A software system for describing a grammar of machine translation: GRADE

Jun-ichi Nakamura, Makoto Nagao

A new software system for describing a grammar of a machine translation system has been developed. This software system is called GRADE (GRAmmar DEscriber). GRADE has the following features: 1. GRADE allows a grammar writer to divide a whole grammar into several parts. Each part of the grammar is called a subgrammar. A subgrammar describes a step of the translation process. A whole grammar is then described by a network of sub-grammars. This network is called a subgrammar network. A subgrammar network allows a grammar writer to control the process of the translation precisely. When a subgrammar network in the analysis phase consists of a subgrammar for a noun-phrase (SG1) and a subgrammar for a verb-phase (SG2) in this sequence, the subgrammar network first applies SG1 to an input sentence, then applies SG2 to the result of an application of SG1, thus getting a syntactic structure for the input sentence. 2. A subgrammar consists of a set of rewriting rules. Rewriting rules in a subgrammar are applied for an input sentence in an appropriate order, which is specified in the description of the subgrammar. A rewriting rule transforms a tree structure into another tree structure. Rewriting rules use a powerful pattern matching algorithm to test their applicability to a tree structure. For example, a grammar writer can write a pattern that recognizes and parses an arbitrary numbers of sub-trees. Each node of a tree-structure has a list of pairs of a property name and a property value. A node can express a category name, a semantic marker, flags to control the translation process, and various other information. This tree-to-tree transformation operation by GRADE allows a grammar writer to describe all the processes of analysis, transfer and generation of a machine translation system with this uniform description capability of GRADE. 3. A subgrammar network or a subgrammar can be written in an entry of the dictionaries for a machine translation system. A subgrammar network or a subgrammar written in a dictionary entry is called a dictionary rule, which is specific for a word. When an input sentence contains a word which has a dictionary rule, it is applied to an input sentence at an appropriate point of a translation process. It can express more precise processing appropriate for that specific word that a general Subgrammar Network or Subgrammar. it also allows grammar writers to adjust a machine translation system to a specific domain easily. 4. GRADE is written in LISP. GRADE is implemented on FACOM M-382 and Symbolics 3600. GRADE is used in the machine translation system between Japanese and English. The project was started by the Japanese government in 1982. The effectiveness of GRADE has been demonstrated in the project.
Anthology ID:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Methodology and Techniques of Machine Translation: Processing from words to language
February 13-15
Cranfield University, UK
Cite (ACL):
Jun-ichi Nakamura and Makoto Nagao. 1984. A software system for describing a grammar of machine translation: GRADE. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Methodology and Techniques of Machine Translation: Processing from words to language, Cranfield University, UK.
Cite (Informal):
A software system for describing a grammar of machine translation: GRADE (Nakamura & Nagao, BCS 1984)
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