Sebastin Santy


NLPositionality: Characterizing Design Biases of Datasets and Models
Sebastin Santy | Jenny Liang | Ronan Le Bras | Katharina Reinecke | Maarten Sap
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Design biases in NLP systems, such as performance differences for different populations, often stem from their creator’s positionality, i.e., views and lived experiences shaped by identity and background. Despite the prevalence and risks of design biases, they are hard to quantify because researcher, system, and dataset positionality is often unobserved. We introduce NLPositionality, a framework for characterizing design biases and quantifying the positionality of NLP datasets and models. Our framework continuously collects annotations from a diverse pool of volunteer participants on LabintheWild, and statistically quantifies alignment with dataset labels and model predictions. We apply NLPositionality to existing datasets and models for two tasks—social acceptability and hate speech detection. To date, we have collected 16,299 annotations in over a year for 600 instances from 1,096 annotators across 87 countries. We find that datasets and models align predominantly with Western, White, college-educated, and younger populations. Additionally, certain groups, such as non-binary people and non-native English speakers, are further marginalized by datasets and models as they rank least in alignment across all tasks. Finally, we draw from prior literature to discuss how researchers can examine their own positionality and that of their datasets and models, opening the door for more inclusive NLP systems.

Designing, Evaluating, and Learning from Humans Interacting with NLP Models
Tongshuang Wu | Diyi Yang | Sebastin Santy
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

The rapid advancement of natural language processing (NLP) research has led to various applications spanning a wide range of domains that require models to interact with humans – e.g., chatbots responding to human inquiries, machine translation systems assisting human translators, designers prompting Large Language Models for co-creation or prototyping AI-infused applications, etc. In these cases, humans interaction is key to the success of NLP applications; any potential misconceptions or differences might lead to error cascades at the subsequent stages. Such interaction involves a lot of design choices around models, e.g. the sensitivity of interfaces, the impact of design choice and evaluation questions, etc. This tutorial aims to provide a systematic and up-to-date overview of key considerations and effective approaches for studying human-NLP model interactions. Our tutorial will focus specifically on the scenario where end users – lay people and domain experts who have access to NLP models but are less familiar with NLP techniques – use or collaborate with deployed models. Throughout the tutorial, we will use five case studies (on classifier-assisted decision making, machine-aided translation, dialog systems, and prompting) to cover three major themes: (1) how to conduct human-in-the-loop usability evaluations to ensure that models are capable of interacting with humans; (2) how to design user interfaces (UIs) and interaction mechanisms that provide end users with easy access to NLP models; (3) how to learn and improve NLP models through the human interactions. We will use best practices from HCI to ground our discussion, and will highlight current challenges and future directions.


Use of Formal Ethical Reviews in NLP Literature: Historical Trends and Current Practices
Sebastin Santy | Anku Rani | Monojit Choudhury
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

BERTologiCoMix: How does Code-Mixing interact with Multilingual BERT?
Sebastin Santy | Anirudh Srinivasan | Monojit Choudhury
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Domain Adaptation for NLP

Models such as mBERT and XLMR have shown success in solving Code-Mixed NLP tasks even though they were not exposed to such text during pretraining. Code-Mixed NLP models have relied on using synthetically generated data along with naturally occurring data to improve their performance. Finetuning mBERT on such data improves it’s code-mixed performance, but the benefits of using the different types of Code-Mixed data aren’t clear. In this paper, we study the impact of finetuning with different types of code-mixed data and outline the changes that occur to the model during such finetuning. Our findings suggest that using naturally occurring code-mixed data brings in the best performance improvement after finetuning and that finetuning with any type of code-mixed text improves the responsivity of it’s attention heads to code-mixed text inputs.


The State and Fate of Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion in the NLP World
Pratik Joshi | Sebastin Santy | Amar Budhiraja | Kalika Bali | Monojit Choudhury
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Language technologies contribute to promoting multilingualism and linguistic diversity around the world. However, only a very small number of the over 7000 languages of the world are represented in the rapidly evolving language technologies and applications. In this paper we look at the relation between the types of languages, resources, and their representation in NLP conferences to understand the trajectory that different languages have followed over time. Our quantitative investigation underlines the disparity between languages, especially in terms of their resources, and calls into question the “language agnostic” status of current models and systems. Through this paper, we attempt to convince the ACL community to prioritise the resolution of the predicaments highlighted here, so that no language is left behind.

Learnings from Technological Interventions in a Low Resource Language: A Case-Study on Gondi
Devansh Mehta | Sebastin Santy | Ramaravind Kommiya Mothilal | Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava | Alok Sharma | Anurag Shukla | Vishnu Prasad | Venkanna U | Amit Sharma | Kalika Bali
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

The primary obstacle to developing technologies for low-resource languages is the lack of usable data. In this paper, we report the adaption and deployment of 4 technology-driven methods of data collection for Gondi, a low-resource vulnerable language spoken by around 2.3 million tribal people in south and central India. In the process of data collection, we also help in its revival by expanding access to information in Gondi through the creation of linguistic resources that can be used by the community, such as a dictionary, children’s stories, an app with Gondi content from multiple sources and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based mass awareness platform. At the end of these interventions, we collected a little less than 12,000 translated words and/or sentences and identified more than 650 community members whose help can be solicited for future translation efforts. The larger goal of the project is collecting enough data in Gondi to build and deploy viable language technologies like machine translation and speech to text systems that can help take the language onto the internet.


Unsung Challenges of Building and Deploying Language Technologies for Low Resource Language Communities
Pratik Joshi | Christain Barnes | Sebastin Santy | Simran Khanuja | Sanket Shah | Anirudh Srinivasan | Satwik Bhattamishra | Sunayana Sitaram | Monojit Choudhury | Kalika Bali
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we examine and analyze the challenges associated with developing and introducing language technologies to low-resource language communities. While doing so we bring to light the successes and failures of past work in this area, challenges being faced in doing so, and what have they achieved. Throughout this paper, we take a problem-facing approach and describe essential factors which the success of such technologies hinges upon. We present the various aspects in a manner which clarify and lay out the different tasks involved, which can aid organizations looking to make an impact in this area. We take the example of Gondi, an extremely-low resource Indian language, to reinforce and complement our discussion.

INMT: Interactive Neural Machine Translation Prediction
Sebastin Santy | Sandipan Dandapat | Monojit Choudhury | Kalika Bali
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP): System Demonstrations

In this paper, we demonstrate an Interactive Machine Translation interface, that assists human translators with on-the-fly hints and suggestions. This makes the end-to-end translation process faster, more efficient and creates high-quality translations. We augment the OpenNMT backend with a mechanism to accept the user input and generate conditioned translations.

CoSSAT: Code-Switched Speech Annotation Tool
Sanket Shah | Pratik Joshi | Sebastin Santy | Sunayana Sitaram
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Aggregating and Analysing Crowdsourced Annotations for NLP

Code-switching refers to the alternation of two or more languages in a conversation or utterance and is common in multilingual communities across the world. Building code-switched speech and natural language processing systems are challenging due to the lack of annotated speech and text data. We present a speech annotation interface CoSSAT, which helps annotators transcribe code-switched speech faster, more easily and more accurately than a traditional interface, by displaying candidate words from monolingual speech recognizers. We conduct a user study on the transcription of Hindi-English code-switched speech with 10 annotators and describe quantitative and qualitative results.