Ke Zhou


Contextual Knowledge Learning for Dialogue Generation
Wen Zheng | Natasa Milic-Frayling | Ke Zhou
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Incorporating conversational context and knowledge into dialogue generation models has been essential for improving the quality of the generated responses. The context, comprising utterances from previous dialogue exchanges, is used as a source of content for response generation and as a means of selecting external knowledge. However, to avoid introducing irrelevant content, it is key to enable fine-grained scoring of context and knowledge. In this paper, we present a novel approach to context and knowledge weighting as an integral part of model training.We guide the model training through a Contextual Knowledge Learning (CKL) process which involves Latent Vectors for context and knowledge, respectively. CKL Latent Vectors capture the relationship between context, knowledge, and responses through weak supervision and enable differential weighting of context utterances and knowledge sentences during the training process. Experiments with two standard datasets and human evaluation demonstrate that CKL leads to a significant improvement compared with the performance of six strong baseline models and shows robustness with regard to reduced sizes of training sets.

Model-Based Simulation for Optimising Smart Reply
Benjamin Towle | Ke Zhou
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Smart Reply (SR) systems present a user with a set of replies, of which one can be selected in place of having to type out a response. To perform well at this task, a system should be able to effectively present the user with a diverse set of options, to maximise the chance that at least one of them conveys the user’s desired response. This is a significant challenge, due to the lack of datasets containing sets of responses to learn from. Resultantly, previous work has focused largely on post-hoc diversification, rather than explicitly learning to predict sets of responses. Motivated by this problem, we present a novel method SimSR, that employs model-based simulation to discover high-value response sets, through simulating possible user responses with a learned world model. Unlike previous approaches, this allows our method to directly optimise the end-goal of SR–maximising the relevance of at least one of the predicted replies. Empirically on two public datasets, when compared to SoTA baselines, our method achieves up to 21% and 18% improvement in ROUGE score and Self-ROUGE score respectively.


Learn What Is Possible, Then Choose What Is Best: Disentangling One-To-Many Relations in Language Through Text-based Games
Benjamin Towle | Ke Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Language models pre-trained on large self-supervised corpora, followed by task-specific fine-tuning has become the dominant paradigm in NLP. These pre-training datasets often have a one-to-many structure—e.g. in dialogue there are many valid responses for a given context. However, only some of these responses will be desirable in our downstream task. This raises the question of how we should train the model such that it can emulate the desirable behaviours, but not the undesirable ones. Current approaches train in a one-to-one setup—only a single target response is given for a single dialogue context—leading to models only learning to predict the average response, while ignoring the full range of possible responses. Using text-based games as a testbed, our approach, PASA, uses discrete latent variables to capture the range of different behaviours represented in our larger pre-training dataset. We then use knowledge distillation to distil the posterior probability distribution into a student model. This probability distribution is far richer than learning from only the hard targets of the dataset, and thus allows the student model to benefit from the richer range of actions the teacher model has learned. Results show up to 49% empirical improvement over the previous state-of-the-art model on the Jericho Walkthroughs dataset.


Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation with Term-level De-noising
Wen Zheng | Natasa Milic-Frayling | Ke Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


Approximation of Response Knowledge Retrieval in Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation
Wen Zheng | Natasa Milic-Frayling | Ke Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

This paper is concerned with improving dialogue generation models through injection of knowledge, e.g., content relevant to the post that can increase the quality of responses. Past research extends the training of the generative models by incorporating statistical properties of posts, responses and related knowledge, without explicitly assessing the knowledge quality. In our work, we demonstrate the importance of knowledge relevance and adopt a two-phase approach. We first apply a novel method, Transformer & Post based Posterior Approximation (TPPA) to select knowledge, and then use the Transformer with Expanded Decoder (TED) model to generate responses from both the post and the knowledge. TPPA method processes posts, post related knowledge, and response related knowledge at both word and sentence level. Our experiments with the TED generative model demonstrate the effectiveness of TPPA as it outperforms a set of strong baseline models. Our TPPA method is extendable and supports further optimization of knowledge retrieval and injection.