Kosuke Yamada


Semantic Frame Induction with Deep Metric Learning
Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of contextualized word embeddings in unsupervised semantic frame induction. However, they have also revealed that generic contextualized embeddings are not always consistent with human intuitions about semantic frames, which causes unsatisfactory performance for frame induction based on contextualized embeddings. In this paper, we address supervised semantic frame induction, which assumes the existence of frame-annotated data for a subset of predicates in a corpus and aims to build a frame induction model that leverages the annotated data. We propose a model that uses deep metric learning to fine-tune a contextualized embedding model, and we apply the fine-tuned contextualized embeddings to perform semantic frame induction. Our experiments on FrameNet show that fine-tuning with deep metric learning considerably improves the clustering evaluation scores, namely, the B-cubed F-score and Purity F-score, by about 8 points or more. We also demonstrate that our approach is effective even when the number of training instances is small.

Acquiring Frame Element Knowledge with Deep Metric Learning for Semantic Frame Induction
Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The semantic frame induction tasks are defined as a clustering of words into the frames that they evoke, and a clustering of their arguments according to the frame element roles that they should fill. In this paper, we address the latter task of argument clustering, which aims to acquire frame element knowledge, and propose a method that applies deep metric learning. In this method, a pre-trained language model is fine-tuned to be suitable for distinguishing frame element roles through the use of frame-annotated data, and argument clustering is performed with embeddings obtained from the fine-tuned model. Experimental results on FrameNet demonstrate that our method achieves substantially better performance than existing methods.

Transformer-based Live Update Generation for Soccer Matches from Microblog Posts
Masashi Oshika | Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

It has been known to be difficult to generate adequate sports updates from a sequence of vast amounts of diverse live tweets, although the live sports viewing experience with tweets is gaining the popularity. In this paper, we focus on soccer matches and work on building a system to generate live updates for soccer matches from tweets so that users can instantly grasp a match’s progress and enjoy the excitement of the match from raw tweets. Our proposed system is based on a large pre-trained language model and incorporates a mechanism to control the number of updates and a mechanism to reduce the redundancy of duplicate and similar updates.

Building a Buzzer-quiz Answering System
Naoya Sugiura | Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda | Katsuhiko Toyama
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

A buzzer quiz is a genre of quiz in which multiple players simultaneously listen to a quiz being read aloud and respond it by buzzing in as soon as they can predict the answer. Because incorrect answers often result in penalties, a buzzer-quiz answering system must not only predict the answer from only part of a question but also estimate the predicted answer’s accuracy. In this paper, we introduce two types of buzzer-quiz answering systems: (1) a system that directly generates an answer from part of a question by using an autoregressive language model; and (2) a system that first reconstructs the entire question by using an autoregressive language model and then determines the answer according to the reconstructed question. We then propose a method to estimate the accuracy of the answers for each system by using the internal scores of each model.


Transformer-based Lexically Constrained Headline Generation
Kosuke Yamada | Yuta Hitomi | Hideaki Tamori | Ryohei Sasano | Naoaki Okazaki | Kentaro Inui | Koichi Takeda
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This paper explores a variant of automatic headline generation methods, where a generated headline is required to include a given phrase such as a company or a product name. Previous methods using Transformer-based models generate a headline including a given phrase by providing the encoder with additional information corresponding to the given phrase. However, these methods cannot always include the phrase in the generated headline. Inspired by previous RNN-based methods generating token sequences in backward and forward directions from the given phrase, we propose a simple Transformer-based method that guarantees to include the given phrase in the high-quality generated headline. We also consider a new headline generation strategy that takes advantage of the controllable generation order of Transformer. Our experiments with the Japanese News Corpus demonstrate that our methods, which are guaranteed to include the phrase in the generated headline, achieve ROUGE scores comparable to previous Transformer-based methods. We also show that our generation strategy performs better than previous strategies.

Semantic Frame Induction using Masked Word Embeddings and Two-Step Clustering
Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Recent studies on semantic frame induction show that relatively high performance has been achieved by using clustering-based methods with contextualized word embeddings. However, there are two potential drawbacks to these methods: one is that they focus too much on the superficial information of the frame-evoking verb and the other is that they tend to divide the instances of the same verb into too many different frame clusters. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose a semantic frame induction method using masked word embeddings and two-step clustering. Through experiments on the English FrameNet data, we demonstrate that using the masked word embeddings is effective for avoiding too much reliance on the surface information of frame-evoking verbs and that two-step clustering can improve the number of resulting frame clusters for the instances of the same verb.

Verb Sense Clustering using Contextualized Word Representations for Semantic Frame Induction
Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


Sequential Span Classification with Neural Semi-Markov CRFs for Biomedical Abstracts
Kosuke Yamada | Tsutomu Hirao | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda | Masaaki Nagata
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Dividing biomedical abstracts into several segments with rhetorical roles is essential for supporting researchers’ information access in the biomedical domain. Conventional methods have regarded the task as a sequence labeling task based on sequential sentence classification, i.e., they assign a rhetorical label to each sentence by considering the context in the abstract. However, these methods have a critical problem: they are prone to mislabel longer continuous sentences with the same rhetorical label. To tackle the problem, we propose sequential span classification that assigns a rhetorical label, not to a single sentence but to a span that consists of continuous sentences. Accordingly, we introduce Neural Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields to assign the labels to such spans by considering all possible spans of various lengths. Experimental results obtained from PubMed 20k RCT and NICTA-PIBOSO datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieved the best micro sentence-F1 score as well as the best micro span-F1 score.


Incorporating Textual Information on User Behavior for Personality Prediction
Kosuke Yamada | Ryohei Sasano | Koichi Takeda
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Several recent studies have shown that textual information of user posts and user behaviors such as liking and sharing the specific posts are useful for predicting the personality of social media users. However, less attention has been paid to the textual information derived from the user behaviors. In this paper, we investigate the effect of textual information on user behaviors for personality prediction. Our experiments on the personality prediction of Twitter users show that the textual information of user behaviors is more useful than the co-occurrence information of the user behaviors. They also show that taking user behaviors into account is crucial for predicting the personality of users who do not post frequently.