Yun Zhu


Cluster Language Model for Improved E-Commerce Retrieval and Ranking: Leveraging Query Similarity and Fine-Tuning for Personalized Results
Duleep Rathgamage Don | Ying Xie | Le Yu | Simon Hughes | Yun Zhu
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP @ LREC-COLING 2024

This paper proposes a novel method to improve the accuracy of product search in e-commerce by utilizing a cluster language model. The method aims to address the limitations of the bi-encoder architecture while maintaining a minimal additional training burden. The approach involves labeling top products for each query, generating semantically similar query clusters using the K-Means clustering algorithm, and fine-tuning a global language model into cluster language models on individual clusters. The parameters of each cluster language model are fine-tuned to learn local manifolds in the feature space efficiently, capturing the nuances of various query types within each cluster. The inference is performed by assigning a new query to its respective cluster and utilizing the corresponding cluster language model for retrieval. The proposed method results in more accurate and personalized retrieval results, offering a superior alternative to the popular bi-encoder based retrieval models in semantic search.


An Efficient Conversational Smart Compose System
Yun Zhu | Xiayu Chen | Lei Shu | Bowen Tan | Xinying Song | Lijuan Liu | Maria Wang | Jindong Chen | Ning Ruan
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

Online conversation is a ubiquitous way to share information and connect everyone but repetitive idiomatic text typing takes users a lot of time. This paper demonstrates a simple yet effective cloud based smart compose system to improve human-to-human conversation efficiency. Heuristics from different perspectives are designed to achieve the best trade-off between quality and latency. From the modeling side, the decoder-only model exploited the previous turns of conversational history in a computation lightweight manner. Besides, a novel phrase tokenizer is proposed to reduce latency without losing the composing quality further. Additionally, the caching mechanism is applied to the serving framework. The demo video of the system is available at open-sourced our phrase tokenizer in


A hybrid system for Chinese-English patent machine translation
Hongzheng Li | Kai Zhao | Renfen Hu | Yun Zhu | Yaohong Jin
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Patent and Scientific Literature Translation


Local Phrase Reordering Model for Chinese-English Patent Machine Translation
Xiaodie Liu | Yun Zhu | Yaohong Jin
Proceedings of the Third CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing