Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Mari Ostendorf, Michael Collins, Shri Narayanan, Douglas W. Oard, Lucy Vanderwende (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- N09-1
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 2009
- Address:
- Boulder, Colorado
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Mari Ostendorf
Michael Collins
Shri Narayanan
Douglas W. Oard
Lucy Vanderwende
Subjectivity Recognition on Word Senses via Semi-supervised Mincuts
Fangzhong Su
Katja Markert
Integrating Knowledge for Subjectivity Sense Labeling
Yaw Gyamfi
Janyce Wiebe
Rada Mihalcea
Cem Akkaya
A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches
Eneko Agirre
Enrique Alfonseca
Keith Hall
Jana Kravalova
Marius Paşca
Aitor Soroa
A Fully Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method Using Dependency Knowledge
Ping Chen
Wei Ding
Chris Bowes
David Brown
Learning Phoneme Mappings for Transliteration without Parallel Data
Sujith Ravi
Kevin Knight
A Corpus-Based Approach for the Prediction of Language Impairment in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children
Keyur Gabani
Melissa Sherman
Thamar Solorio
Yang Liu
Lisa Bedore
Elizabeth Peña
A Discriminative Latent Variable Chinese Segmenter with Hybrid Word/Character Information
Xu Sun
Yaozhong Zhang
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Improved Reconstruction of Protolanguage Word Forms
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté
Thomas L. Griffiths
Dan Klein
Shared Logistic Normal Distributions for Soft Parameter Tying in Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Shay Cohen
Noah A. Smith
Adding More Languages Improves Unsupervised Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging: a Bayesian Non-Parametric Approach
Benjamin Snyder
Tahira Naseem
Jacob Eisenstein
Regina Barzilay
Efficiently Parsable Extensions to Tree-Local Multicomponent TAG
Rebecca Nesson
Stuart Shieber
Improving Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Richer Contexts and Smoothing
William P. Headden III
Mark Johnson
David McClosky
Context-Dependent Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation
Jamie Brunning
Adrià de Gispert
William Byrne
Graph-based Learning for Statistical Machine Translation
Andrei Alexandrescu
Katrin Kirchhoff
Intersecting Multilingual Data for Faster and Better Statistical Translations
Yu Chen
Martin Kay
Andreas Eisele
Without a ’doubt’? Unsupervised Discovery of Downward-Entailing Operators
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Lillian Lee
Richard Ducott
The Role of Implicit Argumentation in Nominal SRL
Matthew Gerber
Joyce Chai
Adam Meyers
Jointly Identifying Predicates, Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic
Ivan Meza-Ruiz
Sebastian Riedel
Structured Generative Models for Unsupervised Named-Entity Clustering
Micha Elsner
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Hierarchical Dirichlet Trees for Information Retrieval
Gholamreza Haffari
Yee Whye Teh
Phrase-Based Query Degradation Modeling for Vocabulary-Independent Ranked Utterance Retrieval
J. Scott Olsson
Douglas W. Oard
Japanese Query Alteration Based on Lexical Semantic Similarity
Masato Hagiwara
Hisami Suzuki
Context-based Message Expansion for Disentanglement of Interleaved Text Conversations
Lidan Wang
Douglas W. Oard
Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models
Hoifung Poon
Colin Cherry
Kristina Toutanova
11,001 New Features for Statistical Machine Translation
David Chiang
Kevin Knight
Wei Wang
Efficient Parsing for Transducer Grammars
John DeNero
Mohit Bansal
Adam Pauls
Dan Klein
Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Noah A. Smith
Stephan Vogel
Using a Dependency Parser to Improve SMT for Subject-Object-Verb Languages
Peng Xu
Jaeho Kang
Michael Ringgaard
Franz Och
Learning Bilingual Linguistic Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Han-Bin Chen
Jian-Cheng Wu
Jason S. Chang
May All Your Wishes Come True: A Study of Wishes and How to Recognize Them
Andrew B. Goldberg
Nathanael Fillmore
David Andrzejewski
Zhiting Xu
Bryan Gibson
Xiaojin Zhu
Predicting Risk from Financial Reports with Regression
Shimon Kogan
Dimitry Levin
Bryan R. Routledge
Jacob S. Sagi
Noah A. Smith
Domain Adaptation with Latent Semantic Association for Named Entity Recognition
Honglei Guo
Huijia Zhu
Zhili Guo
Xiaoxun Zhang
Xian Wu
Zhong Su
Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement
