers are the SVM and BERT models.

Dialect-Specific Models for Automatic Speech Recognition of African American Vernacular English
Rachel Dorn

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a widely-spoken dialect of English, yet it is under-represented in major speech corpora. As a result, speakers of this dialect are often misunderstood by NLP applications. This study explores the effect on transcription accuracy of an automatic voice recognition system when AAVE data is used. Models trained on AAVE data and on Standard American English data were compared to a baseline model trained on a combination of the two dialects. The accuracy for both dialect-specific models was significantly higher than the baseline model, with the AAVE model showing over 18% improvement. By isolating the effect of having AAVE speakers in the training data, this study highlights the importance of increasing diversity in the field of natural language processing.

Multilingual Language Models for Named Entity Recognition in German and English
Antonia Baumann

We assess the language specificity of recent language models by exploring the potential of a multilingual language model. In particular, we evaluate Google’s multilingual BERT (mBERT) model on Named Entity Recognition (NER) in German and English. We expand the work on language model fine-tuning by Howard and Ruder (2018), applying it to the BERT architecture. We successfully reproduce the NER results published by Devlin et al. (2019).Our results show that the multilingual language model generalises well for NER in the chosen languages, matching the native model in English and comparing well with recent approaches for German. However, it does not benefit from the added fine-tuning methods.

Parts of Speech Tagging for Kannada
Swaroop L R | Rakshith Gowda G S | Sourabh U | Shriram Hegde

Parts of speech (POS) tagging is the process of assigning the part of speech tag to each and every word in a sentence. In this paper, we have presented POS tagger for Kannada, a low resource south Asian language, using Condition Random Fields. POS tagger developed in the work uses novel features native to Kannada language. The novel features include Sandhi splitting, where a compound word is broken down into two or more meaningful constituent words. The proposed model is trained and tested on the tagged dataset which contains 21 thousand sentences and achieves a highest accuracy of 94.56%.

Cross-Lingual Coreference: The Case of Bulgarian and English
Zara Kancheva

The paper presents several common approaches towards cross- and multi-lingual coreference resolution in a search of the most effective practices to be applied within the work on Bulgarian-English manual coreference annotation of a short story. The work aims at outlining the typology of the differences in the annotated parallel texts. The results of the research prove to be comparable with the tendencies observed in similar works on other Slavic languages and show surprising differences between the types of markables and their frequency in Bulgarian and English.

Towards Accurate Text Verbalization for ASR Based on Audio Alignment
Diana Geneva | Georgi Shopov

Verbalization of non-lexical linguistic units plays an important role in language modeling for automatic speech recognition systems. Most verbalization methods require valuable resources such as ground truth, large training corpus and expert knowledge which are often unavailable. On the other hand a considerable amount of audio data along with its transcribed text are freely available on the Internet and could be utilized for the task of verbalization. This paper presents a methodology for accurate verbalization of audio transcriptions based on phone-level alignment between the transcriptions and their corresponding audio recordings. Comparing this approach to a more general rule-based verbalization method shows a significant improvement in ASR recognition of non-lexical units. In the process of evaluating this approach we also expose the indirect influence of verbalization accuracy on the quality of acoustic models trained on automatically derived speech corpora.

Evaluation of Stacked Embeddings for Bulgarian on the Downstream Tasks POS and NERC
Iva Marinova

This paper reports on experiments with different stacks of word embeddings and evaluation of their usefulness for Bulgarian downstream tasks such as Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) and Part-of-speech (POS) Tagging. Word embeddings stay in the core of the development of NLP, with several key language models being created over the last two years like FastText (CITATION), ElMo (CITATION), BERT (CITATION) and Flair (CITATION). Stacking or combining different word embeddings is another technique used in this paper and still not reported for Bulgarian NERC. Well-established architecture is used for the sequence tagging task such as BI-LSTM-CRF, and different pre-trained language models are combined in the embedding layer to decide which combination of them scores better.

Overview on NLP Techniques for Content-based Recommender Systems for Books
Melania Berbatova

Recommender systems are an essential part of today’s largest websites. Without them, it would be hard for users to find the right products and content. One of the most popular methods for recommendations is content-based filtering. It relies on analysing product metadata, a great part of which is textual data. Despite their frequent use, there is still no standard procedure for developing and evaluating content-based recommenders. In this paper, we will first examine current approaches for designing, training and evaluating recommender systems based on textual data for books recommendations for GoodReads’ website. We will give critiques on existing methods and suggest how natural language techniques can be employed for the improvement of content-based recommenders.

Corpora and Processing Tools for Non-standard Contemporary and Diachronic Balkan Slavic
Teodora Vukovic | Nora Muheim | Olivier Winistörfer | Ivan Šimko | Anastasia Makarova | Sanja Bradjan

The paper describes three corpora of different varieties of BS that are currently being developed with the goal of providing data for the analysis of the diatopic and diachronic variation in non-standard Balkan Slavic. The corpora includes spoken materials from Torlak, Macedonian dialects, as well as the manuscripts of pre-standardized Bulgarian. Apart from the texts, tools for PoS annotation and lemmatization for all varieties are being created, as well as syntactic parsing for Torlak and Bulgarian varieties. The corpora are built using a unified methodology, relying on the pest practices and state-of-the-art methods from the field. The uniform methodology allows the contrastive analysis of the data from different varieties. The corpora under construction can be considered a crucial contribution to the linguistic research on the languages in the Balkans as they provide the lacking data needed for the studies of linguistic variation in the Balkan Slavic, and enable the comparison of the said varieties with other neighbouring languages.

Question Answering Systems Approaches and Challenges
Reem Alqifari

Question answering (QA) systems permit the user to ask a question using natural language, and the system provides a concise and correct answer. QA systems can be implemented for different types of datasets, structured or unstructured. In this paper, some of the recent studies will be reviewed and the limitations will be discussed. Consequently, the current issues are analyzed with the proposed solutions.

Adding Linguistic Knowledge to NLP Tasks for Bulgarian: The Verb Paradigm Patterns
Ivaylo Radev

This paper discusses some possible usages of one unexplored lexical language resource containing Bulgarian verb paradigms and their English translations. This type of data can be used for machine translation, generation of pseudo corpora/language exercises, and evaluation of parsers. Upon completion, the resource will be linked with other existing resources such as the morphological lexicon, valency lexicon, as well as BTB-WordNet.

Multilingual Complex Word Identification: Convolutional Neural Networks with Morphological and Linguistic Features
Kim Cheng Sheang

The paper is about our experiments with Complex Word Identification system using deep learning approach with word embeddings and engineered features.

Neural Network-based Models with Commonsense Knowledge for Machine Reading Comprehension
Denis Smirnov

State-of-the-art machine reading comprehension models are capable of producing answers for factual questions about a given piece of text. However, some type of questions requires commonsense knowledge which cannot be inferred from the given text passage. Thus, external semantic information could enhance the performance of these models. This PhD research proposal provides a brief overview of some existing machine reading comprehension datasets and models and outlines possible ways of their improvement.