Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex)
Michael Zock, Reinhard Rapp, Chu-Ren Huang (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W14-47
- Month:
- August
- Year:
- 2014
- Address:
- Dublin, Ireland
- Venue:
- CogALex
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University
- URL:
- DOI:
- 10.3115/v1/W14-47
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex)
Michael Zock
Reinhard Rapp
Chu-Ren Huang
The CogALex-IV Shared Task on the Lexical Access Problem
Reinhard Rapp
Michael Zock
A Two-Stage Approach for Computing Associative Responses to a Set of Stimulus Words
Urmi Ghosh
Sambhav Jain
Soma Paul
Deep Learning from Web-Scale Corpora for Better Dictionary Interfaces
Pavel Smrz
Lubomir Otrusina
Exploring the use of word embeddings and random walks on Wikipedia for the CogAlex shared task
Josu Goikoetxea
Eneko Agirre
Aitor Soroa
ETS Lexical Associations System for the COGALEX-4 Shared Task
Michael Flor
Beata Beigman Klebanov
Using Significant Word Co-occurences for the Lexical Access Problem
Rico Feist
Daniel Gerighausen
Manuel Konrad
Georg Richter
Thomas Eckart
Dirk Goldhahn
Uwe Quasthoff
NaDiR: Naive Distributional Response Generation
Gabriella Lapesa
Stefan Evert
Retrieving Word Associations with a Simple Neighborhood Algorithm in a Graph-based Resource
Gemma Bel-Enguix
Predicting sense convergence with distributional semantics: an application to the CogaLex 2014 shared task
Laurianne Sitbon
Lance De Vine
Catalin Mititelu
Verginica Barbu Mititelu
(Digital) Goodies from the ERC Wishing Well: BabelNet, Babelfy, Video Games with a Purpose and the Wikipedia Bitaxonomy
Roberto Navigli
Measuring Similarity from Word Pair Matrices with Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Associations
Jin Matsuoka
Yves Lepage
Jibiki-LINKS: a tool between traditional dictionaries and lexical networks for modelling lexical resources
Ying Zhang
Mathieu Mangeot
Valérie Bellynck
Christian Boitet
When Frequency Data Meet Dispersion Data in the Extraction of Multi-word Units from a Corpus: A Study of Trigrams in Chinese
Chan-Chia Hsu
Exploring Mental Lexicon in an Efficient and Economic Way: Crowdsourcing Method for Linguistic Experiments
Shichang Wang
Chu-Ren Huang
Yao Yao
Angel Chan
A Computational Approach to Generate a Sensorial Lexicon
Serra Sinem Tekiroğlu
Gözde Özbal
Carlo Strapparava
Database Design of an Online E-Learning Tool of Chinese Classifiers
Helena Gao
Default Physical Measurements in SUMO
Francesca Quattri
Adam Pease
John P. McCrae
Lexical Access Preference and Constraint Strategies for Improving Multiword Expression Association within Semantic MT Evaluation
Dekai Wu
Chi-kiu Lo
Markus Saers
A Lexical Network with a Morphological Model in It
Nabil Gader
Aurore Koehl
Alain Polguère
Dimensions of Metaphorical Meaning
Andrew Gargett
Josef Ruppenhofer
John Barnden
Constructing an Ontology of Japanese Lexical Properties: Specifying its Property Structures and Lexical Entries
Terry Joyce
Bor Hodošček
Frames and terminology: representing predicative terms in the field of the environment
Marie-Claude L’ Homme
Benoît Robichaud
Modelling the Semantics of Adjectives in the Ontology-Lexicon Interface
John P. McCrae
Francesca Quattri
Christina Unger
Philipp Cimiano
Discovering Conceptual Metaphors using Source Domain Spaces
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Kit Cho
Ting Liu
George Aaron Broadwell
Laurie Feldman
Sarah Taylor
Boris Yamrom
Ching-Sheng Lin
Ning Sa
Ignacio Cases
Yuliya Peshkova
Kyle Elliot
Wordfinding Problems and How to Overcome them Ultimately With the Help of a Computer
Michael Zock