Nalin Kumar


Genre Transfer in NMT:Creating Synthetic Spoken Parallel Sentences using Written Parallel Data
Nalin Kumar | Ondrej Bojar
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

Text style transfer (TST) aims to control attributes in a given text without changing the content. The matter gets complicated when the boundary separating two styles gets blurred. We can notice similar difficulties in the case of parallel datasets in spoken and written genres. Genuine spoken features like filler words and repetitions in the existing spoken genre parallel datasets are often cleaned during transcription and translation, making the texts closer to written datasets. This poses several problems for spoken genre-specific tasks like simultaneous speech translation. This paper seeks to address the challenge of improving spoken language translations. We start by creating a genre classifier for individual sentences and then try two approaches for data augmentation using written examples:(1) a novel method that involves assembling and disassembling spoken and written neural machine translation (NMT) models, and (2) a rule-based method to inject spoken features. Though the observed results for (1) are not promising, we get some interesting insights into the solution. The model proposed in (1) fine-tuned on the synthesized data from (2) produces naturally looking spoken translations for written-to-spoken genre transfer in En-Hi translation systems. We use this system to produce a second-stage En-Hi synthetic corpus, which however lacks appropriate alignments of explicit spoken features across the languages. For the final evaluation, we fine-tune Hi-En spoken translation systems on the synthesized parallel corpora. We observe that the parallel corpus synthesized using our rule-based method produces the best results.


NLP@NISER: Classification of COVID19 tweets containing symptoms
Deepak Kumar | Nalin Kumar | Subhankar Mishra
Proceedings of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task

In this paper, we describe our approaches for task six of Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) shared task in 2021. The task is to classify twitter tweets containing COVID-19 symptoms in three classes (self-reports, non-personal reports & literature/news mentions). We implemented BERT and XLNet for this text classification task. Best result was achieved by XLNet approach, which is F1 score 0.94, precision 0.9448 and recall 0.94448. This is slightly better than the average score, i.e. F1 score 0.93, precision 0.93235 and recall 0.93235.