Giorgio Satta
Tractable Parsing for CCGs of Bounded Degree
Lena Katharina Schiffer
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 48, Issue 3 - September 2022
Bottom-Up Unranked Tree-to-Graph Transducers for Translation into Semantic Graphs
Johanna Björklund
Shay B. Cohen
Frank Drewes
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing
Ordered Tree Decomposition for HRG Rule Extraction
Daniel Gildea
Giorgio Satta
Xiaochang Peng
Computational Linguistics, Volume 45, Issue 2 - June 2019
Sequence-to-sequence Models for Cache Transition Systems
Xiaochang Peng
Linfeng Song
Daniel Gildea
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Cache Transition Systems for Graph Parsing
Daniel Gildea
Giorgio Satta
Xiaochang Peng
Computational Linguistics, Volume 44, Issue 1 - April 2018
Weighted DAG Automata for Semantic Graphs
David Chiang
Frank Drewes
Daniel Gildea
Adam Lopez
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 44, Issue 1 - April 2018
On the Complexity of CCG Parsing
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Peter Jonsson
Computational Linguistics, Volume 44, Issue 3 - September 2018
An Incremental Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation
Marco Damonte
Shay B. Cohen
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers
Synchronous Context-Free Grammars and Optimal Parsing Strategies
Daniel Gildea
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 42, Issue 2 - June 2016
Lexicalization and Generative Power in CCG
Marco Kuhlmann
Alexander Koller
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 41, Issue 2 - June 2015
A Tabular Method for Dynamic Oracles in Transition-Based Parsing
Yoav Goldberg
Francesco Sartorio
Giorgio Satta
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
A New Parsing Algorithm for Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
A Polynomial-Time Dynamic Oracle for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Francesco Sartorio
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Approximate PCFG Parsing Using Tensor Decomposition
Shay B. Cohen
Giorgio Satta
Michael Collins
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Efficient Parsing for Head-Split Dependency Trees
Giorgio Satta
Marco Kuhlmann
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 1
A Transition-Based Dependency Parser Using a Dynamic Parsing Strategy
Francesco Sartorio
Giorgio Satta
Joakim Nivre
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Tree-Adjoining Grammars Are Not Closed Under Strong Lexicalization
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 38, Issue 3 - September 2012
Heuristic Cube Pruning in Linear Time
Andrea Gesmundo
Giorgio Satta
James Henderson
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)
Giorgio Satta
Chung-Hye Han
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+11)
Prefix Probabilities for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Optimal Head-Driven Parsing Complexity for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Pierluigi Crescenzi
Daniel Gildea
Andrea Marino
Gianluca Rossi
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Prefix Probability for Probabilistic Synchronous Context-Free Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Transition-Based Dependency Parsers
Marco Kuhlmann
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Computation of Infix Probabilities for Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Exact Inference for Generative Probabilistic Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Shay B. Cohen
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Splittability of Bilexical Context-Free Grammars is Undecidable
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 37, Issue 4 - December 2011
Optimal Rank Reduction for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two
Benoît Sagot
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The Importance of Rule Restrictions in CCG
Marco Kuhlmann
Alexander Koller
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Parsing and Translation Algorithms Based on Weighted Extended Tree Transducers
Andreas Maletti
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing
Complexity, Parsing, and Factorization of Tree-Local Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar
Rebecca Nesson
Giorgio Satta
Stuart M. Shieber
Computational Linguistics, Volume 36, Issue 3 - September 2010
Efficient Parsing of Well-Nested Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
An Optimal-Time Binarization Algorithm for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
A Polynomial-Time Parsing Algorithm for TT-MCTAG
Laura Kallmeyer
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
Treebank Grammar Techniques for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009)
Parsing Algorithms based on Tree Automata
Andreas Maletti
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT’09)
Synchronous Rewriting in Treebanks
Laura Kallmeyer
Wolfgang Maier
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT’09)
Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
David Weir
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Comparing Italian parsers on a common Treebank: the EVALITA experience
Cristina Bosco
Alessandro Mazzei
Vincenzo Lombardo
Giuseppe Attardi
Anna Corazza
Alberto Lavelli
Leonardo Lesmo
Giorgio Satta
Maria Simi
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Optimal k-arization of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammar
Rebecca Nesson
Giorgio Satta
Stuart M. Shieber
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT
On the Complexity of Non-Projective Data-Driven Dependency Parsing
Ryan McDonald
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Guided Learning for Bidirectional Sequence Classification
Libin Shen
Giorgio Satta
Aravind Joshi
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics
Factoring Synchronous Grammars by Sorting
Daniel Gildea
Giorgio Satta
Hao Zhang
