Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi)

Sumithra Velupillai, Martin Duneld, Maria Kvist, Hercules Dalianis, Maria Skeppstedt, Aron Henriksson (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Gothenburg, Sweden
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi)
Sumithra Velupillai | Martin Duneld | Maria Kvist | Hercules Dalianis | Maria Skeppstedt | Aron Henriksson

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Keynote: Supporting evidence-based medicine using text mining
Sophia Ananiadou

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A Graph-Based Analysis of Medical Queries of a Swedish Health Care Portal
Farnaz Moradi | Ann-Marie Eklund | Dimitrios Kokkinakis | Tomas Olovsson | Philippas Tsigas

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The impact of near domain transfer on biomedical named entity recognition
Nigel Collier | Mai-vu Tran | Ferdinand Paster

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Domain Adaptation with Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Shanheng Zhao | Hwee Tou Ng

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Towards Cross-Domain PDTB-Style Discourse Parsing
Evgeny Stepanov | Giuseppe Riccardi

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Translating SNOMED CT Terminology into a Minor Language
Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre | Maite Oronoz

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A System for Building FrameNet-like Corpus for the Biomedical Domain
He Tan

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Gene–disease association extraction by text mining and network analysis
Changqin Quan | Fuji Ren

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Negation scope and spelling variation for text-mining of Danish electronic patient records
Cecilia Engel Thomas | Peter Bjødstrup Jensen | Thomas Werge | Søren Brunak

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Building a semantically annotated corpus for congestive heart and renal failure from clinical records and the literature
Noha Alnazzawi | Paul Thompson | Sophia Ananiadou

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Precise Medication Extraction using Agile Text Mining
Chaitanya Shivade | James Cormack | David Milward

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Applying UMLS for Distantly Supervised Relation Detection
Roland Roller | Mark Stevenson

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Adverse Drug Event prediction combining shallow analysis and machine learning
Sara Santiso | Arantza Casillas | Alicia Pérez | Maite Oronoz | Koldo Gojenola

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Reducing VSM data sparseness by generalizing contexts: application to health text mining
Amandine Périnet | Thierry Hamon

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Disambiguation of Period Characters in Clinical Narratives
Markus Kreuzthaler | Stefan Schulz

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Tuning HeidelTime for identifying time expressions in clinical texts in English and French
Thierry Hamon | Natalia Grabar

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Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams
Isabel Segura-Bedmar | Ricardo Revert | Paloma Martínez

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Care Episode Retrieval
Hans Moen | Erwin Marsi | Filip Ginter | Laura-Maria Murtola | Tapio Salakoski | Sanna Salanterä