Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

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Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

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Patterns of Terminological Variation in Post-editing and of Cognate Use in Machine Translation in Contrast to Human Translation
Oliver Čulo | Jean Nitzke

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Graphonological Levenshtein Edit Distance: Application for Automated Cognate Identification
Bogdan Babych

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Improving Phrase-Based SMT Using Cross-Granularity Embedding Similarity
Peyman Passban | Chris Hokamp | Andy Way | Qun Liu

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Comparing Translator Acceptability of TM and SMT Outputs
Joss Moorkens | Andy Way

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Stand-off Annotation of Web Content as a Legally Safer Alternative to Crawling for Distribution
Mikel L. Forcada | Miquel Esplà-Gomis | Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz

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Combining Translation Memories and Syntax-Based SMT: Experiments with Real Industrial Data
Liangyou Li | Carla Parra Escartin | Qun Liu

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The Trouble with Machine Translation Coherence
Karin Sim Smith | Wilker Aziz | Lucia Specia

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Pivoting Methods and Data for Czech-Vietnamese Translation via English
Duc Tam Hoang | Ondrej Bojar

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Detecting Grammatical Errors in Machine Translation Output Using Dependency Parsing and Treebank Querying
Arda Tezcan | Veronique Hoste | Lieve Macken

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Potential and Limits of Using Post-edits as Reference Translations for MT Evaluation
Maja Popovic | Mihael Arčan | Arle Lommel

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Can Text Simplification Help Machine Translation?
Sanja Štajner | Maja Popovic

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A Portable Method for Parallel and Comparable Document Alignment
Thierry Etchegoyhen | Andoni Azpeitia

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Semantic Textual Similarity in Quality Estimation
Hanna Bechara | Carla Parra Escartin | Constantin Orasan | Lucia Specia

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Climbing Mont BLEU: The Strange World of Reachable High-BLEU Translations
Aaron Smith | Christian Hardmeier | Joerg Tiedemann

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Interactive-Predictive Translation Based on Multiple Word-Segments
Miguel Domingo | Alvaro Peris | Francisco Casacuberta

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A Contextual Language Model to Improve Machine Translation of Pronouns by Re-ranking Translation Hypotheses
Ngoc Quang Luong | Andrei Popescu-Belis

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Predicting and Using Implicit Discourse Elements in Chinese-English Translation
David Steele | Lucia Specia

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A Graphical Pronoun Analysis Tool for the PROTEST Pronoun Evaluation Test Suite
Christian Hardmeier | Liane Guillou

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Measuring Cognitive Translation Effort with Activity Units
Moritz Jonas Schaeffer | Michael Carl | Isabel Lacruz | Akiko Aizawa

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A Comparative Study of Post-editing Guidelines
Ke Hu | Patrick Cadwell

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Dealing with Data Sparseness in SMT with Factured Models and Morphological Expansion: a Case Study on Croatian
Victor M. Sánchez-Cartagena | Nikola Ljubešić | Filip Klubička

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Collaborative Development of a Rule-Based Machine Translator between Croatian and Serbian
Filip Klubička | Gema Ramírez-Sánchez | Nikola Ljubešić

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Re-assessing the Impact of SMT Techniques with Human Evaluation: a Case Study on English—Croatian
Antonio Toral | Raphael Rubino | Gema Ramírez-Sánchez