Junhao Chen


MMAD:Multi-modal Movie Audio Description
Xiaojun Ye | Junhao Chen | Xiang Li | Haidong Xin | Chao Li | Sheng Zhou | Jiajun Bu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Audio Description (AD) aims to generate narrations of information that is not accessible through unimodal hearing in movies to aid the visually impaired in following film narratives. Current solutions rely heavily on manual work, resulting in high costs and limited scalability. While automatic methods have been introduced, they often yield descriptions that are sparse and omit key details. ddressing these challenges, we propose a novel automated pipeline, the Multi-modal Movie Audio Description (MMAD). MMAD harnesses the capabilities of three key modules as well as the power of Llama2 to augment the depth and breadth of the generated descriptions. Specifically, first, we propose an Audio-aware Feature Enhancing Module to provide the model with multi-modal perception capabilities, enriching the background descriptions with a more comprehensive understanding of the environmental features. Second, we propose an Actor-tracking-aware Story Linking Module to aid in the generation of contextual and character-centric descriptions, thereby enhancing the richness of character depictions. Third, we incorporate a Subtitled Movie Clip Contextual Alignment Module, supplying semantic information about various time periods throughout the movie, which facilitates the consideration of the full movie narrative context when describing silent segments, thereby enhancing the richness of the descriptions. Experiments on widely used datasets convincingly demonstrates that MMAD significantly surpasses existing strong baselines in performance, establishing a new state-of-the-art in the field. Our code will be released at https://github.com/Daria8976/MMAD.


ZhuJiu: A Multi-dimensional, Multi-faceted Chinese Benchmark for Large Language Models
Baoli Zhang | Haining Xie | Pengfan Du | Junhao Chen | Pengfei Cao | Yubo Chen | Shengping Liu | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

The unprecedented performance of LLMs requires comprehensive and accurate evaluation. We argue that for LLMs evaluation, benchmarks need to be comprehensive and systematic. To this end, we propose the Zhujiu benchmark, which has the following strengths: (1) Multi-dimensional ability coverage: We comprehensively evaluate LLMs across 7 ability dimensions covering 51 tasks. Especially, we also propose a new benchmark that focus on knowledge ability of LLMs. (2) Multi-faceted evaluation methods collaboration: We use 3 different yet complementary evaluation methods to comprehensively evaluate LLMs, which can ensure the authority and accuracy of the evaluation results. (3) Comprehensive Chinese benchmark: ZhuJiu is the pioneering benchmark that fully assesses LLMs in Chinese, while also providing equally robust evaluation abilities in English. (4) Avoiding potential data leakage: To avoid data leakage, we construct evaluation data specifically for 37 tasks. We evaluate 10 current mainstream LLMs, and conduct an in-depth discussion and analysis of their results. The ZhuJiu benchmark and open-participation leaderboard are publicly released at http://www.zhujiu-benchmark.com and we also provide a demo video at https://youtu.be/qypkJ89L1Ic.