Bhiksha Raj


OSACT 2024 Task 2: Arabic Dialect to MSA Translation
Hanin Atwany | Nour Rabih | Ibrahim Mohammed | Abdul Waheed | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools (OSACT) with Shared Tasks on Arabic LLMs Hallucination and Dialect to MSA Machine Translation @ LREC-COLING 2024

We present the results of Shared Task “Dialect to MSA Translation”, which tackles challenges posed by the diverse Arabic dialects in machine translation. Covering Gulf, Egyptian, Levantine, Iraqi and Maghrebi dialects, the task offers 1001 sentences in both MSA and dialects for fine-tuning, alongside 1888 blind test sentences. Leveraging GPT-3.5, a state-of-the-art language model, our method achieved the a BLEU score of 29.61. This endeavor holds significant implications for Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems targeting low-resource langu ages with linguistic variation. Additionally, negative experiments involving fine-tuning AraT5 and No Language Left Behind (NLLB) using the MADAR Dataset resulted in BLEU scores of 10.41 and 11.96, respectively. Future directions include expanding the dataset to incorporate more Arabic dialects and exploring alternative NMT architectures to further enhance translation capabilities.


Towards Noise-Tolerant Speech-Referring Video Object Segmentation: Bridging Speech and Text
Xiang Li | Jinglu Wang | Xiaohao Xu | Muqiao Yang | Fan Yang | Yizhou Zhao | Rita Singh | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Linguistic communication is prevalent in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Speech (spoken language) serves as a convenient yet potentially ambiguous form due to noise and accents, exposing a gap compared to text. In this study, we investigate the prominent HCI task, Referring Video Object Segmentation (R-VOS), which aims to segment and track objects using linguistic references. While text input is well-investigated, speech input is under-explored. Our objective is to bridge the gap between speech and text, enabling the adaptation of existing text-input R-VOS models to accommodate noisy speech input effectively. Specifically, we propose a method to align the semantic spaces between speech and text by incorporating two key modules: 1) Noise-Aware Semantic Adjustment (NSA) for clear semantics extraction from noisy speech; and 2) Semantic Jitter Suppression (SJS) enabling R-VOS models to tolerate noisy queries. Comprehensive experiments conducted on the challenging AVOS benchmarks reveal that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.

Token Prediction as Implicit Classification to Identify LLM-Generated Text
Yutian Chen | Hao Kang | Vivian Zhai | Liangze Li | Rita Singh | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This paper introduces a novel approach for identifying the possible large language models (LLMs) involved in text generation. Instead of adding an additional classification layer to a base LM, we reframe the classification task as a next-token prediction task and directly fine-tune the base LM to perform it. We utilize the Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model as the backbone for our experiments. We compared our approach to the more direct approach of utilizing hidden states for classification. Evaluation shows the exceptional performance of our method in the text classification task, highlighting its simplicity and efficiency. Furthermore, interpretability studies on the features extracted by our model reveal its ability to differentiate distinctive writing styles among various LLMs even in the absence of an explicit classifier. We also collected a dataset named OpenLLMText, containing approximately 340k text samples from human and LLMs, including GPT3.5, PaLM, LLaMA, and GPT2.


Sequential Randomized Smoothing for Adversarially Robust Speech Recognition
Raphael Olivier | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

While Automatic Speech Recognition has been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, defenses against these attacks are still lagging. Existing, naive defenses can be partially broken with an adaptive attack. In classification tasks, the Randomized Smoothing paradigm has been shown to be effective at defending models. However, it is difficult to apply this paradigm to ASR tasks, due to their complexity and the sequential nature of their outputs. Our paper overcomes some of these challenges by leveraging speech-specific tools like enhancement and ROVER voting to design an ASR model that is robust to perturbations. We apply adaptive versions of state-of-the-art attacks, such as the Imperceptible ASR attack, to our model, and show that our strongest defense is robust to all attacks that use inaudible noise, and can only be broken with very high distortion.


Automatic In-the-wild Dataset Annotation with Deep Generalized Multiple Instance Learning
Joana Correia | Isabel Trancoso | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

The automation of the diagnosis and monitoring of speech affecting diseases in real life situations, such as Depression or Parkinson’s disease, depends on the existence of rich and large datasets that resemble real life conditions, such as those collected from in-the-wild multimedia repositories like YouTube. However, the cost of manually labeling these large datasets can be prohibitive. In this work, we propose to overcome this problem by automating the annotation process, without any requirements for human intervention. We formulate the annotation problem as a Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) problem, and propose a novel solution that is based on end-to-end differentiable neural networks. Our solution has the additional advantage of generalizing the MIL framework to more scenarios where the data is stil organized in bags but does not meet the MIL bag label conditions. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method in labeling the in-the-Wild Speech Medical (WSM) Corpus, using simple textual cues extracted from videos and their metadata. Furthermore we show what is the contribution of each type of textual cues for the final model performance, as well as study the influence of the size of the bags of instances in determining the difficulty of the learning problem


An Unsupervised Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Measuring Speech Style Accommodation
Mahaveer Jain | John McDonough | Gahgene Gweon | Bhiksha Raj | Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics


A Comparison of Latent Variable Models For Conversation Analysis
Sourish Chaudhuri | Bhiksha Raj
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2011 Conference


A Speech-in List-out Approach to Spoken User Interfaces
Vijay Divi | C. Forlines | Jan Van Gemert | Bhiksha Raj | B. Schmidt-Nielsen | Kent Wittenburg | Joseph Woelfel | Fang-Fang Zhang
Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2004: Short Papers