George Pantazopoulos


Combine to Describe: Evaluating Compositional Generalization in Image Captioning
George Pantazopoulos | Alessandro Suglia | Arash Eshghi
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Compositionality – the ability to combine simpler concepts to understand & generate arbitrarily more complex conceptual structures – has long been thought to be the cornerstone of human language capacity. With the recent, notable success of neural models in various NLP tasks, attention has now naturally turned to the compositional capacity of these models. In this paper, we study the compositional generalization properties of image captioning models. We perform a set experiments under controlled conditions using model and data ablations, each designed to benchmark a particular facet of compositional generalization: systematicity is the ability of a model to create novel combinations of concepts out of those observed during training, productivity is here operationalised as the capacity of a model to extend its predictions beyond the length distribution it has observed during training, and substitutivity is concerned with the robustness of the model against synonym substitutions. While previous work has focused primarily on systematicity, here we provide a more in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of state of the art captioning models. Our findings demonstrate that the models we study here do not compositionally generalize in terms of systematicity and productivity, however, they are robust to some degree to synonym substitutions

Demonstrating EMMA: Embodied MultiModal Agent for Language-guided Action Execution in 3D Simulated Environments
Alessandro Suglia | Bhathiya Hemanthage | Malvina Nikandrou | George Pantazopoulos | Amit Parekh | Arash Eshghi | Claudio Greco | Ioannis Konstas | Oliver Lemon | Verena Rieser
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

We demonstrate EMMA, an embodied multimodal agent which has been developed for the Alexa Prize SimBot challenge. The agent acts within a 3D simulated environment for household tasks. EMMA is a unified and multimodal generative model aimed at solving embodied tasks. In contrast to previous work, our approach treats multiple multimodal tasks as a single multimodal conditional text generation problem, where a model learns to output text given both language and visual input. Furthermore, we showcase that a single generative agent can solve tasks with visual inputs of varying length, such as answering questions about static images, or executing actions given a sequence of previous frames and dialogue utterances. The demo system will allow users to interact conversationally with EMMA in embodied dialogues in different 3D environments from the TEACh dataset.