Lu Cheng


JORA: JAX Tensor-Parallel LoRA Library for Retrieval Augmented Fine-Tuning
Anique Tahir | Lu Cheng | Huan Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

The scaling of Large Language Models (LLMs) for retrieval-based tasks, particularly in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), faces significant memory constraints, especially when fine-tuning extensive prompt sequences. Current open-source libraries support full-model inference and fine-tuning across multiple GPUs but fall short of accommodating the efficient parameter distribution required for retrieved context. Addressing this gap, we introduce a novel framework for PEFT-compatible fine-tuning of GPT models, leveraging distributed training. Our framework uniquely utilizes JAX’s just-in-time (JIT) compilation and tensor-sharding for efficient resource management, thereby enabling accelerated fine-tuning with reduced memory requirements. This advancement significantly improves the scalability and feasibility of fine-tuning LLMs for complex RAG applications, even on systems with limited GPU resources. Our experiments show more than 12x improvement in runtime compared to Hugging Face/DeepSpeed implementation with four GPUs while consuming less than half the VRAM per GPU.


Intersectionality and Testimonial Injustice in Medical Records
Kenya Andrews | Bhuvni Shah | Lu Cheng
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

Detecting testimonial injustice is an essential element of addressing inequities and promoting inclusive healthcare practices, many of which are life-critical. However, using a single demographic factor to detect testimonial injustice does not fully encompass the nuanced identities that contribute to a patient’s experience. Further, some injustices may only be evident when examining the nuances that arise through the lens of intersectionality. Ignoring such injustices can result in poor quality of care or life-endangering events. Thus, considering intersectionality could result in more accurate classifications and just decisions. To illustrate this, we use real-world medical data to determine whether medical records exhibit words that could lead to testimonial injustice, employ fairness metrics (e.g. demographic parity, differential intersectional fairness, and subgroup fairness) to assess the severity to which subgroups are experiencing testimonial injustice, and analyze how the intersectionality of demographic features (e.g. gender and race) make a difference in uncovering testimonial injustice. From our analysis we found that with intersectionality we can better see disparities in how subgroups are treated and there are differences in how someone is treated based on the intersection of their demographic attributes. This has not been previously studied in clinical records, nor has it been proven through empirical study.


Debiasing Word Embeddings with Nonlinear Geometry
Lu Cheng | Nayoung Kim | Huan Liu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Debiasing word embeddings has been largely limited to individual and independent social categories. However, real-world corpora typically present multiple social categories that possibly correlate or intersect with each other. For instance, “hair weaves” is stereotypically associated with African American females, but neither African American nor females alone. Therefore, this work studies biases associated with multiple social categories: joint biases induced by the union of different categories and intersectional biases that do not overlap with the biases of the constituent categories. We first empirically observe that individual biases intersect non-trivially (i.e., over a one-dimensional subspace). Drawing from the intersectional theory in social science and the linguistic theory, we then construct an intersectional subspace to debias for multiple social categories using the nonlinear geometry of individual biases. Empirical evaluations corroborate the efficacy of our approach.


Mitigating Bias in Session-based Cyberbullying Detection: A Non-Compromising Approach
Lu Cheng | Ahmadreza Mosallanezhad | Yasin Silva | Deborah Hall | Huan Liu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The element of repetition in cyberbullying behavior has directed recent computational studies toward detecting cyberbullying based on a social media session. In contrast to a single text, a session may consist of an initial post and an associated sequence of comments. Yet, emerging efforts to enhance the performance of session-based cyberbullying detection have largely overlooked unintended social biases in existing cyberbullying datasets. For example, a session containing certain demographic-identity terms (e.g., “gay” or “black”) is more likely to be classified as an instance of cyberbullying. In this paper, we first show evidence of such bias in models trained on sessions collected from different social media platforms (e.g., Instagram). We then propose a context-aware and model-agnostic debiasing strategy that leverages a reinforcement learning technique, without requiring any extra resources or annotations apart from a pre-defined set of sensitive triggers commonly used for identifying cyberbullying instances. Empirical evaluations show that the proposed strategy can simultaneously alleviate the impacts of the unintended biases and improve the detection performance.