Vishnu Vyas
Patrick Pantel
Unsupervised Constraint Driven Learning For Transliteration Discovery
Ming-Wei Chang
Dan Goldwasser
Dan Roth
Yuancheng Tu
On the Syllabification of Phonemes
Susan Bartlett
Grzegorz Kondrak
Colin Cherry
Improving nonparameteric Bayesian inference: experiments on unsupervised word segmentation with adaptor grammars
Mark Johnson
Sharon Goldwater
Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition
Jenny Rose Finkel
Christopher D. Manning
Minimal-length linearizations for mildly context-sensitive dependency trees
Y. Albert Park
Roger Levy
Positive Results for Parsing with a Bounded Stack using a Model-Based Right-Corner Transform
William Schuler
Hierarchical Text Segmentation from Multi-Scale Lexical Cohesion
Jacob Eisenstein
Exploring Content Models for Multi-Document Summarization
Aria Haghighi
Lucy Vanderwende
Global Models of Document Structure using Latent Permutations
Harr Chen
S.R.K. Branavan
Regina Barzilay
David R. Karger
Assessing and Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition for Incremental Systems
Timo Baumann
Michaela Atterer
David Schlangen
Geo-Centric Language Models for Local Business Voice Search
Amanda Stent
Ilija Zeljković
Diamantino Caseiro
Jay Wilpon
Improving the Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary for Phone and Word Recognition with Linguistically-Based Pronunciation Rules
Fadi Biadsy
Nizar Habash
Julia Hirschberg
Using a maximum entropy model to build segmentation lattices for MT
Chris Dyer
Active Learning for Statistical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Gholamreza Haffari
Maxim Roy
Anoop Sarkar
Semi-Supervised Lexicon Mining from Parenthetical Expressions in Monolingual Web Pages
Xianchao Wu
Naoaki Okazaki
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers
Gonzalo Iglesias
Adrià de Gispert
Eduardo R. Banga
William Byrne
Improved pronunciation features for construct-driven assessment of non-native spontaneous speech
Lei Chen
Klaus Zechner
Xiaoming Xi
Performance Prediction for Exponential Language Models
Stanley Chen
Tied-Mixture Language Modeling in Continuous Space
Ruhi Sarikaya
Mohamed Afify
Brian Kingsbury
Shrinking Exponential Language Models
Stanley Chen
Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models
Tae Yano
William W. Cohen
Noah A. Smith
An Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Fine-Grained Opinion Mining
Weifu Du
Songbo Tan
For a few dollars less: Identifying review pages sans human labels
Luciano Barbosa
Ravi Kumar
Bo Pang
Andrew Tomkins
More than Words: Syntactic Packaging and Implicit Sentiment
Stephan Greene
Philip Resnik
Streaming for large scale NLP: Language Modeling
Amit Goyal
Hal Daumé III
Suresh Venkatasubramanian
The Effect of Corpus Size on Case Frame Acquisition for Discourse Analysis
Ryohei Sasano
Daisuke Kawahara
Sadao Kurohashi
Semantic-based Estimation of Term Informativeness
Kirill Kireyev
Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Marco Kuhlmann
Giorgio Satta
David Weir
Inducing Compact but Accurate Tree-Substitution Grammars
Trevor Cohn
Sharon Goldwater
Phil Blunsom
Hierarchical Search for Parsing
Adam Pauls
Dan Klein
An effective Discourse Parser that uses Rich Linguistic Information
Rajen Subba
Barbara Di Eugenio
Graph-Cut-Based Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution
Vincent Ng
Using Citations to Generate surveys of Scientific Paradigms
Saif Mohammad
Bonnie Dorr
Melissa Egan
Ahmed Hassan
Pradeep Muthukrishan
Vahed Qazvinian
Dragomir Radev
David Zajic
Non-Parametric Bayesian Areal Linguistics
Hal Daumé III
Hierarchical Bayesian Domain Adaptation
Jenny Rose Finkel
Christopher D. Manning
Online EM for Unsupervised Models
Percy Liang
Dan Klein
Unsupervised Approaches for Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Meeting Transcripts
Feifan Liu
Deana Pennell
Fei Liu
Yang Liu
A Finite-State Turn-Taking Model for Spoken Dialog Systems
Antoine Raux
Maxine Eskenazi
Extracting Social Meaning: Identifying Interactional Style in Spoken Conversation
Dan Jurafsky
Rajesh Ranganath
Dan McFarland
Linear Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines via Chart Constraints
Brian Roark
Kristy Hollingshead
Improved Syntactic Models for Parsing Speech with Repairs
Tim Miller
A model of local coherence effects in human sentence processing as consequences of updates from bottom-up prior to posterior beliefs
Klinton Bicknell
Roger Levy