Tianhua Zhang


Natural Language Embedded Programs for Hybrid Language Symbolic Reasoning
Tianhua Zhang | Jiaxin Ge | Hongyin Luo | Yung-Sung Chuang | Mingye Gao | Yuan Gong | Yoon Kim | Xixin Wu | Helen Meng | James Glass
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

How can we perform computations over natural language representations to solve tasks that require symbolic and numeric reasoning? We propose natural language embedded programs (NLEP) as a unifying framework for addressing math/symbolic reasoning, natural language understanding, and instruction following tasks. Our approach prompts a language model to generate full Python programs that define functions over data structures which contain natural language representations of structured knowledge. A Python interpreter then executes the generated code and prints the output. Despite using a task-general prompt, we find that this approach can improve upon strong baselines across a range of different tasks including math and symbolic reasoning, text classification, question answering, and instruction following. We found that the generated programs are interpretable since they outline the exact reasoning process followed by the program interpreter.


CCL23-Eval 任务6系统报告:基于CLS动态加权平均和数据增强的电信网络诈骗案件分类(System Report for CCL23-Eval Task 6:::Classification of Telecom Internet Fraud Cases Based on CLS Dynamic Weighted Average and Data Augement)
Tianjun Liu (天昀刘,) | Tianhua Zhang (张兴华) | Mengxiao Song (宋梦潇) | Tingwen Liu (柳厅文)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)

“电信网络诈骗领域的案件分类作为文本分类的一项落地应用,其目的是为相关案件进行智能化的分析,有助于公安部门掌握诈骗案件的特点,针对性的预防、制止、侦查。本文以此问题为基础,从模型设计、训练过程、数据增强三个方面进行了研究,通过CLS动态加权平均、Multi-Sample Dropout、对抗训练FGM、回译等方法显著提升了模型对诈骗案件描述的分类性能。”

CCL23-Eval 任务6系统报告:基于CLS动态加权平均和数据增强的电信网络诈骗案件分类(System Report for CCL23-Eval Task 6:::Classification of Telecom Internet Fraud Cases Based on CLS Dynamic Weighted Average and Data Augement)
Tianjun Liu (天昀刘,) | Tianhua Zhang (张兴华) | Mengxiao Song (宋梦潇) | Tingwen Liu (柳厅文)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)

“电信网络诈骗领域的案件分类作为文本分类的一项落地应用,其目的是为相关案件进行智能化的分析,有助于公安部门掌握诈骗案件的特点,针对性的预防、制止、侦查。本文以此问题为基础,从模型设计、训练过程、数据增强三个方面进行了研究,通过CLS动态加权平均、Multi-Sample Dropout、对抗训练FGM、回译等方法显著提升了模型对诈骗案件描述的分类性能。”

Search Augmented Instruction Learning
Hongyin Luo | Tianhua Zhang | Yung-Sung Chuang | Yuan Gong | Yoon Kim | Xixin Wu | Helen Meng | James Glass
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) have been significantly improved by instruction fine-tuning, but still lack transparency and the ability to utilize up-to-date knowledge and information. In this work, we propose search-augmented instruction learning (SAIL), which grounds the language generation and instruction following abilities on complex search results generated by in-house and external search engines. With an instruction tuning corpus, we collect search results for each training case from different search APIs and domains, and construct a new search-grounded training set containing (instruction, grounding information, response) triplets. We then fine-tune the LLaMA-7B model on the constructed training set. Since the collected results contain unrelated and disputing languages, the model needs to learn to ground on trustworthy search results, filter out distracting passages, and generate the target response. The search result-denoising process entails explicit trustworthy information selection and multi-hop reasoning, since the retrieved passages might be informative but not contain the instruction-following answer. Experiments show that the fine-tuned SAIL-7B model has a strong instruction-following ability, and it performs significantly better on transparency-sensitive tasks, including open-ended question answering and fact checking.

ConvRGX: Recognition, Generation, and Extraction for Self-trained Conversational Question Answering
Tianhua Zhang | Liping Tang | Wei Fang | Hongyin Luo | Xixin Wu | Helen Meng | James Glass
Proceedings of the Third DialDoc Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering

Collecting and constructing human-annotated corpora for training conversational question-answering (CQA) models has recently been shown to be inefficient and costly. To solve this problem, previous works have proposed training QA models with automatically generated QA data. In this work, we extend earlier studies on QA synthesis, and propose an efficient QA data generation algorithm under conversational settings. Our model recognizes potential dialogue topics, generates corresponding questions, and extracts answers from grounding passages. To improve the quality of generated QAs and downstream self-training of CQA models, we propose dropout and agreement-based QA selection methods. We conduct experiments on both data augmentation and domain adaptation settings. Experiments on the QuAC and Doc2Dial tasks show that the proposed method can significantly improve the quality of generated QA data, and also improves the accuracy of self-trained CQA models based on the constructed training corpora.


Grounded Dialogue Generation with Cross-encoding Re-ranker, Grounding Span Prediction, and Passage Dropout
Kun Li | Tianhua Zhang | Liping Tang | Junan Li | Hongyuan Lu | Xixin Wu | Helen Meng
Proceedings of the Second DialDoc Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering

MultiDoc2Dial presents an important challenge on modeling dialogues grounded with multiple documents. This paper proposes a pipeline system of “retrieve, re-rank, and generate”, where each component is individually optimized. This enables the passage re-ranker and response generator to fully exploit training with ground-truth data. Furthermore, we use a deep cross-encoder trained with localized hard negative passages from the retriever. For the response generator, we use grounding span prediction as an auxiliary task to be jointly trained with the main task of response generation. We also adopt a passage dropout and regularization technique to improve response generation performance. Experimental results indicate that the system clearly surpasses the competitive baseline and our team CPII-NLP ranked 1st among the public submissions on ALL four leaderboards based on the sum of F1, SacreBLEU, METEOR and RougeL scores.