COLING 1996 Volume 1: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- C96-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 1996
- Address:
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- SIG:
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COLING 1996 Volume 1: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Discovering the Sounds of Discourse Structure Extended Abstract
Barbara J. Grosz
A Theory of Lexical Access in Speech Production
Willem J.M. Levelt
Clustering Words with the MDL Principle
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
Learning Dependencies between Case Frame Slots
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
Word Sense Disambiguation using Conceptual Density
Eneko Agirre
German Rigau
Extracting Word Correspondences from Bilingual Corpora Based on Word Co-occurrence Information
Hiroyuki Kaji
Toshiko Aizono
Computational Semantics of Time/Negation Interaction
Pascal Amsili
Nabil Hathout
Communication in large distributed AI Systems for Natural Language Processing
Jan W. Amtrup
Jorg Benra
Extracting Nested Collocations
Katerina T. Frantzi
Sophia Ananiadou
Parsing spoken language without syntax
Jean-Yves Antoine
Unsupervised Learning of a Rule-based Spanish Part of Speech Tagger
Chinatsu Aone
Kevin Hausman
To what extent does case contribute to verb sense disambiguation?
Atsushi Fujii
Kentaro Inui
Takenobu Tokunaga
Hozumi Tanaka
Concept clustering and knowledge integration from a children’s dictionary
Caroline Barrière
Fred Popowich
Integrating Syntactic and Prosodic Information for the Efficient Detection of Empty Categories
Anton Batliner
Anke Feldhaus
Stefan Geifiler
Andreas Kieflling
Tibor Kiss
Ralf Kompe
Elmar Noth
Monotonic Paradigmatic Schemata in Italian Verb Inflection
Vito Pirrelli
Marco Battista
Measuring Semantic Coverage
Sergei Nirenburg
Kavi Mahesh
Stephen Beale
Arabic Finite-State Morphological Analysis and Generation
Kenneth R. Beesley
Unsupervised Discovery of Phonological Categories through Supervised Learning of Morphological Rules
Walter Daelemans
Peter Berck
Steven Gillis
Connectivity in Bag Generation
Arturo Trujillo
Simon Berry
Beyond Skeleton Parsing: Producing a Comprehensive Large-Scale General-English Treebank With Full Grammatical Analysis
Ezra Black
Stephen Eubank
Hideki Kashioka
David Magerman
Roger Garside
Geoffrey Leech
Anaphora for Everyone: Pronominal Anaphora Resolution without a Parser
Christopher Kennedy
Branimir Boguraev
Theory and practice of ambiguity labelling with a view to interactive disambiguation in text and speech MT
Christian Boitet
Mutsuko Tomokiyo
Classifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation
Francis Bond
Kentaro Ogura
Satoru Ikehara
Compositional Semantics in Verbmobil
Johan Bos
Bjorn Gamback
Christian Lieske
Yoshiki Mori
Manfred Pinkal
Karsten Worm
Processing Metonymy- a Domain-Model Heuristic Graph Traversal Approach
Jacques Bouaud
Bruno Bachimont
Pierre Zweigenbaum
Mental State Adjectives: the Perspective of Generative Lexicon
Pierrette Bouillon
Branching Split Obliqueness at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Antonio H. Branco
Cross-Serial Dependencies Are Not Hard to Process
Carl Vogel
Ulrike Hahn
Holly Branigan
Lexical Rules: What are they?
Andrew Bredenkamp
Stella Markantonatou
Louisa Sadler
Example-Based Machine Translation in the Pangloss System
Ralf D. Brown
GramCheck: A Grammar and Style Checker
Flora Ramírez Bustamante
Fernando Sánchez León
Syntactic Analyses for Parallel Grammars: Auxiliaries and Genitive NPs
Miriam Butt
Christian Fortmann
Christian Rohrer
FeasPar - A Feature Structure Parser Learning to Parse Spoken Language
Finn Dag Buo
Alex Waibel
A principle-based hierarchical representation of LTAGs
Marie-Helene Candito
Chinese Word Segmentation based on Maximum Matching and Word Binding Force
Pak-kwong Wong
Chorkin Chan
N-th Order Ergodic Multigram HMM for Modeling of Languages without Marked Word Boundaries
Hubert Hin-Cheung Law
Chorkin Chan
Aligning More Words with High Precision for Small Bilingual Corpora
Sur-Jin Ker
Jason J. S. Chang
A Rule-Based and MT-Oriented Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Kuang-hua Chen
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Identification and Classification of Proper Nouns in Chinese Texts
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Jen-Chang Lee
Bilingual Knowledge Acquisition from Korean-English Parallel Corpus Using Alignment
Jung H. Shin
Young S. Han
Key-Sun Choi
Markov random field based English Part-Of-Speech tagging system
Sung-Young Jung
Young C. Park
Key-Sun Choi
Youngwhan Kim
Semantics of Portions and Partitive Nouns for NLP
Salvador Climent
Evaluating and comparing three text-production techniques
Jose Coch
Extended Dependency Structures and their Formal Interpretation
Marc Dymetman
Max Copperman
Direct and Underspecified Interpretations of LFG f-structures
Josef van Genabith
Dick Crouch
Pronouncing Text by Analogy
Robert I. Damper
John EG. Eastmond
Finite-state phrase parsing by rule sequences
Marc Vilain
David Day
Dealing with Cross-Sentential Anaphora Resolution in ALEP
Thierry Declerck
Lean Formalisms, Linguistic Theory and Applications. Grammar Development in ALEP.
