Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Also published as: Daniel Ortiz Martínez, Daniel Ortíz-Martínez
Online Learning for Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Computational Linguistics, Volume 42, Issue 1 - March 2016
Beyond Prefix-Based Interactive Translation Prediction
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
José Miguel Benedi Ruiz
Proceedings of the 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Efficient wordgraph for interactive translation prediction
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Integrating online and active learning in a computer-assisted translation workbench
Vicent Alabau
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Francisco Casacuberta
Mercedes García-Martínez
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Dan Cheung Petersen
Barbara Dragsted
Michael Carl
Workshop on interactive and adaptive machine translation
Evaluating the effects of interactivity in a post-editing workbench
Nancy Underwood
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Mercedes García Martínez
Michael Carl
Vicent Alabau
Jesús González-Rubio
Luis A. Leiva
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortíz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Online optimisation of log-linear weights in interactive machine translation
Mara Chinea Rios
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
CASMACAT: A Computer-assisted Translation Workbench
Vicent Alabau
Christian Buck
Michael Carl
Francisco Casacuberta
Mercedes García-Martínez
Ulrich Germann
Jesús González-Rubio
Robin Hill
Philipp Koehn
Luis Leiva
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Herve Saint-Amand
Germán Sanchis Trilles
Chara Tsoukala
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The New Thot Toolkit for Fully-Automatic and Interactive Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Interactive Machine Translation using Hierarchical Translation Models
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
José-Miguel Benedí
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
User Evaluation of Advanced Interaction Features for a Computer-Assisted Translation Workbench
Vicente Alabau
Jesus Gonzalez-Rubio
Luis A. Leiva
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
German Sanchis-Trilles
Francisco Casacuberta
Bartolomé Mesa-Lao
Ragnar Bonk
Michael Carl
Mercedes Garcia-Martinez
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: User track
Active learning for interactive machine translation
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
User Evaluation of Interactive Machine Translation Systems
Vincent Alabau
Luis A. Leiva
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Bilingual segmentation for phrasetable pruning in Statistical Machine Translation
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Jesús González-Rubio
Jorge González
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
An Interactive Machine Translation System with Online Learning
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Luis A. Leiva
Vicent Alabau
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations
Balancing User Effort and Translation Error in Interactive Machine Translation via Confidence Measures
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers
On the Use of Confidence Measures within an Interactive-predictive Machine Translation System
Jesús González-Rubio
Daniel Ortíz-Martínez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Online Learning for Interactive Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Interactive Machine Translation Based on Partial Statistical Phrase-based Alignments
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009
Phrase-level alignment generation using a smoothed loglinear phrase-based statistical alignment model
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation
Improving Interactive Machine Translation via Mouse Actions
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Jorge Civera
Francisco Casacuberta
Enrique Vidal
Hieu Hoang
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Generalized Stack Decoding Algorithms for Statistical Machine Translation
Daniel Ortiz Martínez
Ismael García Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Thot: a Toolkit To Train Phrase-based Statistical Translation Models
Daniel Ortiz-Martínez
Ismael García-Varea
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit X: Papers
- Francisco Casacuberta 20
- Jesús González-Rubio 10
- Germán Sanchis-Trilles 8
- Ismael García-Varea 6
- Luis A. Leiva 5
- show all...
- Vicent Alabau 5
- Mercedes García-Martínez 4
- Bartolomé Mesa-Lao 4
- Michael Carl 4
- José-Miguel Benedí 2
- Jorge González 1
- Dan Cheung Petersen 1
- Barbara Dragsted 1
- Ragnar Bonk 1
- Nancy Underwood 1
- Mara Chinea-Ríos 1
- Christian Buck 1
- Ulrich Germann 1
- Robin L. Hill 1
- Philipp Koehn 1
- Herve Saint-Amand 1
- Chara Tsoukala 1
- Vincent Alabau 1
- Jorge Civera 1
- Enrique Vidal 1
- Hieu Hoang 1