Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

Martin Riedl, Swapna Somasundaran, Goran Glavaš, Eduard Hovy (Editors)

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Vancouver, Canada
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing
Martin Riedl | Swapna Somasundaran | Goran Glavaš | Eduard Hovy

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On the “Calligraphy” of Books
Vanessa Queiroz Marinho | Henrique Ferraz de Arruda | Thales Sinelli | Luciano da Fontoura Costa | Diego Raphael Amancio

Authorship attribution is a natural language processing task that has been widely studied, often by considering small order statistics. In this paper, we explore a complex network approach to assign the authorship of texts based on their mesoscopic representation, in an attempt to capture the flow of the narrative. Indeed, as reported in this work, such an approach allowed the identification of the dominant narrative structure of the studied authors. This has been achieved due to the ability of the mesoscopic approach to take into account relationships between different, not necessarily adjacent, parts of the text, which is able to capture the story flow. The potential of the proposed approach has been illustrated through principal component analysis, a comparison with the chance baseline method, and network visualization. Such visualizations reveal individual characteristics of the authors, which can be understood as a kind of calligraphy.

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Adapting predominant and novel sense discovery algorithms for identifying corpus-specific sense differences
Binny Mathew | Suman Kalyan Maity | Pratip Sarkar | Animesh Mukherjee | Pawan Goyal

Word senses are not static and may have temporal, spatial or corpus-specific scopes. Identifying such scopes might benefit the existing WSD systems largely. In this paper, while studying corpus specific word senses, we adapt three existing predominant and novel-sense discovery algorithms to identify these corpus-specific senses. We make use of text data available in the form of millions of digitized books and newspaper archives as two different sources of corpora and propose automated methods to identify corpus-specific word senses at various time points. We conduct an extensive and thorough human judgement experiment to rigorously evaluate and compare the performance of these approaches. Post adaptation, the output of the three algorithms are in the same format and the accuracy results are also comparable, with roughly 45-60% of the reported corpus-specific senses being judged as genuine.

Merging knowledge bases in different languages
Jerónimo Hernández-González | Estevam R. Hruschka Jr. | Tom M. Mitchell

Recently, different systems which learn to populate and extend a knowledge base (KB) from the web in different languages have been presented. Although a large set of concepts should be learnt independently from the language used to read, there are facts which are expected to be more easily gathered in local language (e.g., culture or geography). A system that merges KBs learnt in different languages will benefit from the complementary information as long as common beliefs are identified, as well as from redundancy present in web pages written in different languages. In this paper, we deal with the problem of identifying equivalent beliefs (or concepts) across language specific KBs, assuming that they share the same ontology of categories and relations. In a case study with two KBs independently learnt from different inputs, namely web pages written in English and web pages written in Portuguese respectively, we report on the results of two methodologies: an approach based on personalized PageRank and an inference technique to find out common relevant paths through the KBs. The proposed inference technique efficiently identifies relevant paths, outperforming the baseline (a dictionary-based classifier) in the vast majority of tested categories.

Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings
Thomas Alexander Trost | Dietrich Klakow

Word embeddings are high-dimensional vector representations of words and are thus difficult to interpret. In order to deal with this, we introduce an unsupervised parameter free method for creating a hierarchical graphical clustering of the full ensemble of word vectors and show that this structure is a geometrically meaningful representation of the original relations between the words. This newly obtained representation can be used for better understanding and thus improving the embedding algorithm and exhibits semantic meaning, so it can also be utilized in a variety of language processing tasks like categorization or measuring similarity.

Spectral Graph-Based Method of Multimodal Word Embedding
Kazuki Fukui | Takamasa Oshikiri | Hidetoshi Shimodaira

In this paper, we propose a novel method for multimodal word embedding, which exploit a generalized framework of multi-view spectral graph embedding to take into account visual appearances or scenes denoted by words in a corpus. We evaluated our method through word similarity tasks and a concept-to-image search task, having found that it provides word representations that reflect visual information, while somewhat trading-off the performance on the word similarity tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that our method captures multimodal linguistic regularities, which enable recovering relational similarities between words and images by vector arithmetics.

