Lei Zeng


CLFFRD: Curriculum Learning and Fine-grained Fusion for Multimodal Rumor Detection
Fan Xu | Lei Zeng | Bowei Zou | Ai Ti Aw | Huan Rong
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

In an era where rumors can propagate rapidly across social media platforms such as Twitter and Weibo, automatic rumor detection has garnered considerable attention from both academia and industry. Existing multimodal rumor detection models often overlook the intricacies of sample difficulty, e.g., text-level difficulty, image-level difficulty, and multimodal-level difficulty, as well as their order when training. Inspired by the concept of curriculum learning, we propose the Curriculum Learning and Fine-grained Fusion-driven multimodal Rumor Detection (CLFFRD) framework, which employs curriculum learning to automatically select and train samples according to their difficulty at different training stages. Furthermore, we introduce a fine-grained fusion strategy that unifies entities from text and objects from images, enhancing their semantic cohesion. We also propose a novel data augmentation method that utilizes linear interpolation between textual and visual modalities to generate diverse data. Additionally, our approach incorporates deep fusion for both intra-modality (e.g., text entities and image objects) and inter-modality (e.g., CLIP and social graph) features. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that CLFFRD outperforms state-of-the-art models on both English and Chinese benchmark datasets for rumor detection in social media.

Global and Local Hierarchical Prompt Tuning Framework for Multi-level Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Lei Zeng | Ruifang He | Haowen Sun | Jing Xu | Chang Liu | Bo Wang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Multi-level implicit discourse relation recognition (MIDRR) is a challenging task to recognize the hierarchical discourse relations between the arguments with the absence of connectives. Recent methods tend to incorporate the static hierarchical structure containing all senses (defined as global hierarchy) into prompt tuning through a path prompt template or hierarchical label refining. Howerver, hierarchical modeling is independent of the verbalizer, resulting in a failure to effectively utilize the output probability distribution information of verbalizer. Besides, they ignore the utilization of the dynamic hierarchical label sequence for each instance (defined as local hierarchy) in prompt tuning. In this paper, we propose a global and local hierarchical prompt tuning (GLHPT) framework, which utilize prior knowledge of PLMs while better incorporating hierarchical information from two aspects. We leverage bottom-up propagated probability as the global hierarchy to inject it into multi-level verbalizer (MLV). Furthermore, we design a local hierarchy-driven contrastive learning (LHCL) to improve the probability distribution of MLV. Finally, our model achieves competitive results on two benchmacks.