Juho Kim


Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in English Hate Speech Annotations: From Dataset Construction to Analysis
Nayeon Lee | Chani Jung | Junho Myung | Jiho Jin | Jose Camacho-Collados | Juho Kim | Alice Oh
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

***Warning**: this paper contains content that may be offensive or upsetting.*Most hate speech datasets neglect the cultural diversity within a single language, resulting in a critical shortcoming in hate speech detection. To address this, we introduce **CREHate**, a **CR**oss-cultural **E**nglish **Hate** speech dataset.To construct CREHate, we follow a two-step procedure: 1) cultural post collection and 2) cross-cultural annotation.We sample posts from the SBIC dataset, which predominantly represents North America, and collect posts from four geographically diverse English-speaking countries (Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, and South Africa) using culturally hateful keywords we retrieve from our survey.Annotations are collected from the four countries plus the United States to establish representative labels for each country.Our analysis highlights statistically significant disparities across countries in hate speech annotations.Only 56.2% of the posts in CREHate achieve consensus among all countries, with the highest pairwise label difference rate of 26%.Qualitative analysis shows that label disagreement occurs mostly due to different interpretations of sarcasm and the personal bias of annotators on divisive topics.Lastly, we evaluate large language models (LLMs) under a zero-shot setting and show that current LLMs tend to show higher accuracies on Anglosphere country labels in CREHate.Our dataset and codes are available at: https://github.com/nlee0212/CREHate


Interactive Children’s Story Rewriting Through Parent-Children Interaction
Yoonjoo Lee | Tae Soo Kim | Minsuk Chang | Juho Kim
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants (In2Writing 2022)

Storytelling in early childhood provides significant benefits in language and literacy development, relationship building, and entertainment. To maximize these benefits, it is important to empower children with more agency. Interactive story rewriting through parent-children interaction can boost children’s agency and help build the relationship between parent and child as they collaboratively create changes to an original story. However, for children with limited proficiency in reading and writing, parents must carry out multiple tasks to guide the rewriting process, which can incur a high cognitive load. In this work, we introduce an interface design that aims to support children and parents to rewrite stories together with the help of AI techniques. We describe three design goals determined by a review of prior literature in interactive storytelling and existing educational activities. We also propose a preliminary prompt-based pipeline that uses GPT-3 to realize the design goals and enable the interface.


Teaching Syntax by Adversarial Distraction
Juho Kim | Christopher Malon | Asim Kadav
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER)

Existing entailment datasets mainly pose problems which can be answered without attention to grammar or word order. Learning syntax requires comparing examples where different grammar and word order change the desired classification. We introduce several datasets based on synthetic transformations of natural entailment examples in SNLI or FEVER, to teach aspects of grammar and word order. We show that without retraining, popular entailment models are unaware that these syntactic differences change meaning. With retraining, some but not all popular entailment models can learn to compare the syntax properly.