Jingping Liu


Negation Triplet Extraction with Syntactic Dependency and Semantic Consistency
Yuchen Shi | Deqing Yang | Jingping Liu | Yanghua Xiao | Zongyu Wang | Huimin Xu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Previous works of negation understanding mainly focus on negation cue detection and scope resolution, without identifying negation subject which is also significant to the downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a new negation triplet extraction (NTE) task which aims to extract negation subject along with negation cue and scope. To achieve NTE, we devise a novel Syntax&Semantic-Enhanced Negation Extraction model, namely SSENE, which is built based on a generative pretrained language model (PLM) of Encoder-Decoder architecture with a multi-task learning framework. Specifically, the given sentence’s syntactic dependency tree is incorporated into the PLM’s encoder to discover the correlations between the negation subject, cue and scope. Moreover, the semantic consistency between the sentence and the extracted triplet is ensured by an auxiliary task learning. Furthermore, we have constructed a high-quality Chinese dataset NegComment based on the users’ reviews from the real-world platform of Meituan, upon which our evaluations show that SSENE achieves the best NTE performance compared to the baselines. Our ablation and case studies also demonstrate that incorporating the syntactic information helps the PLM’s recognize the distant dependency between the subject and cue, and the auxiliary task learning is helpful to extract the negation triplets with more semantic consistency. We further demonstrate that SSENE is also competitive on the traditional CDSR task.


Parsing Natural Language into Propositional and First-Order Logic with Dual Reinforcement Learning
Xuantao Lu | Jingping Liu | Zhouhong Gu | Hanwen Tong | Chenhao Xie | Junyang Huang | Yanghua Xiao | Wenguang Wang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Semantic parsing converts natural language utterances into structured logical expressions. We consider two such formal representations: Propositional Logic (PL) and First-order Logic (FOL). The paucity of labeled data is a major challenge in this field. In previous works, dual reinforcement learning has been proposed as an approach to reduce dependence on labeled data. However, this method has the following limitations: 1) The reward needs to be set manually and is not applicable to all kinds of logical expressions. 2) The training process easily collapses when models are trained with only the reward from dual reinforcement learning. In this paper, we propose a scoring model to automatically learn a model-based reward, and an effective training strategy based on curriculum learning is further proposed to stabilize the training process. In addition to the technical contribution, a Chinese-PL/FOL dataset is constructed to compensate for the paucity of labeled data in this field. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms competitors on several datasets. Furthermore, by introducing PL/FOL generated by our model, the performance of existing Natural Language Inference (NLI) models is further enhanced.


Revisiting the Negative Data of Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
Chenhao Xie | Jiaqing Liang | Jingping Liu | Chengsong Huang | Wenhao Huang | Yanghua Xiao
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Distantly supervision automatically generates plenty of training samples for relation extraction. However, it also incurs two major problems: noisy labels and imbalanced training data. Previous works focus more on reducing wrongly labeled relations (false positives) while few explore the missing relations that are caused by incompleteness of knowledge base (false negatives). Furthermore, the quantity of negative labels overwhelmingly surpasses the positive ones in previous problem formulations. In this paper, we first provide a thorough analysis of the above challenges caused by negative data. Next, we formulate the problem of relation extraction into as a positive unlabeled learning task to alleviate false negative problem. Thirdly, we propose a pipeline approach, dubbed ReRe, that first performs sentence classification with relational labels and then extracts the subjects/objects. Experimental results show that the proposed method consistently outperforms existing approaches and remains excellent performance even learned with a large quantity of false positive samples. Source code is available online at https://github.com/redreamality/RERE-relation-extraction.