An Experiment: Finding Parents for Parentless Synsets by Means of CILI
Ahti Lohk
Martin Rebane
Heili Orav
Proceedings of the 12th Global Wordnet Conference
Identifying and correcting inconsistencies in wordnets is a natural part of their development. Focusing only on the subproblem of missing links, we aim to find automatically possible parents for parentless synsets in IS-A hierarchies of a target wordnet by means of source wordnets where target and source wordnets are in XML-format and equipped with Collaborative Interlingual Index (CILI). In this paper, we describe the algorithm and provide statistics on the possible parents of parentless synsets of the wordnets included in the study. Additionally, we investigate the suitability of the proposed potential parent synsets for correcting noun and verb synsets within the Estonian wordnet.
New Polysemy Structures in Wordnets Induced by Vertical Polysemy
Ahti Lohk
Heili Orav
Kadri Vare
Francis Bond
Rasmus Vaik
Proceedings of the 10th Global Wordnet Conference
This paper aims to study auto-hyponymy and auto-troponymy relations (or vertical polysemy) in 11 wordnets uploaded into the new Open Multilingual Wordnet (OMW) webpage. We investigate how vertical polysemy forms polysemy structures (or sense clusters) in semantic hierarchies of the wordnets. Our main results and discoveries are new polysemy structures that have not previously been associated with vertical polysemy, along with some inconsistencies of semantic relations analysis in the studied wordnets, which should not be there. In the case study, we turn attention to polysemy structures in the Estonian Wordnet (version 2.2.0), analyzing them and giving the lexicographers comments. In addition, we describe the detection algorithm of polysemy structures and an overview of the state of polysemy structures in 11 wordnets.
Estonian Wordnet: Current State and Future Prospects
Heili Orav
Kadri Vare
Sirli Zupping
Proceedings of the 9th Global Wordnet Conference
This paper presents Estonian Wordnet (EstWN) with its latest developments. We are focusing on the time period of 2011–2017 because during this time EstWN project was supported by the National Programme for Estonian Language Technology (NPELT1). We describe which were the goals at the beginning of 2011 and what are the accomplishments today. This paper serves as a summarizing report about the progress of EstWN during this programme. While building EstWN we have been concentrating on the fact, that EstWN as a valuable Estonian resource would also be compatible in a common multilingual framework.
Playing Alias - efficiency for wordnet(s)
Sven Aller
Heili Orav
Kadri Vare
Sirli Zupping
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference (GWC)
This paper describes an electronic variant of popular word game Alias where people have to guess words according to their associations via synonyms, opposites, hyperonyms etc. Lexical data comes from the Estonian Wordnet. The computer game Alias which draws information from Estonian Wordnet is useful at least for two reasons: it creates an opportunity to learn language through play, and it helps to evaluate and improve the quality of Estonian Wordnet.
Experiences of Lexicographers and Computer Scientists in Validating Estonian Wordnet with Test Patterns
Ahti Lohk
Heili Orav
Kadri Vare
Leo Vohandu
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference (GWC)
New concepts and semantic relations are constantly added to Estonian Wordnet (EstWN) to increase its size. In addition to this, with the use of test patterns, the validation of EstWN hierarchies is also performed. This parallel work was carried out over the past four years (2011-2014) with 10 different EstWN versions (60-70). This has been a collaboration between the creators of test patterns and the lexicographers currently working on EstWN. This paper describes the usage of test patterns from the points of views of information scientists (the creators of test patterns) as well as the users (lexicographers). Using EstWN as an example, we illustrate how the continuous use of test patterns has led to significant improvement of the semantic hierarchies in EstWN.
Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference
Heili Orav
Christiane Fellbaum
Piek Vossen
Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference
Some structural tests for WordNet with results
Ahti Lohk
Heili Orav
Leo Võhandu
Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference
Dense Components in the Structure of WordNet
Ahti Lohk
Kaarel Allik
Heili Orav
Leo Võhandu
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
This paper introduces a test-pattern named a dense component for checking inconsistencies in the hierarchical structure of a wordnet. Dense component (viewed as substructure) points out the cases of regular polysemy in the context of multiple inheritance. Definition of the regular polysemy is redefined ― instead of lexical units there are used lexical concepts (synsets). All dense components are evaluated by expert lexicographer. Based on this experiment we give an overview of the inconsistencies which the test-pattern helps to detect. Special attention is turned to all different kind of corrections made by lexicographer. Authors of this paper find that the greatest benefit of the use of dense components is helping to detect if the regular polysemy is justified or not. In-depth analysis has been performed for Estonian Wordnet Version 66. Some comparative figures are also given for the Estonian Wordnet (EstWN) Version 67 and Princeton WordNet (PrWN) Version 3.1. Analysing hierarchies only hypernym-relations are used.
Nordic and Baltic Wordnets Aligned and Compared through “WordTies”
Bolette Sandford Pedersen
Lars Borin
Markus Forsberg
Neeme Kahusk
Krister Lindén
Jyrki Niemi
Niklas Nisbeth
Lars Nygaard
Heili Orav
Eirikur Rögnvaldsson
Mitchell Seaton
Kadri Vider
Kaarlo Voionmaa
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Sensiting Inflectionality: Estonian Task for SENSEVAL-2
Neeme Kahusk
Heili Orav
Haldur Õim
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-2 Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems