Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)
Giorgio Satta, Chung-Hye Han (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W12-46
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 2012
- Address:
- Paris, France
- Venue:
- TAG+
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)
Giorgio Satta
Chung-Hye Han
Delayed Tree-Locality, Set-locality, and Clitic Climbing
Joan Chen-Main
Tonia Bleam
Aravind Joshi
Deriving syntax-semantics mappings: node linking, type shifting and scope ambiguity
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko
Robert Frank
Tree Adjunction as Minimalist Lowering
Thomas Graf
A Frame-Based Semantics of Locative Alternation in LTAG
Yulia Zinova
Laura Kallmeyer
A Logical Characterization of Extended TAGs
Uwe Mönnich
Synchronous Tree Unification Grammar
Timm Lichte
Synchronous Context-Free Tree Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Heiko Vogler
Incremental Neo-Davidsonian semantic construction for TAG
Asad Sayeed
Vera Demberg
Representing Focus in LTAG
Kata Balogh
Describing São Tomense Using a Tree-Adjoining Meta-Grammar
Emmanuel Schang
Denys Duchier
Brunelle Magnana Ekoukou
Yannick Parmentier
Simon Petitjean
An Attempt Towards Learning Semantics: Distributional Learning of IO Context-Free Tree Grammars
Ryo Yoshinaka
Delayed Tree Locality and the Status of Derivation Structure
Joan Chen-Main
A Formal Model for Plausible Dependencies in Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar
Laura Kallmeyer
Marco Kuhlmann
Using FB-LTAG Derivation Trees to Generate Transformation-Based Grammar Exercises
Claire Gardent
Laura Perez-Beltrachini
PLCFRS Parsing Revisited: Restricting the Fan-Out to Two
Wolfgang Maier
Miriam Kaeshammer
Laura Kallmeyer
Decomposing TAG Algorithms Using Simple Algebraizations
Alexander Koller
Marco Kuhlmann
Practical Parsing of Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars
Peter Ljunglöf
Idioms and extended transducers
Gregory M. Kobele
Creating a Tree Adjoining Grammar from a Multilayer Treebank
Rajesh Bhatt
Owen Rambow
Fei Xia
Search Space Properties for Learning a Class of Constraint-based Grammars
Smaranda Muresan
State-Split for Hypergraphs with an Application to Tree Adjoining Grammars
Johannes Osterholzer
Torsten Stüber
Is Syntactic Binding Rational?
Thomas Graf
Natasha Abner
Incremental Derivations in CCG
Vera Demberg
On the Form-Meaning Relations Definable by CoTAGs
Gregory M. Kobele
Jens Michaelis
A linguistically-motivated 2-stage Tree to Graph Transformation
Corentin Ribeyre
Djamé Seddah
Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie
Scope Economy and TAG Locality
Michael Freedman
The Shape of Elementary Trees and Scope Possibilities in STAG
Robert Frank
Dennis Ryan Storoshenko