Tariq Yousef


Development of Robust NER Models and Named Entity Tagsets for Ancient Greek
Chiara Palladino | Tariq Yousef
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024

This contribution presents a novel approach to the development and evaluation of transformer-based models for Named Entity Recognition and Classification in Ancient Greek texts. We trained two models with annotated datasets by consolidating potentially ambiguous entity types under a harmonized set of classes. Then, we tested their performance with out-of-domain texts, reproducing a real-world use case. Both models performed very well under these conditions, with the multilingual model being slightly superior on the monolingual one. In the conclusion, we emphasize current limitations due to the scarcity of high-quality annotated corpora and to the lack of cohesive annotation strategies for ancient languages.


EVALIGN: Visual Evaluation of Translation Alignment Models
Tariq Yousef | Gerhard Heyer | Stefan Jänicke
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

This paper presents EvAlign, a visual analytics framework for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of automatic translation alignment models. EvAlign offers various visualization views enabling developers to visualize their models’ predictions and compare the performance of their models with other baseline and state-of-the-art models. Through different search and filter functions, researchers and practitioners can also inspect the frequent alignment errors and their positions. EvAlign hosts nine gold standard datasets and the predictions of multiple alignment models. The tool is extendable, and adding additional datasets and models is straightforward. EvAlign can be deployed and used locally and is available on GitHub.

Named Entity Annotation Projection Applied to Classical Languages
Tariq Yousef | Chiara Palladino | Gerhard Heyer | Stefan Jänicke
Proceedings of the 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

In this study, we demonstrate how to apply cross-lingual annotation projection to transfer named-entity annotations to classical languages for which limited or no resources and annotated texts are available, aiming to enrich their NER training datasets and train a model to perform NER tagging. Our method uses sentence-level aligned parallel corpora ancient texts and the translation in a modern language, for which high-quality off-the-shelf NER systems are available. We automatically annotate the text of the modern language and employ a state-of-the-art neural word alignment system to find translation equivalents. Finally, we transfer the annotations to the corresponding tokens in the ancient texts using a direct projection heuristic. We applied our method to ancient Greek, Latin, and Arabic using the Bible with the English translation as a parallel corpus. We used the resulting annotations to enhance the performance of an existing NER model for ancient Greek

Enhancing State-of-the-Art NLP Models for Classical Arabic
Tariq Yousef | Lisa Mischer | Hamid Reza Hakimi | Maxim Romanov
Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop

Classical Arabic, like all other historical languages, lacks adequate training datasets and accurate “off-the-shelf” models that can be directly employed in the processing pipelines. In this paper, we present our in-progress work in developing and training deep learning models tailored for handling diverse tasks relevant to classical Arabic texts. Specifically, we focus on Named Entities Recognition, person relationships classification, toponym sub-classification, onomastic section boundaries detection, onomastic entities classification, as well as date recognition and classification. Our work aims to address the challenges associated with these tasks and provide effective solutions for analyzing classical Arabic texts. Although this work is still in progress, the preliminary results reported in the paper indicate excellent to satisfactory performance of the fine-tuned models, effectively meeting the intended goal for which they were trained.

Classical Philology in the Time of AI: Exploring the Potential of Parallel Corpora in Ancient Language
Tariq Yousef | Chiara Palladino | Farnoosh Shamsian
Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop

This paper provides an overview of diverse applications of parallel corpora in ancient languages, particularly Ancient Greek. In the first part, we provide the fundamental principles of parallel corpora and a short overview of their applications in the study of ancient texts. In the second part, we illustrate how to leverage on parallel corpora to perform various NLP tasks, including automatic translation alignment, dynamic lexica induction, and Named Entity Recognition. In the conclusions, we emphasize current limitations and future work.


An automatic model and Gold Standard for translation alignment of Ancient Greek
Tariq Yousef | Chiara Palladino | Farnoosh Shamsian | Anise d’Orange Ferreira | Michel Ferreira dos Reis
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This paper illustrates a workflow for developing and evaluating automatic translation alignment models for Ancient Greek. We designed an annotation Style Guide and a gold standard for the alignment of Ancient Greek-English and Ancient Greek-Portuguese, measured inter-annotator agreement and used the resulting dataset to evaluate the performance of various translation alignment models. We proposed a fine-tuning strategy that employs unsupervised training with mono- and bilingual texts and supervised training using manually aligned sentences. The results indicate that the fine-tuned model based on XLM-Roberta is superior in performance, and it achieved good results on language pairs that were not part of the training data.

Automatic Translation Alignment for Ancient Greek and Latin
Tariq Yousef | Chiara Palladino | David J. Wright | Monica Berti
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages

This paper presents the results of automatic translation alignment experiments on a corpus of texts in Ancient Greek translated into Latin. We used a state-of-the-art alignment workflow based on a contextualized multilingual language model that is fine-tuned on the alignment task for Ancient Greek and Latin. The performance of the alignment model is evaluated on an alignment gold standard consisting of 100 parallel fragments aligned manually by two domain experts, with a 90.5% Inter-Annotator-Agreement (IAA). An interactive online interface is provided to enable users to explore the aligned fragments collection and examine the alignment model’s output.


Press Freedom Monitor: Detection of Reported Press and Media Freedom Violations in Twitter and News Articles
Tariq Yousef | Antje Schlaf | Janos Borst | Andreas Niekler | Gerhard Heyer
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Freedom of the press and media is of vital importance for democratically organised states and open societies. We introduce the Press Freedom Monitor, a tool that aims to detect reported press and media freedom violations in news articles and tweets. It is used by press and media freedom organisations to support their daily monitoring and to trigger rapid response actions. The Press Freedom Monitor enables the monitoring experts to get a fast overview over recently reported incidents and it has shown an impressive performance in this regard. This paper presents our work on the tool, starting with the training phase, which comprises defining the topic-related keywords to be used for querying APIs for news and Twitter content and evaluating different machine learning models based on a training dataset specifically created for our use case. Then, we describe the components of the production pipeline, including data gathering, duplicates removal, country mapping, case mapping and the user interface. We also conducted a usability study to evaluate the effectiveness of the user interface, and describe improvement plans for future work.

Summary Explorer: Visualizing the State of the Art in Text Summarization
Shahbaz Syed | Tariq Yousef | Khalid Al Khatib | Stefan Jänicke | Martin Potthast
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

This paper introduces Summary Explorer, a new tool to support the manual inspection of text summarization systems by compiling the outputs of 55 state-of-the-art single document summarization approaches on three benchmark datasets, and visually exploring them during a qualitative assessment. The underlying design of the tool considers three well-known summary quality criteria (coverage, faithfulness, and position bias), encapsulated in a guided assessment based on tailored visualizations. The tool complements existing approaches for locally debugging summarization models and improves upon them. The tool is available at https://tldr.webis.de/


Ancient Greek WordNet Meets the Dynamic Lexicon: the Example of the Fragments of the Greek Historians
Monica Berti | Yuri Bizzoni | Federico Boschetti | Gregory R. Crane | Riccardo Del Gratta | Tariq Yousef
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference (GWC)

The Ancient Greek WordNet (AGWN) and the Dynamic Lexicon (DL) are multilingual resources to study the lexicon of Ancient Greek texts and their translations. Both AGWN and DL are works in progress that need accuracy improvement and manual validation. After a detailed description of the current state of each work, this paper illustrates a methodology to cross AGWN and DL data, in order to mutually score the items of each resource according to the evidence provided by the other resource. The training data is based on the corpus of the Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (DFHG), which includes ancient Greek texts with Latin translations.