Marcio Inácio


Exploring Multimodal Models for Humor Recognition in Portuguese
Marcio Inácio | Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 1


What do Humor Classifiers Learn? An Attempt to Explain Humor Recognition Models
Marcio Inácio | Gabriela Wick-pedro | Hugo Goncalo Oliveira
Proceedings of the 7th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

Towards computational systems capable of dealing with complex and general linguistic phenomena, it is essential to understand figurative language, which verbal humor is an instance of. This paper reports state-of-the-art results for Humor Recognition in Portuguese, specifically, an F1-score of 99.64% with a BERT-based classifier. However, following the surprising high performance in such a challenging task, we further analyzed what was actually learned by the classifiers. Our main conclusions were that classifiers based on content-features achieve the best performance, but rely mostly on stylistic aspects of the text, not necessarily related to humor, such as punctuation and question words. On the other hand, for humor-related features, we identified some important aspects, such as the presence of named entities, ambiguity and incongruity.


Semantic-Based Opinion Summarization
Marcio Inácio | Thiago Pardo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

The amount of information available online can be overwhelming for users to digest, specially when dealing with other users’ comments when making a decision about buying a product or service. In this context, opinion summarization systems are of great value, extracting important information from the texts and presenting them to the user in a more understandable manner. It is also known that the usage of semantic representations can benefit the quality of the generated summaries. This paper aims at developing opinion summarization methods based on Abstract Meaning Representation of texts in the Brazilian Portuguese language. Four different methods have been investigated, alongside some literature approaches. The results show that a Machine Learning-based method produced summaries of higher quality, outperforming other literature techniques on manually constructed semantic graphs. We also show that using parsed graphs over manually annotated ones harmed the output. Finally, an analysis of how important different types of information are for the summarization process suggests that using Sentiment Analysis features did not improve summary quality.


NMT and PBSMT Error Analyses in English to Brazilian Portuguese Automatic Translations
Helena Caseli | Marcio Inácio
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Machine Translation (MT) is one of the most important natural language processing applications. Independently of the applied MT approach, a MT system automatically generates an equivalent version (in some target language) of an input sentence (in some source language). Recently, a new MT approach has been proposed: neural machine translation (NMT). NMT systems have already outperformed traditional phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT) systems for some pairs of languages. However, any MT approach outputs errors. In this work we present a comparative study of MT errors generated by a NMT system and a PBSMT system trained on the same English – Brazilian Portuguese parallel corpus. This is the first study of this kind involving NMT for Brazilian Portuguese. Furthermore, the analyses and conclusions presented here point out the specific problems of NMT outputs in relation to PBSMT ones and also give lots of insights into how to implement automatic post-editing for a NMT system. Finally, the corpora annotated with MT errors generated by both PBSMT and NMT systems are also available.