Abhishek Arora


Quantifying Character Similarity with Vision Transformers
Xinmei Yang | Abhishek Arora | Shao-Yu Jheng | Melissa Dell
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Record linkage is a bedrock of quantitative social science, as analyses often require linking data from multiple, noisy sources. Off-the-shelf string matching methods are widely used, as they are straightforward and cheap to implement and scale. Not all character substitutions are equally probable, and for some settings there are widely used handcrafted lists denoting which string substitutions are more likely, that improve the accuracy of string matching. However, such lists do not exist for many settings, skewing research with linked datasets towards a few high-resource contexts that are not representative of the diversity of human societies. This study develops an extensible way to measure character substitution costs for OCR’ed documents, by employing large-scale self-supervised training of vision transformers (ViT) with augmented digital fonts. For each language written with the CJK script, we contrastively learn a metric space where different augmentations of the same character are represented nearby. In this space, homoglyphic characters - those with similar appearance such as “O” and “0” - have similar vector representations. Using the cosine distance between characters’ representations as the substitution cost in an edit distance matching algorithm significantly improves record linkage compared to other widely used string matching methods, as OCR errors tend to be homoglyphic in nature. Homoglyphs can plausibly capture character visual similarity across any script, including low-resource settings. We illustrate this by creating homoglyph sets for 3,000 year old ancient Chinese characters, which are highly pictorial. Fascinatingly, a ViT is able to capture relationships in how different abstract concepts were conceptualized by ancient societies, that have been noted in the archaeological literature.

EfficientOCR: An Extensible, Open-Source Package for Efficiently Digitizing World Knowledge
Tom Bryan | Jacob Carlson | Abhishek Arora | Melissa Dell
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Billions of public domain documents remain trapped in hard copy or lack an accurate digitization. Modern natural language processing methods cannot be used to index, retrieve, and summarize their texts; conduct computational textual analyses; or extract information for statistical analyses, and these texts cannot be incorporated into language model training. Given the diversity and sheer quantity of public domain texts, liberating them at scale requires optical character recognition (OCR) that is accurate, extremely cheap to deploy, and sample-efficient to customize to novel collections, languages, and character sets. Existing OCR engines, largely designed for small-scale commercial applications in high resource languages, often fall short of these requirements. EffOCR (EfficientOCR), a novel open-source OCR package, meets both the computational and sample efficiency requirements for liberating texts at scale by abandoning the sequence-to-sequence architecture typically used for OCR, which takes representations from a learned vision model as inputs to a learned language model. Instead, EffOCR models OCR as a character or word-level image retrieval problem. EffOCR is cheap and sample efficient to train, as the model only needs to learn characters’ visual appearance and not how they are used in sequence to form language. Models in the EffOCR model zoo can be deployed off-the-shelf with only a few lines of code and include lightweight models designed for mobile phones that are extremely cheap to deploy. Importantly, EffOCR also allows for easy, sample efficient customization with a simple model training interface and minimal labeling requirements due to its sample efficiency. We illustrate the utility of EffOCR by cheaply and accurately digitizing 20 million historical U.S. newspaper scans, evaluating zero-shot performance on randomly selected documents from the U.S. National Archives, and accurately digitizing a Japanese document collection for which all other OCR solutions failed.


Subtl.ai at the FinSBD-2 task: Document Structure Identification by Paying Attention
Abhishek Arora | Aman Khullar | Sarath Chandra Pakala | Vishnu Ramesh | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing