Emile Chapuis
Improving Multimodal fusion via Mutual Dependency Maximisation
Pierre Colombo
Emile Chapuis
Matthieu Labeau
Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Multimodal sentiment analysis is a trending area of research, and multimodal fusion is one of its most active topic. Acknowledging humans communicate through a variety of channels (i.e visual, acoustic, linguistic), multimodal systems aim at integrating different unimodal representations into a synthetic one. So far, a consequent effort has been made on developing complex architectures allowing the fusion of these modalities. However, such systems are mainly trained by minimising simple losses such as L1 or cross-entropy. In this work, we investigate unexplored penalties and propose a set of new objectives that measure the dependency between modalities. We demonstrate that our new penalties lead to a consistent improvement (up to 4.3 on accuracy) across a large variety of state-of-the-art models on two well-known sentiment analysis datasets: CMU-MOSI and CMU-MOSEI. Our method not only achieves a new SOTA on both datasets but also produces representations that are more robust to modality drops. Finally, a by-product of our methods includes a statistical network which can be used to interpret the high dimensional representations learnt by the model.
Code-switched inspired losses for spoken dialog representations
Pierre Colombo
Emile Chapuis
Matthieu Labeau
Chloé Clavel
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Spoken dialogue systems need to be able to handle both multiple languages and multilinguality inside a conversation (e.g in case of code-switching). In this work, we introduce new pretraining losses tailored to learn generic multilingual spoken dialogue representations. The goal of these losses is to expose the model to code-switched language. In order to scale up training, we automatically build a pretraining corpus composed of multilingual conversations in five different languages (French, Italian, English, German and Spanish) from OpenSubtitles, a huge multilingual corpus composed of 24.3G tokens. We test the generic representations on MIAM, a new benchmark composed of five dialogue act corpora on the same aforementioned languages as well as on two novel multilingual tasks (i.e multilingual mask utterance retrieval and multilingual inconsistency identification). Our experiments show that our new losses achieve a better performance in both monolingual and multilingual settings.
Hierarchical Pre-training for Sequence Labelling in Spoken Dialog
Emile Chapuis
Pierre Colombo
Matteo Manica
Matthieu Labeau
Chloé Clavel
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Sequence labelling tasks like Dialog Act and Emotion/Sentiment identification are a key component of spoken dialog systems. In this work, we propose a new approach to learn generic representations adapted to spoken dialog, which we evaluate on a new benchmark we call Sequence labellIng evaLuatIon benChmark fOr spoken laNguagE benchmark (SILICONE). SILICONE is model-agnostic and contains 10 different datasets of various sizes. We obtain our representations with a hierarchical encoder based on transformer architectures, for which we extend two well-known pre-training objectives. Pre-training is performed on OpenSubtitles: a large corpus of spoken dialog containing over 2.3 billion of tokens. We demonstrate how hierarchical encoders achieve competitive results with consistently fewer parameters compared to state-of-the-art models and we show their importance for both pre-training and fine-tuning.