Paul Schmidt
Axel Theofilidis
Sibylle Rieder
Thierry Declerck
Language-Specific Mappings from Semantics to Syntax
Judy Delin
Donia R. Scott
Anthony Hartley
Segmentation and Labelling of Slovenian Diphone Inventories
Jerneja Gros
Ivo Ipsic
Simon Dobrisek
France Mihelic
Nikola Pavesic
A Computational Model of Incremental Utterance Production in Task-Oriented Dialogues
Kohji Dohsaka
Akira Shimazu
Lexical Information for Determining Japanese Unbounded Dependency
Shin-ichiro Kamei
Kazunori Muraki
Shin’ichi Doi
Semantic-based Transfer
Michael Dorna
Martin C. Emele
Role of Word Sense Disalnbiguation in Lexical Acquisition: Predicting Semantics from Syntactic Cues
Bonnie J. Dorr
Doug Jones
GRICE INCORPORATED: Cooperativity in Spoken Dialogue
Laila Dybkjaer
Niels Ole Bernsen
Hans Dybkjaer
Disambiguation by Information Structure in DRT
Kurt Eberle
Three New Probabilistic Models for Dependency Parsing: An Exploration
Jason M. Eisner
A Corpus Study of Negative Imperatives in Natural Language Instructions
Keith Vander Linden
Barbara Di Eugenio
The discourse functions of Italian subjects: a centering approach
Barbara Di Eugenio
Using Discourse Predictions for Ambiguity Resolution
Yan Qu
Carolyn P. Rose
Barbara Di Eugenio
Interpretation of Nominal Compounds: Combining Domain-Independent and Domain-Specific Information
Cecile Fabre
Lexical Accommodation in Machine-Mediated Interactions
Laurel Fais
Resolving syntactic ambiguities with lexico-semantic patterns: an analogy-based approach
Simonetta Montemagni
Stefano Federici
Vito Pirrelli
Discourse Semantics Meets Lexical Field Semantics
Beate Firzlaff
Daniela S. Kunz
Parsing decomposable idioms
Ingrid Fischer
Martina Keil
Word Completion- A First Step Toward Target-Text Mediated IMT
George Foster
Pierre Isabelle
Pierre Plamondon
A CD-ROM Retrieval System with Multiple Dialogue Agents
Keiichi Sakai
Tsuyoshi Yagisawa
Minoru Fujita
An Automatic Clustering of Articles Using Dictionary Definitions
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Incremental Translation Utilizing Constituent Boundary Patterns
Osamu Furuse
Hitoshi Iida
Evaluation of an Algorithm for the Recognition and Classification of Proper Names
Takahiro Wakao
Robert Gaizauskas
Yorick Wilks
Learning to Recognize Names Across Languages
Anthony F. Gallippi
Focus and Higher-Order Unification
Claire Gardent
Michael Kohlhase
Distributedness and Non-Linearity of LOLITA’s Semantic Network
S. Short
S. Shiu
R. Garigliano
Multi-lingual Translation of Spontaneously Spoken Language in a Limited Domain
Alon Lavie
Donna Gates
Marsal Gavalda
Laura Mayfield
Alex Waibel
Lori Levin
Modularizing Contexted Constraints
John Griffith
Compiling a Partition-Based Two-Level Formalism
Edmund Grimley-Evans
George Anton Kiraz
Stephen G. Pulman
Alignment of Shared Forests for Bilingual Corpora
Adam Meyers
Roman Yangarber
Ralph Grishman
Message Understanding Conference- 6: A Brief History
Ralph Grishman
Beth Sundheim
The Influence of Tagging on the Classification of Lexical Complements
Catherine Macleod
Adam Meyers
Ralph Grishman
A Sign Expansion Approach to Dynamic, Multi-Purpose Lexicons
Jon Atle Gulla
Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen
Research on Architectures for Integrated Speech/Language Systems in Verbmobil
Gunther Gorz
Marcus Kesseler
Jorg Spilker
Hans Weber
Symbolic word clustering for medium-size corpora
Benoit Habert
Elie Naulleau
Adeline Nazarenko
Bridging Textual Ellipses
Udo Hahn
Michael Strube
Katja Markert
Restricted Parallelism in Object-Oriented Lexical Parsing
Peter Neuhaus
Udo Hahn
Inherited Feature-based Similarity Measure Based on Large Semantic Hierarchy and Large Text Corpus
Hideki Hirakawa
Zhonghui Xu
Kenneth Haase
A Probabilistic Approach to Compound Noun Indexing in Korean Texts
Hyouk R. Park
Young S. Han
Kang H. Lee
Centering in Dynamic Semantics
Daniel Hardt
Learning Bilingual Collocations by Word-Level Sorting
Masahiko Haruno
Satoru Ikehara
Takefumi Yamazaki
Issues in Communication Game
Koiti Hasida
A Compilation-Chart Method for Linear Categorial Deduction
Mark Hepple
Applying Lexical Rules Under Subsumption
Erhard W. Hinrichs
Tsuneko Nakazawa
Analysis of Japanese Compound Nouns by Direct Text Scanning
Toru Hisamitsu
Yoshihiko Nitta
Translating into Free Word Order Languages
Beryl Hoffman
Towards a More Careful Evaluation of Broad Coverage Parsing Systems
Wide R. Hogenhout
Yuji Matsumoto
Disambiguation of morphological analysis in Bantu languages
Arvi Hurskainen
A Statistical Method for Extracting Uninterrupted and Interrupted Collocations from Very Large Corpora
Satoru Ikehara
Satoshi Shirai
Hajime Uchino