Graph Methods for Multilingual FrameNets
Collin F. Baker | Michael Ellsworth

This paper introduces a new, graph-based view of the data of the FrameNet project, which we hope will make it easier to understand the mixture of semantic and syntactic information contained in FrameNet annotation. We show how English FrameNet and other Frame Semantic resources can be represented as sets of interconnected graphs of frames, frame elements, semantic types, and annotated instances of them in text. We display examples of the new graphical representation based on the annotations, which combine Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar, thus capturing most of the syntax and semantics of each sentence. We consider how graph theory could help researchers to make better use of FrameNet data for tasks such as automatic Frame Semantic role labeling, paraphrasing, and translation. Finally, we describe the development of FrameNet-like lexical resources for other languages in the current Multilingual FrameNet project. which seeks to discover cross-lingual alignments, both in the lexicon (for frames and lexical units within frames) and across parallel or comparable texts. We conclude with an example showing graphically the semantic and syntactic similarities and differences between parallel sentences in English and Japanese. We will release software for displaying such graphs from the current data releases.

Extract with Order for Coherent Multi-Document Summarization
Mir Tafseer Nayeem | Yllias Chali

In this work, we aim at developing an extractive summarizer in the multi-document setting. We implement a rank based sentence selection using continuous vector representations along with key-phrases. Furthermore, we propose a model to tackle summary coherence for increasing readability. We conduct experiments on the Document Understanding Conference (DUC) 2004 datasets using ROUGE toolkit. Our experiments demonstrate that the methods bring significant improvements over the state of the art methods in terms of informativity and coherence.

Work Hard, Play Hard: Email Classification on the Avocado and Enron Corpora
Sakhar Alkhereyf | Owen Rambow

In this paper, we present an empirical study of email classification into two main categories “Business” and “Personal”. We train on the Enron email corpus, and test on the Enron and Avocado email corpora. We show that information from the email exchange networks improves the performance of classification. We represent the email exchange networks as social networks with graph structures. For this classification task, we extract social networks features from the graphs in addition to lexical features from email content and we compare the performance of SVM and Extra-Trees classifiers using these features. Combining graph features with lexical features improves the performance on both classifiers. We also provide manually annotated sets of the Avocado and Enron email corpora as a supplementary contribution.

A Graph Based Semi-Supervised Approach for Analysis of Derivational Nouns in Sanskrit
Amrith Krishna | Pavankumar Satuluri | Harshavardhan Ponnada | Muneeb Ahmed | Gulab Arora | Kaustubh Hiware | Pawan Goyal

Derivational nouns are widely used in Sanskrit corpora and represent an important cornerstone of productivity in the language. Currently there exists no analyser that identifies the derivational nouns. We propose a semi supervised approach for identification of derivational nouns in Sanskrit. We not only identify the derivational words, but also link them to their corresponding source words. Our novelty comes in the design of the network structure for the task. The edge weights are featurised based on the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and the semantic similarity shared between the words to be identified. We find that our model is effective for the task, even when we employ a labelled dataset which is only 5 % to that of the entire dataset.

Evaluating text coherence based on semantic similarity graph
Jan Wira Gotama Putra | Takenobu Tokunaga

Coherence is a crucial feature of text because it is indispensable for conveying its communication purpose and meaning to its readers. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised text coherence scoring based on graph construction in which edges are established between semantically similar sentences represented by vertices. The sentence similarity is calculated based on the cosine similarity of semantic vectors representing sentences. We provide three graph construction methods establishing an edge from a given vertex to a preceding adjacent vertex, to a single similar vertex, or to multiple similar vertices. We evaluated our methods in the document discrimination task and the insertion task by comparing our proposed methods to the supervised (Entity Grid) and unsupervised (Entity Graph) baselines. In the document discrimination task, our method outperformed the unsupervised baseline but could not do the supervised baseline, while in the insertion task, our method outperformed both baselines.