Jun Xiao


Latent Learningscape Guided In-context Learning
Anlai Zhou | Sunshine Jiang | Yifei Liu | Yiquan Wu | Kun Kuang | Jun Xiao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The growing interest in leveraging large language models is driven by their exceptional imitation and reasoning capabilities. In-context learning (ICL), a streamlined method, has shown potential in boosting these models’ performance without modifying their underlying parameters, especially when supplied with suitable demonstrations. However, existing methods mainly choose demonstrations by comparing surface-level semantic similarities (e.g., based on embedding) and fall short of identifying the most fitting ones. This paper introduces the concept of a “latent learningscape”, a more nuanced representation that describes the characteristic of the demonstrations. Building on this concept, we develop a results-driven approach to characterize the latent learningscape features of demonstrations, which then inform the creation of more effective prompts. Through comprehensive testing across datasets in arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks, our approach outperforms leading models, showing an average increase in scores by 7.4 percentage points.

Chain-of-Quizzes: Pedagogy-inspired Example Selection in In-Context-Learning
Yiquan Wu | Anlai Zhou | Yuhang Liu | Yifei Liu | Adam Jatowt | Weiming Lu | Jun Xiao | Kun Kuang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In-context learning (ICL) has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing large language models (LLMs) in addressing downstream tasks. In this paper, we explore the vital task of example selection in ICL by mimicking the human learning process. We propose a Chain-of-Quizzes (CoQ) framework inspired by educational theories such as Bruner’s Spiral Learning and Mastery Learning theory. Specifically, our framework employs the LLMs to answer the quiz (question in the example) to sift ‘good’ examples, combines these examples iteratively with the increasing complexity, and utilizes a final exam to gauge the combined example chains. Our extensive experiments on diverse reasoning datasets show the proposed approach outperforms baseline models. These findings underscore the framework’s potential for future research.

Let’s Rectify Step by Step: Improving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Diffusion Models
Shunyu Liu | Jie Zhou | Qunxi Zhu | Qin Chen | Qingchun Bai | Jun Xiao | Liang He
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) stands as a crucial task in predicting the sentiment polarity associated with identified aspects within text. However, a notable challenge in ABSA lies in precisely determining the aspects’ boundaries (start and end indices), especially for long ones, due to users’ colloquial expressions. We propose DiffusionABSA, a novel diffusion model tailored for ABSA, which extracts the aspects progressively step by step. Particularly, DiffusionABSA gradually adds noise to the aspect terms in the training process, subsequently learning a denoising process that progressively restores these terms in a reverse manner. To estimate the boundaries, we design a denoising neural network enhanced by a syntax-aware temporal attention mechanism to chronologically capture the interplay between aspects and surrounding text. Empirical evaluations conducted on eight benchmark datasets underscore the compelling advantages offered by DiffusionABSA when compared against robust baseline models. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Qlb6x/DiffusionABSA.


Better Simultaneous Translation with Monotonic Knowledge Distillation
Shushu Wang | Jing Wu | Kai Fan | Wei Luo | Jun Xiao | Zhongqiang Huang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) presents a unique challenge as it requires generating target tokens before the source sentence is fully consumed. This can lead to the hallucination problem, where target tokens are generated without support from the source sentence. The prefix-to-prefix training data used to train SiMT models are not always parallel, due to divergent word order between the source and target languages, and can contribute to the problem. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that leverages traditional translation models as teachers and employs a two-stage beam search algorithm to generate monotonic yet accurate reference translations for sequence-level knowledge distillation. Experimental results demonstrate the significant improvements achieved by our approach over multiple strong SiMT baselines, leading to new state-of-the-art performance across various language pairs. Notably, when evaluated on a monotonic version of the WMT15 De-En test set, which includes references generated in a more monotonic style by professional translators, our approach achieves even more substantial improvement over the baselines. The source code and data are publicly available for further exploration.


ECNU_ICA at SemEval-2022 Task 10: A Simple and Unified Model for Monolingual and Crosslingual Structured Sentiment Analysis
Qi Zhang | Jie Zhou | Qin Chen | Qingchun Bai | Jun Xiao | Liang He
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

Sentiment analysis is increasingly viewed as a vital task both from an academic and a commercial standpoint. In this paper, we focus on the structured sentiment analysis task that is released on SemEval-2022 Task 10. The task aims to extract the structured sentiment information (e.g., holder, target, expression and sentiment polarity) in a text. We propose a simple and unified model for both the monolingual and crosslingual structured sentiment analysis tasks. We translate this task into an event extraction task by regrading the expression as the trigger word and the other elements as the arguments of the event. Particularly, we first extract the expression by judging its start and end indices. Then, to consider the expression, we design a conditional layer normalization algorithm to extract the holder and target based on the extracted expression. Finally, we infer the sentiment polarity based on the extracted structured information. Pre-trained language models are utilized to obtain the text representation. We conduct the experiments on seven datasets in five languages. It attracted 233 submissions in monolingual subtask and crosslingual subtask from 32 teams. Finally, we obtain the top 5 place on crosslingual tasks.

