Fast and Accurate Decision Trees for Natural Language Processing Tasks
Tiberiu Boros
Stefan Daniel Dumitrescu
Sonia Pipa
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017
Decision trees have been previously employed in many machine-learning tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, lemmatization, morphological-attribute resolution, letter-to-sound conversion and statistical-parametric speech synthesis. In this paper we introduce an optimized tree-computation algorithm, which is based on the original ID3 algorithm. We also introduce a tree-pruning method that uses a development set to delete nodes from over-fitted models. The later mentioned algorithm also uses a results caching method for speed-up. Our algorithm is almost 200 times faster than a naive implementation and yields accurate results on our test datasets.
CASSANDRA: A multipurpose configurable voice-enabled human-computer-interface
Tiberiu Boros
Stefan Daniel Dumitrescu
Sonia Pipa
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Voice enabled human computer interfaces (HCI) that integrate automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis and natural language understanding have become a commodity, introduced by the immersion of smart phones and other gadgets in our daily lives. Smart assistants are able to respond to simple queries (similar to text-based question-answering systems), perform simple tasks (call a number, reject a call etc.) and help organizing appointments. With this paper we introduce a newly created process automation platform that enables the user to control applications and home appliances and to query the system for information using a natural voice interface. We offer an overview of the technologies that enabled us to construct our system and we present different usage scenarios in home and office environments.
A data-driven approach to verbal multiword expression detection. PARSEME Shared Task system description paper
Tiberiu Boros
Sonia Pipa
Verginica Barbu Mititelu
Dan Tufis
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017)
“Multiword expressions” are groups of words acting as a morphologic, syntactic and semantic unit in linguistic analysis. Verbal multiword expressions represent the subgroup of multiword expressions, namely that in which a verb is the syntactic head of the group considered in its canonical (or dictionary) form. All multiword expressions are a great challenge for natural language processing, but the verbal ones are particularly interesting for tasks such as parsing, as the verb is the central element in the syntactic organization of a sentence. In this paper we introduce our data-driven approach to verbal multiword expressions which was objectively validated during the PARSEME shared task on verbal multiword expressions identification. We tested our approach on 12 languages, and we provide detailed information about corpora composition, feature selection process, validation procedure and performance on all languages.
RACAI Entry for the IWSLT 2016 Shared Task
Sonia Pipa
Alin Florentin Vasile
Ioana Ionașcu
Stefan Daniel Dumitrescu
Tiberiu Boros
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
Spoken Language Translation is currently a hot topic in the research community. This task is very complex, involving automatic speech recognition, text-normalization and machine translation. We present our speech translation system, which was compared against the other systems participating in the IWSLT 2016 Shared Task. We introduce our ASR system for English and our MT system for English to French (En-Fr) and English to German (En-De) language pairs. Additionally, for the English to French Challenge we introduce a methodology that enables the enhancement of statistical phrase-based translation with translation equivalents deduced from monolingual corpora using neural word embedding.