Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Nils Reiter, Beatrice Alex, Kalliopi A. Zervanou (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W16-21
- Month:
- August
- Year:
- 2016
- Address:
- Berlin, Germany
- Venue:
- LaTeCH
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- 10.18653/v1/W16-21
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Nils Reiter
Beatrice Alex
Kalliopi A. Zervanou
Brave New World: Uncovering Topical Dynamics in the ACL Anthology Reference Corpus Using Term Life Cycle Information
Anne-Kathrin Schumann
Analysis of Policy Agendas: Lessons Learned from Automatic Topic Classification of Croatian Political Texts
Mladen Karan
Jan Šnajder
Daniela Širinić
Goran Glavaš
Searching Four-Millenia-Old Digitized Documents: A Text Retrieval System for Egyptologists
Estíbaliz Iglesias-Franjo
Jesús Vilares
Old Swedish Part-of-Speech Tagging between Variation and External Knowledge
Yvonne Adesam
Gerlof Bouma
Code-Switching Ubique Est - Language Identification and Part-of-Speech Tagging for Historical Mixed Text
Sarah Schulz
Mareike Keller
Dealing with word-internal modification and spelling variation in data-driven lemmatization
Fabian Barteld
Ingrid Schröder
Heike Zinsmeister
You Shall Know People by the Company They Keep: Person Name Disambiguation for Social Network Construction
Mariona Coll Ardanuy
Maarten van den Bos
Caroline Sporleder
Deriving Players & Themes in the Regesta Imperii using SVMs and Neural Networks
Juri Opitz
Anette Frank
Semi-automated annotation of page-based documents within the Genre and Multimodality framework
Tuomo Hiippala
Nomen Omen. Enhancing the Latin Morphological Analyser Lemlat with an Onomasticon
Marco Budassi
Marco Passarotti
How Do Cultural Differences Impact the Quality of Sarcasm Annotation?: A Case Study of Indian Annotators and American Text
Aditya Joshi
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Mark Carman
Jaya Saraswati
Rajita Shukla
Combining Phonology and Morphology for the Normalization of Historical Texts
Izaskun Etxeberria
Iñaki Alegria
Larraitz Uria
Mans Hulden
Towards Building a Political Protest Database to Explain Changes in the Welfare State
Çağıl Sönmez
Arzucan Özgür
Erdem Yörük
An Assessment of Experimental Protocols for Tracing Changes in Word Semantics Relative to Accuracy and Reliability
Johannes Hellrich
Udo Hahn
Universal Morphology for Old Hungarian
Eszter Simon
Veronika Vincze
Automatic Identification of Suicide Notes from Linguistic and Sentiment Features
Annika Marie Schoene
Nina Dethlefs
Towards a text analysis system for political debates
Dieu-Thu Le
Ngoc Thang Vu
Andre Blessing
Whodunit... and to Whom? Subjects, Objects, and Actions in Research Articles on American Labor Unions
Vilja Hulden
An NLP Pipeline for Coptic
Amir Zeldes
Caroline T. Schroeder
Automatic discovery of Latin syntactic changes
Micha Elsner
Emily Lane
Information-based Modeling of Diachronic Linguistic Change: from Typicality to Productivity
Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb
Elke Teich