Jonas Groschwitz


Learning compositional structures for semantic graph parsing
Jonas Groschwitz | Meaghan Fowlie | Alexander Koller
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP (SPNLP 2021)

AM dependency parsing is a method for neural semantic graph parsing that exploits the principle of compositionality. While AM dependency parsers have been shown to be fast and accurate across several graphbanks, they require explicit annotations of the compositional tree structures for training. In the past, these were obtained using complex graphbank-specific heuristics written by experts. Here we show how they can instead be trained directly on the graphs with a neural latent-variable model, drastically reducing the amount and complexity of manual heuristics. We demonstrate that our model picks up on several linguistic phenomena on its own and achieves comparable accuracy to supervised training, greatly facilitating the use of AM dependency parsing for new sembanks.


Normalizing Compositional Structures Across Graphbanks
Lucia Donatelli | Jonas Groschwitz | Matthias Lindemann | Alexander Koller | Pia Weißenhorn
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The emergence of a variety of graph-based meaning representations (MRs) has sparked an important conversation about how to adequately represent semantic structure. MRs exhibit structural differences that reflect different theoretical and design considerations, presenting challenges to uniform linguistic analysis and cross-framework semantic parsing. Here, we ask the question of which design differences between MRs are meaningful and semantically-rooted, and which are superficial. We present a methodology for normalizing discrepancies between MRs at the compositional level (Lindemann et al., 2019), finding that we can normalize the majority of divergent phenomena using linguistically-grounded rules. Our work significantly increases the match in compositional structure between MRs and improves multi-task learning (MTL) in a low-resource setting, serving as a proof of concept for future broad-scale cross-MR normalization.

Fast semantic parsing with well-typedness guarantees
Matthias Lindemann | Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

AM dependency parsing is a linguistically principled method for neural semantic parsing with high accuracy across multiple graphbanks. It relies on a type system that models semantic valency but makes existing parsers slow. We describe an A* parser and a transition-based parser for AM dependency parsing which guarantee well-typedness and improve parsing speed by up to 3 orders of magnitude, while maintaining or improving accuracy.


Saarland at MRP 2019: Compositional parsing across all graphbanks
Lucia Donatelli | Meaghan Fowlie | Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller | Matthias Lindemann | Mario Mina | Pia Weißenhorn
Proceedings of the Shared Task on Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing at the 2019 Conference on Natural Language Learning

We describe the Saarland University submission to the shared task on Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing (MRP) at the 2019 Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL).

Compositional Semantic Parsing across Graphbanks
Matthias Lindemann | Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Most semantic parsers that map sentences to graph-based meaning representations are hand-designed for specific graphbanks. We present a compositional neural semantic parser which achieves, for the first time, competitive accuracies across a diverse range of graphbanks. Incorporating BERT embeddings and multi-task learning improves the accuracy further, setting new states of the art on DM, PAS, PSD, AMR 2015 and EDS.


AMR dependency parsing with a typed semantic algebra
Jonas Groschwitz | Matthias Lindemann | Meaghan Fowlie | Mark Johnson | Alexander Koller
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present a semantic parser for Abstract Meaning Representations which learns to parse strings into tree representations of the compositional structure of an AMR graph. This allows us to use standard neural techniques for supertagging and dependency tree parsing, constrained by a linguistically principled type system. We present two approximative decoding algorithms, which achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and outperform strong baselines.


Alto: Rapid Prototyping for Parsing and Translation
Johannes Gontrum | Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller | Christoph Teichmann
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We present Alto, a rapid prototyping tool for new grammar formalisms. Alto implements generic but efficient algorithms for parsing, translation, and training for a range of monolingual and synchronous grammar formalisms. It can easily be extended to new formalisms, which makes all of these algorithms immediately available for the new formalism.

Coarse-To-Fine Parsing for Expressive Grammar Formalisms
Christoph Teichmann | Alexander Koller | Jonas Groschwitz
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Parsing Technologies

We generalize coarse-to-fine parsing to grammar formalisms that are more expressive than PCFGs and/or describe languages of trees or graphs. We evaluate our algorithm on PCFG, PTAG, and graph parsing. While we achieve the expected performance gains on PCFGs, coarse-to-fine does not help for PTAG and can even slow down parsing for graphs. We discuss the implications of this finding.

A constrained graph algebra for semantic parsing with AMRs
Jonas Groschwitz | Meaghan Fowlie | Mark Johnson | Alexander Koller
IWCS 2017 - 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long papers


Efficient techniques for parsing with tree automata
Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller | Mark Johnson
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


Graph parsing with s-graph grammars
Jonas Groschwitz | Alexander Koller | Christoph Teichmann
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)