Arle Lommel


The Multi-Range Theory of Translation Quality Measurement: MQM scoring models and Statistical Quality Control
Arle Lommel | Serge Gladkoff | Alan Melby | Sue Ellen Wright | Ingemar Strandvik | Katerina Gasova | Angelika Vaasa | Andy Benzo | Romina Marazzato Sparano | Monica Foresi | Johani Innis | Lifeng Han | Goran Nenadic
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 2: Presentations)

The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework for analytic translation quality evaluation. The MQM error typology has been widely used by practitioners in the translation and localization industry and has served as the basis for many derivative projects. The annual Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) shared tasks on both human and automatic translation quality evaluations used the MQM error typology. The metric stands on two pillars: error typology and the scoring model. The scoring model calculates the quality score from annotation data, detailing how to convert error type and severity counts into numeric scores to determine if the content meets specifications. Previously, only the raw scoring model had been published. This April, the MQM Council published the Linear Calibrated Scoring Model, officially presented herein, along with the Non-Linear Scoring Model, which had not been published


Augmented Translation: A New Approach to Combining Human and Machine Capabilities
Arle Lommel
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 2: User Track)

Tutorial: MQM-DQF: A Good Marriage (Translation Quality for the 21st Century)
Arle Lommel | Alan Melby
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 2: User Track)

Translation Quality Metrics
Arle Lommel
Proceedings of the AMTA 2018 Workshop on The Role of Authoritative Standards in the MT Environment

Fine-grained evaluation of Quality Estimation for Machine translation based on a linguistically motivated Test Suite
Eleftherios Avramidis | Vivien Macketanz | Arle Lommel | Hans Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the AMTA 2018 Workshop on Translation Quality Estimation and Automatic Post-Editing


Potential and Limits of Using Post-edits as Reference Translations for MT Evaluation
Maja Popovic | Mihael Arčan | Arle Lommel
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


Poor man’s lemmatisation for automatic error classification
Maja Popović | Mihael Arčan | Eleftherios Avramidis | Aljoscha Burchardt | Arle Lommel
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

Evaluating a Machine Translation System in a Technical Support Scenario
Rosa Del Gaudio | Aljoscha Burchardt | Arle Lommel
Proceedings of the 1st Deep Machine Translation Workshop


Using a new analytic measure for the annotation and analysis of MT errors on real data
Arle Lommel | Aljoscha Burchardt | Maja Popović | Kim Harris | Eleftherios Avramidis | Hans Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

Relations between different types of post-editing operations, cognitive effort and temporal effort
Maja Popović | Arle Lommel | Aljoscha Burchardt | Eleftherios Avramidis | Hans Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


Stephen Doherty | Declan Groves | Josef van Genabith | Arle Lommel | Aljoscha Burchardt | Hans Uszkoreit | Lucia Specia | Stelios Piperidis
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: European projects


Integrating Translation Technologies Using SALT
Gerhard Budin | Alan K. Melby | Sue Ellen Wright | Deryle Lonsdale | Arle Lommel
Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 21