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions
Cross-Entropy and Estimation of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars
Anna Corazza
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Main Conference
Estimation of Consistent Probabilistic Context-free Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Main Conference
Some Computational Complexity Results for Synchronous Context-Free Grammars
Giorgio Satta
Enoch Peserico
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Probabilistic Parsing Strategies
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
An Alternative Method of Training Probabilistic LR Parsers
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Generalized Multitext Grammars
I. Dan Melamed
Giorgio Satta
Benjamin Wellington
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Kullback-Leibler Distance between Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars and Probabilistic Finite Automata
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Probabilistic Parsing as Intersection
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Partially Ordered Multiset Context-free Grammars and Free-word-order Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Stuart Shieber
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Parsing Technologies
Parsing non-recursive CFGs
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Parsing Techniques for Lexicalized Context-Free Grammars
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Left-To-Right Parsing and Bilexical Context-Free Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
A faster parsing algorithm for Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Jason Eisner
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+5)
Efficient Parsing for Bilexical Context-Free Grammars and Head Automaton Grammars
Jason Eisner
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Book Reviews: Parsing with Principles and Classes of Information
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 24, Number 1, March 1998 - Special Issue on Word Sense Disambiguation
Optimality Theory and the Generative Complexity of Constraint Violability
Robert Frank
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 24, Number 2, June 1998
Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Tree Adjoining Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Anoop Sarkar
Giorgio Satta
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages
Giorgio Satta
William Schuler
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Free Adjoining Grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Anoop Sarkar
Giorgio Satta
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages
Giorgio Satta
William Schuler
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 2
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)
Anne Abeillé
Tilman Becker
Giorgio Satta
K. Vijay-Shanker
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)
Prefix probabilities for linear indexed grammars
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Anoop Sarkar
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)
String Transformation Learning
Giorgio Satta
John C. Henderson
35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Synchronous Models of Language
Owen Rambow
Giorgio Satta
34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Efficient Tabular LR Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Efficient Transformation-Based Parsing
Giorgio Satta
Eric Brill
34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
An Extended Theory of Head-Driven Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Giorgio Satta
32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Tree-Adjoining Grammar Parsing and Boolean Matrix Multiplication
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 2, June 1994
Recognition of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Giorgio Satta
30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Book Reviews: Generalized LR Parsing
Giorgio Satta
Computational Linguistics, Volume 18, Number 3, September 1992, Special Issue on Inheritance: II
Bidirectional Parsing of Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars
Alberto Lavelli
Giorgio Satta
Fifth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Stochastic Context-Free Grammars for Island-Driven Probabilistic Parsing
Anna Corazza
Renato De Mori
Roberto Gretter
Giorgio Satta
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
A Computational Approach to Binding Theory
Alessandra Giorgi
Fabio Pianesi
Giorgio Satta
COLING 1990 Volume 3: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Head-Driven Bidirectional Parsing: A Tabular Method
Giorgio Satta
Oliviero Stock
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
- Mark-Jan Nederhof 17
- Marco Kuhlmann 11
- Daniel Gildea 7
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez 6
- Shay B. Cohen 4
- show all...
- Francesco Sartorio 3
- Xiaochang Peng 3
- Anoop Sarkar 3
- Anna Corazza 3
- Stuart M. Shieber 3
- Jason Eisner 2
- Laura Kallmeyer 2
- Alberto Lavelli 2
- William Schuler 2
- Alexander Koller 2
- Frank Drewes 2
- Andreas Maletti 2
- Rebecca Nesson 2
- Ryan McDonald 1
- John Henderson 1
- Alessandra Giorgi 1
- Fabio Pianesi 1
- Robert Frank 1
- Andrea Gesmundo 1
- James Henderson 1
- Chung-hye Han 1
- Yoav Goldberg 1
- Pierluigi Crescenzi 1
- Andrea Marino 1
- Gianluca De Rossi 1
- Linfeng Song 1
- Marco Damonte 1
- Renato De Mori 1
- Roberto Gretter 1
- Cristina Bosco 1
- Alessandro Mazzei 1
- Vincenzo Lombardo 1
- Giuseppe Attardi 1
- Leonardo Lesmo 1
- Maria Simi 1
- Johanna Björklund 1
- Benoît Sagot 1
- Libin Shen 1
- Aravind Joshi 1
- I. Dan Melamed 1
- Benjamin Wellington 1
- Wolfgang Maier 1
- Hao Zhang 1
- Lena Katharina Schiffer 1
- David Weir 1
- Enoch Peserico 1
- Owen Rambow 1
- Eric Brill 1
- Oliviero Stock 1
- Michael Collins 1
- David Chiang 1
- Adam Lopez 1
- Peter Jonsson 1
- Joakim Nivre 1
- Anne Abeillé 1
- Tilman Becker 1
- K. Vijay-Shanker 1