Qi Bai


Improving Multi-view Document Clustering: Leveraging Multi-structure Processor and Hybrid Ensemble Clustering Module
Ruina Bai | Qi Bai
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

We introduce a multi-view document clustering model called DMsECN (Deep Multi-structure Ensemble Clustering Network), comprising a multi-structure processor and a hybrid ensemble clustering module. Unlike existing models, DMsECN distinguishes itself by creating a consensus structure from multiple clustering structures. The multi-structure processor comprises two stages, each contributing to the extraction of clustering structures that preserve both consistency and complementarity across multiple views. Representation learning extracts both view and view-fused representations from multi-views through the use of contrastive learning. Subsequently, multi-structure learning employs distinct view clustering guidance to generate the corresponding clustering structures. The hybrid ensemble clustering module merges two ensemble methods to amalgamate multiple structures, producing a consensus structure that guarantees both the separability and compactness of clusters within the clustering results. The attention-based ensemble primarily concentrates on learning the contribution weights of diverse clustering structures, while the similarity-based ensemble employs cluster assignment similarity and cluster classification dissimilarity to guide the refinement of the consensus structure. Experimental results demonstrate that DMsECN outperforms other models, achieving new state-of-the-art results on four multi-view document clustering datasets.