Qiao Liu


Synergetic Interaction Network with Cross-task Attention for Joint Relational Triple Extraction
Da Luo | Run Lin | Qiao Liu | Yuxiang Cai | Xueyi Liu | Yanglei Gan | Rui Hou
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Joint entity-relation extraction remains a challenging task in information retrieval, given the intrinsic difficulty in modelling the interdependence between named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE) sub-tasks. Most existing joint extraction models encode entity and relation features in a sequential or parallel manner, allowing for limited one-way interaction. However, it is not yet clear how to capture the interdependence between these two sub-tasks in a synergistic and mutually reinforcing fashion. With this in mind, we propose a novel approach for joint entity-relation extraction, named Synergetic Interaction Network (SINET) which utilizes a cross-task attention mechanism to effectively leverage contextual associations between NER and RE. Specifically, we construct two sets of distinct token representations for NER and RE sub-tasks respectively. Then, both sets of unique representation interact with one another via a cross-task attention mechanism, which exploits associated contextual information produced by concerted efforts of both NER and RE. Experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed model achieves significantly better performance in joint entity-relation extraction. Moreover, extended analysis validates that the proposed mechanism can indeed leverage the semantic information produced by NER and RE sub-tasks to boost one another in a complementary way. The source code is available to the public online.


Aspect and Sentiment Aware Abstractive Review Summarization
Min Yang | Qiang Qu | Ying Shen | Qiao Liu | Wei Zhao | Jia Zhu
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Review text has been widely studied in traditional tasks such as sentiment analysis and aspect extraction. However, to date, no work is towards the abstractive review summarization that is essential for business organizations and individual consumers to make informed decisions. This work takes the lead to study the aspect/sentiment-aware abstractive review summarization by exploring multi-factor attentions. Specifically, we propose an interactive attention mechanism to interactively learns the representations of context words, sentiment words and aspect words within the reviews, acted as an encoder. The learned sentiment and aspect representations are incorporated into the decoder to generate aspect/sentiment-aware review summaries via an attention fusion network. In addition, the abstractive summarizer is jointly trained with the text categorization task, which helps learn a category-specific text encoder, locating salient aspect information and exploring the variations of style and wording of content with respect to different text categories. The experimental results on a real-life dataset demonstrate that our model achieves impressive results compared to other strong competitors.