Hongyu Zhang


Automatically Generated Summaries of Video Lectures May Enhance Students’ Learning Experience
Hannah Gonzalez | Jiening Li | Helen Jin | Jiaxuan Ren | Hongyu Zhang | Ayotomiwa Akinyele | Adrian Wang | Eleni Miltsakaki | Ryan Baker | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023)

We introduce a novel technique for automatically summarizing lecture videos using large language models such as GPT-3 and we present a user study investigating the effects on the studying experience when automatic summaries are added to lecture videos. We test students under different conditions and find that the students who are shown a summary next to a lecture video perform better on quizzes designed to test the course materials than the students who have access only to the video or the summary. Our findings suggest that adding automatic summaries to lecture videos enhances the learning experience. Qualitatively, students preferred summaries when studying under time constraints.


Accelerating Code Search with Deep Hashing and Code Classification
Wenchao Gu | Yanlin Wang | Lun Du | Hongyu Zhang | Shi Han | Dongmei Zhang | Michael Lyu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Code search is to search reusable code snippets from source code corpus based on natural languages queries. Deep learning-based methods on code search have shown promising results. However, previous methods focus on retrieval accuracy, but lacked attention to the efficiency of the retrieval process. We propose a novel method CoSHC to accelerate code search with deep hashing and code classification, aiming to perform efficient code search without sacrificing too much accuracy. To evaluate the effectiveness of CoSHC, we apply our methodon five code search models. Extensive experimental results indicate that compared with previous code search baselines, CoSHC can save more than 90% of retrieval time meanwhile preserving at least 99% of retrieval accuracy.

Exploring Representation-level Augmentation for Code Search
Haochen Li | Chunyan Miao | Cyril Leung | Yanxian Huang | Yuan Huang | Hongyu Zhang | Yanlin Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Code search, which aims at retrieving the most relevant code fragment for a given natural language query, is a common activity in software development practice. Recently, contrastive learning is widely used in code search research, where many data augmentation approaches for source code (e.g., semantic-preserving program transformation) are proposed to learn better representations. However, these augmentations are at the raw-data level, which requires additional code analysis in the preprocessing stage and additional training cost in the training stage. In this paper, we explore augmentation methods that augment data (both code and query) at representation level which does not require additional data processing and training, and based on this we propose a general format of representation-level augmentation that unifies existing methods. Then, we propose three new augmentation methods (linear extrapolation, binary interpolation, and Gaussian scaling) based on the general format. Furthermore, we theoretically analyze the advantages of the proposed augmentation methods over traditional contrastive learning methods on code search. We experimentally evaluate the proposed representation-level augmentation methods with state-of-the-art code search models on a large-scale public dataset consisting of six programming languages. The experimental results show that our approach can consistently boost the performance of the studied code search models.

RACE: Retrieval-augmented Commit Message Generation
Ensheng Shi | Yanlin Wang | Wei Tao | Lun Du | Hongyu Zhang | Shi Han | Dongmei Zhang | Hongbin Sun
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Commit messages are important for software development and maintenance. Many neural network-based approaches have been proposed and shown promising results on automatic commit message generation. However, the generated commit messages could be repetitive or redundant. In this paper, we propose RACE, a new retrieval-augmented neural commit message generation method, which treats the retrieved similar commit as an exemplar and leverages it to generate an accurate commit message. As the retrieved commit message may not always accurately describe the content/intent of the current code diff, we also propose an exemplar guider, which learns the semantic similarity between the retrieved and current code diff and then guides the generation of commit message based on the similarity. We conduct extensive experiments on a large public dataset with five programming languages. Experimental results show that RACE can outperform all baselines. Furthermore, RACE can boost the performance of existing Seq2Seq models in commit message generation.


APIRecX: Cross-Library API Recommendation via Pre-Trained Language Model
Yuning Kang | Zan Wang | Hongyu Zhang | Junjie Chen | Hanmo You
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

For programmers, learning the usage of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) of a software library is important yet difficult. API recommendation tools can help developers use APIs by recommending which APIs to be used next given the APIs that have been written. Traditionally, language models such as N-gram are applied to API recommendation. However, because the software libraries keep changing and new libraries keep emerging, new APIs are common. These new APIs can be seen as OOV (out of vocabulary) words and cannot be handled well by existing API recommendation approaches due to the lack of training data. In this paper, we propose APIRecX, the first cross-library API recommendation approach, which uses BPE to split each API call in each API sequence and pre-trains a GPT based language model. It then recommends APIs by fine-tuning the pre-trained model. APIRecX can migrate the knowledge of existing libraries to a new library, and can recommend APIs that are previously regarded as OOV. We evaluate APIRecX on six libraries and the results confirm its effectiveness by comparing with two typical API recommendation approaches.

CAST: Enhancing Code Summarization with Hierarchical Splitting and Reconstruction of Abstract Syntax Trees
Ensheng Shi | Yanlin Wang | Lun Du | Hongyu Zhang | Shi Han | Dongmei Zhang | Hongbin Sun
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Code summarization aims to generate concise natural language descriptions of source code, which can help improve program comprehension and maintenance. Recent studies show that syntactic and structural information extracted from abstract syntax trees (ASTs) is conducive to summary generation. However, existing approaches fail to fully capture the rich information in ASTs because of the large size/depth of ASTs. In this paper, we propose a novel model CAST that hierarchically splits and reconstructs ASTs. First, we hierarchically split a large AST into a set of subtrees and utilize a recursive neural network to encode the subtrees. Then, we aggregate the embeddings of subtrees by reconstructing the split ASTs to get the representation of the complete AST. Finally, AST representation, together with source code embedding obtained by a vanilla code token encoder, is used for code summarization. Extensive experiments, including the ablation study and the human evaluation, on benchmarks have demonstrated the power of CAST. To facilitate reproducibility, our code and data are available at https://github.com/DeepSoftwareAnalytics/CAST.