Rethinking Multi-Modal Alignment in Multi-Choice VideoQA from Feature and Sample Perspectives
Shaoning Xiao | Long Chen | Kaifeng Gao | Zhao Wang | Yi Yang | Zhimeng Zhang | Jun Xiao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Reasoning about causal and temporal event relations in videos is a new destination of Video Question Answering (VideoQA). The major stumbling block to achieve this purpose is the semantic gap between language and video since they are at different levels of abstraction. Existing efforts mainly focus on designing sophisticated architectures while utilizing frame- or object-level visual representations. In this paper, we reconsider the multi-modal alignment problem in VideoQA from feature and sample perspectives to achieve better performance. From the view of feature, we break down the video into trajectories and first leverage trajectory feature in VideoQA to enhance the alignment between two modalities. Moreover, we adopt a heterogeneous graph architecture and design a hierarchical framework to align both trajectory-level and frame-level visual feature with language feature. In addition, we found that VideoQA models are largely dependent on languagepriors and always neglect visual-language interactions. Thus, two effective yet portable training augmentation strategies are designed to strengthen the cross-modal correspondence ability of our model from the view of sample. Extensive results show that our method outperforms all the state-of the-art models on the challenging NExT-QA benchmark.


Natural Language Video Localization with Learnable Moment Proposals
Shaoning Xiao | Long Chen | Jian Shao | Yueting Zhuang | Jun Xiao
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Given an untrimmed video and a natural language query, Natural Language Video Localization (NLVL) aims to identify the video moment described by query. To address this task, existing methods can be roughly grouped into two groups: 1) propose-and-rank models first define a set of hand-designed moment candidates and then find out the best-matching one. 2) proposal-free models directly predict two temporal boundaries of the referential moment from frames. Currently, almost all the propose-and-rank methods have inferior performance than proposal-free counterparts. In this paper, we argue that the performance of propose-and-rank models are underestimated due to the predefined manners: 1) Hand-designed rules are hard to guarantee the complete coverage of targeted segments. 2) Densely sampled candidate moments cause redundant computation and degrade the performance of ranking process. To this end, we propose a novel model termed LPNet (Learnable Proposal Network for NLVL) with a fixed set of learnable moment proposals. The position and length of these proposals are dynamically adjusted during training process. Moreover, a boundary-aware loss has been proposed to leverage frame-level information and further improve performance. Extensive ablations on two challenging NLVL benchmarks have demonstrated the effectiveness of LPNet over existing state-of-the-art methods.


De-Biased Court’s View Generation with Causality
Yiquan Wu | Kun Kuang | Yating Zhang | Xiaozhong Liu | Changlong Sun | Jun Xiao | Yueting Zhuang | Luo Si | Fei Wu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Court’s view generation is a novel but essential task for legal AI, aiming at improving the interpretability of judgment prediction results and enabling automatic legal document generation. While prior text-to-text natural language generation (NLG) approaches can be used to address this problem, neglecting the confounding bias from the data generation mechanism can limit the model performance, and the bias may pollute the learning outcomes. In this paper, we propose a novel Attentional and Counterfactual based Natural Language Generation (AC-NLG) method, consisting of an attentional encoder and a pair of innovative counterfactual decoders. The attentional encoder leverages the plaintiff’s claim and fact description as input to learn a claim-aware encoder from which the claim-related information in fact description can be emphasized. The counterfactual decoders are employed to eliminate the confounding bias in data and generate judgment-discriminative court’s views (both supportive and non-supportive views) by incorporating with a synergistic judgment predictive model. Comprehensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method under both quantitative and qualitative evaluation metrics.


Video Dialog via Progressive Inference and Cross-Transformer
Weike Jin | Zhou Zhao | Mao Gu | Jun Xiao | Furu Wei | Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Video dialog is a new and challenging task, which requires the agent to answer questions combining video information with dialog history. And different from single-turn video question answering, the additional dialog history is important for video dialog, which often includes contextual information for the question. Existing visual dialog methods mainly use RNN to encode the dialog history as a single vector representation, which might be rough and straightforward. Some more advanced methods utilize hierarchical structure, attention and memory mechanisms, which still lack an explicit reasoning process. In this paper, we introduce a novel progressive inference mechanism for video dialog, which progressively updates query information based on dialog history and video content until the agent think the information is sufficient and unambiguous. In order to tackle the multi-modal fusion problem, we propose a cross-transformer module, which could learn more fine-grained and comprehensive interactions both inside and between the modalities. And besides answer generation, we also consider question generation, which is more challenging but significant for a complete video dialog system. We evaluate our method on two large-scale datasets, and the extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method.

DEBUG: A Dense Bottom-Up Grounding Approach for Natural Language Video Localization
Chujie Lu | Long Chen | Chilie Tan | Xiaolin Li | Jun Xiao
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

In this paper, we focus on natural language video localization: localizing (ie, grounding) a natural language description in a long and untrimmed video sequence. All currently published models for addressing this problem can be categorized into two types: (i) top-down approach: it does classification and regression for a set of pre-cut video segment candidates; (ii) bottom-up approach: it directly predicts probabilities for each video frame as the temporal boundaries (ie, start and end time point). However, both two approaches suffer several limitations: the former is computation-intensive for densely placed candidates, while the latter has trailed the performance of the top-down counterpart thus far. To this end, we propose a novel dense bottom-up framework: DEnse Bottom-Up Grounding (DEBUG). DEBUG regards all frames falling in the ground truth segment as foreground, and each foreground frame regresses the unique distances from its location to bi-directional ground truth boundaries. Extensive experiments on three challenging benchmarks (TACoS, Charades-STA, and ActivityNet Captions) show that DEBUG is able to match the speed of bottom-up models while surpassing the performance of the state-of-the-art top-down models.