Yingting Li


HYPERTTS: Parameter Efficient Adaptation in Text to Speech Using Hypernetworks
Yingting Li | Rishabh Bhardwaj | Ambuj Mehrish | Bo Cheng | Soujanya Poria
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Neural speech synthesis, or text-to-speech (TTS), aims to transform a signal from the text domain to the speech domain. While developing TTS architectures that train and test on the same set of speakers has seen significant improvements, out-of-domain speaker performance still faces enormous limitations. Domain adaptation on a new set of speakers can be achieved by fine-tuning the whole model for each new domain, thus making it parameter-inefficient. This problem can be solved by Adapters that provide a parameter-efficient alternative to domain adaptation. Although famous in NLP, speech synthesis has not seen much improvement from Adapters. In this work, we present HyperTTS, which comprises a small learnable network, “hypernetwork”, that generates parameters of the Adapter blocks, allowing us to condition Adapters on speaker representations and making them dynamic. Extensive evaluations of two domain adaptation settings demonstrate its effectiveness in achieving state-of-the-art performance in the parameter-efficient regime. We also compare different variants of , comparing them with baselines in different studies. Promising results on the dynamic adaptation of adapter parameters using hypernetworks open up new avenues for domain-generic multi-speaker TTS systems. The audio samples and code are available at https://github.com/declare-lab/HyperTTS.

CM-TTS: Enhancing Real Time Text-to-Speech Synthesis Efficiency through Weighted Samplers and Consistency Models
Xiang Li | FanBu FanBu | Ambuj Mehrish | Yingting Li | Jiale Han | Bo Cheng | Soujanya Poria
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Neural Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems find broad applications in voice assistants, e-learning, and audiobook creation. The pursuit of modern models, like Diffusion Models (DMs), holds promise for achieving high-fidelity, real-time speech synthesis. Yet, the efficiency of multi-step sampling in Diffusion Models presents challenges. Efforts have been made to integrate GANs with DMs, speeding up inference by approximating denoising distributions, but this introduces issues with model convergence due to adversarial training. To overcome this, we introduce CM-TTS, a novel architecture grounded in consistency models (CMs). Drawing inspiration from continuous-time diffusion models, CM-TTS achieves top-quality speech synthesis in fewer steps without adversarial training or pre-trained model dependencies. We further design weighted samplers to incorporate different sampling positions into model training with dynamic probabilities, ensuring unbiased learning throughout the entire training process. We present a real-time mel-spectrogram generation consistency model, validated through comprehensive evaluations. Experimental results underscore CM-TTS’s superiority over existing single-step speech synthesis systems, representing a significant advancement in the field.


kNN-CM: A Non-parametric Inference-Phase Adaptation of Parametric Text Classifiers
Rishabh Bhardwaj | Yingting Li | Navonil Majumder | Bo Cheng | Soujanya Poria
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Semi-parametric models exhibit the properties of both parametric and non-parametric modeling and have been shown to be effective in the next-word prediction language modeling task. However, there is a lack of studies on the text-discriminating properties of such models. We propose an inference-phase approach—k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Model (kNN-CM)—that enhances the capacity of a pre-trained parametric text classifier by incorporating a simple neighborhood search through the representation space of (memorized) training samples. The final class prediction of kNN-CM is based on the convex combination of probabilities obtained from kNN search and prediction of the classifier. Our experiments show consistent performance improvements on eight SuperGLUE tasks, three adversarial natural language inference (ANLI) datasets, 11 question-answering (QA) datasets, and two sentiment classification datasets.


Analyzing Modality Robustness in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Devamanyu Hazarika | Yingting Li | Bo Cheng | Shuai Zhao | Roger Zimmermann | Soujanya Poria
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Building robust multimodal models are crucial for achieving reliable deployment in the wild. Despite its importance, less attention has been paid to identifying and improving the robustness of Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) models. In this work, we hope to address that by (i) Proposing simple diagnostic checks for modality robustness in a trained multimodal model. Using these checks, we find MSA models to be highly sensitive to a single modality, which creates issues in their robustness; (ii) We analyze well-known robust training strategies to alleviate the issues. Critically, we observe that robustness can be achieved without compromising on the original performance. We hope our extensive study–performed across five models and two benchmark datasets–and proposed procedures would make robustness an integral component in MSA research. Our diagnostic checks and robust training solutions are simple to implement and available at https://github.com/declare-lab/MSA-Robustness