Aligning an Italian WordNet with a Lexicographic Dictionary: Coping with limited data
Tommaso Caselli
Carlo Strapparava
Laure Vieu
Guido Vetere
Proceedings of the Seventh Global Wordnet Conference
Towards Model Driven Architectures for Human Language Technologies
Alessandro Di Bari
Guido Vetere
Kateryna Tymoshenko
Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Infrastructures and Analysis Frameworks for HLT
Enriching the “Senso Comune” Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
Tommaso Caselli
Laure Vieu
Carlo Strapparava
Guido Vetere
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
This paper reports on research activities on automatic methods for the enrichment of the Senso Comune platform. At this stage of development, we will report on two tasks, namely word sense alignment with MultiWordNet and automatic acquisition of Verb Shallow Frames from sense annotated data in the MultiSemCor corpus. The results obtained are satisfying. We achieved a final F-measure of 0.64 for noun sense alignment and a F-measure of 0.47 for verb sense alignment, and an accuracy of 68% on the acquisition of Verb Shallow Frames.
Aligning Verb Senses in Two Italian Lexical Semantic Resources
Tommaso Caselli
Carlo Strapparava
Laure Vieu
Guido Vetere
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing. Textual Inference and Structures in Corpora
Senso Comune, an Open Knowledge Base of Italian Language
Guido Vetere
Alessandro Oltramari
Isabella Chiari
Elisabetta Jezek
Laure Vieu
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Traitement Automatique des Langues, Volume 52, Numéro 3 : Ressources linguistiques libres [Free Language Resources]
Senso Comune
Alessandro Oltramari
Guido Vetere
Maurizio Lenzerini
Aldo Gangemi
Nicola Guarino
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
This paper introduces the general features of Senso Comune, an open knowledge base for the Italian language, focusing on the interplay of lexical and ontological knowledge, and outlining our approach to conceptual knowledge elicitation. Senso Comune consists of a machine-readable lexicon constrained by an ontological infrastructure. The idea at the basis of Senso Comune is that natural languages exist in use, and they belong to their users. In the line of Saussure's linguistics, natural languages are seen as a social product and their main strength relies on the users consensus. At the same time, language has specific goals: i.e. referring to entities that belong to the users world (be it physical or not) and that are made up in social environments where expressions are produced and understood. This usage leverages the creativity of those who produce words and try to understand them. This is the reason why ontology, i.e. a shared conceptualization of the world, can be regarded to as the soil on which the speakers' consensus may be rooted. Some final remarks concerning future work and applications are also given.