1st SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

Anthology ID:
Hong Kong, China
Association for Computational Linguistics
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1st SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

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Japanese Dialogue Corpus of Multi-Level Annotation
Shu Nakazato

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ADAM- An Architecture for xml-based Dialogue Annotation on Multiple levels
Claudia Soria | Roldano Cattoni | Morena Danieli

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The MATE Markup Framework
Laila Dybkjaer | Niels Ole Bernsen

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Issues in the Transcription of English Conversational Grunts
Nigel Ward

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Identifying Prosodic Indicators of Dialogue Structure: Some Methodological and Theoretical Considerations
Ilana Mushin | Lesley Stirling | Janet Fletcher | Roger Wales

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From Elementary Discourse Units to Complex Ones
Holger Schauer

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Abstract Anaphora Resolution in Danish
Costanza Navarretta

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Using decision trees to select the grammatical relation of a noun phrase
Simon Corston-Oliver

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A Common Theory of Information Fusion from Multiple Text Sources Step One: Cross-Document Structure
Dragomir Radev

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Social Goals in Conversational Cooperation
Guido Boella | Rossana Damiano | Leonardo Lesmo

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Dynamic User Level and Utility Measurement for Adaptive Dialog in a Help-Desk System
Preetam Maloor | Joyce Chai

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Dialogue Management in the Agreement Negotiation Process: A Model that Involves Natural Reasoning
Mare Koit | Haldur Oim

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Document Transformations and Information States
Staffan Larsson | Annie Zaenen

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Dialogue and Domain Knowledge Management in Dialogue Systems
Annika Flycht-Eriksson | Arne Jonsson

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Flexible Speech Act Based Dialogue Management
Eli Hagen | Fred Popowich

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Dialogue Helpsystem based on Flexible Matching of User Query with Natural Language Knowledge Base
Sadao Kurohashi | Wataru Higasa

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WIT: A Toolkit for Building Robust and Real-Time Spoken Dialogu Systems
Mikio Nakano | Noboru Miyazaki | Norihito Yasuda | Akira Sugiyama | Jun-ichi Hirasawa | Kohji Dohsaka | Kiyoaki Aikawa

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Some Notes on the Complexity of Dialogues
Jan Alexandersson | Paul Heisterkamp