Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P99-1
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 1999
- Address:
- College Park, Maryland, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Untangling Text Data Mining
Marti A. Hearst
Automatic Speech Recognition and Its Application to Information Extraction
Sadaoki Furui
The Lexical Component of Natural Language Processing
George A. Miller
Measures of Distributional Similarity
Lillian Lee
Distributional Similarity Models: Clustering vs. Nearest Neighbors
Lillian Lee
Discourse Relations: A Structural and Presuppositional Account Using Lexicalised TAG
Bonnie Webber
Alistair Knott
Matthew Stone
Aravind Joshi
Unifying Parallels
Claire Gardent
Finding Parts in Very Large Corpora
Matthew Berland
Eugene Charniak
Man vs. Machine: A Case Study in Base Noun Phrase Learning
Eric Brill
Grace Ngai
Supervised Grammar Induction using Training Data with Limited Constituent Information
Rebecca Hwa
A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase
Mark Dras
Preserving Semantic Dependencies in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
William Schuler
Compositional Semantics for Linguistic Formalisms
Shuly Wintner
Inducing a Semantically Annotated Lexicon via EM-Based Clustering
Mats Rooth
Stefan Riezler
Detlef Prescher
Glenn Carroll
Franz Beil
Corpus-Based Linguistic Indicators for Aspectual Classification
Eric V. Siegel
Automatic construction of a hypernym-labeled noun hierarchy from text
Sharon A. Caraballo
Using aggregation for selecting content when generating referring expressions
John A. Bateman
Ordering Among Premodifiers
James Shaw
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Bilingual Hebrew-English Generation of Possessives and Partitives: Raising the Input Abstraction Level
Yael Dahan Netzer
Michael Elhadad
A Method for Word Sense Disambiguation of Unrestricted Text
Rada Mihalcea
Dan I. Moldovan
A Knowledge-free Method for Capitalized Word Disambiguation
Andrei Mikheev
Dynamic Nonlocal Language Modeling via Hierarchical Topic-Based Adaptation
Radu Florian
David Yarowsky
A Second-Order Hidden Markov Model for Part-of-Speech Tagging
Scott M. Thede
Mary P. Harper
The CommandTalk Spoken Dialogue System
Amanda Stent
John Dowding
Jean Mark Gawron
Elizabeth Owen Bratt
Robert Moore
Construct Algebra: Analytical Dialog Management
Alicia Abella
Allen L. Gorin
Understanding Unsegmented User Utterances in Real-Time Spoken Dialogue Systems
Mikio Nakano
Noboru Miyazaki
Jun-ichi Hirasawa
Kohji Dohsaka
Takeshi Kawabata
Should we Translate the Documents or the Queries in Cross-language Information Retrieval?
J. Scott McCarley
Resolving Translation Ambiguity and Target Polysemy in Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Guo-Wei Bian
Wen-Cheng Lin
Using Mutual Information to Resolve Query Translation Ambiguities and Query Term Weighting
Myung-Gil Jang
Sung Hyon Myaeng
Se Young Park
Analysis System of Speech Acts and Discourse Structures Using Maximum Entropy Model
Won Seug Choi
Jeong-Mi Cho
Jungyun Seo
Measuring Conformity to Discourse Routines in Decision-Making Interactions
Sherri L. Condon
Claude G. Cech
William R. Edwards
Development and Use of a Gold-Standard Data Set for Subjectivity Classifications
Janyce M. Wiebe
Rebecca F. Bruce
Thomas P. O’Hara
Dependency Parsing with an Extended Finite State Approach
Kemal Oflazer
A Unification-based Approach to Morpho-syntactic Parsing of Agglutinative and Other (Highly) Inflectional Languages
Gabor Proszeky
Balazs Kis
Inside-Outside Estimation of a Lexicalized PCFG for German
Franz Beil
Glenn Carroll
Detlef Prescher
Stefan Riezler
Mats Rooth
A Part of Speech Estimation Method for Japanese Unknown Words using a Statistical Model of Morphology and Context
Masaaki Nagata
Memory-Based Morphological Analysis
Antal van den Bosch
Walter Daelemans
Two Accounts of Scope Availability and Semantic Underspecification
Alistair Willis
Suresh Manandhar
Alternating Quantifier Scope in CCG
Mark Steedman
Automatic Detection of Poor Speech Recognition at the Dialogue Level
Diane J. Litman
Marilyn A. Walker
Michael S. Kearns
Automatic Identification of Non-compositional Phrases
Dekang Lin
Deep Read: A Reading Comprehension System
Lynette Hirschman
Marc Light
Eric Breck
John D. Burger
Mixed Language Query Disambiguation
Pascale Fung
Xiaohu Liu
Chi Shun Cheung
Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Representations of Term Variation
Christian Jacquemin
Less is more: Eliminating index terms from subordinate clauses
Simon H. Corston-Oliver
William B. Dolan
Statistical Models for Topic Segmentation
Jeffrey C. Reynar
A Decision-Based Approach to Rhetorical Parsing
Daniel Marcu
Corpus-Based Identification of Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases
David L. Bean
Ellen Riloff
An Efficient Statistical Speech Act Type Tagging System for Speech Translation Systems
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
Projecting Corpus-Based Semantic Links on a Thesaurus
Emmanuel Morin
Acquiring Lexical Generalizations from Corpora: A Case Study for Diathesis Alternations
Maria Lapata
Charting the Depths of Robust Speech Parsing
W. Kasper
B. Kiefer
H.-U. Krieger
C. J. Rupp
K. L. Worm
A Syntactic Framework for Speech Repairs and Other Disruptions
Mark G. Core
Lenhart K. Schubert
Efficient probabilistic top-down and left-corner parsing
Brian Roark
Mark Johnson
A Selectionist Theory of Language Acquisition
Charles D. Yang
The grapho-phonological system of written French: Statistical analysis and empirical validation
Marielle Lange
Alain Content
Learning to Recognize Tables in Free Text
Hwee Tou Ng
Chung Yong Lim
Jessica Li Teng Koo
A semantically-derived subset of English for hardware verification
Alexander Holt
Ewan Klein
Efficient Parsing for Bilexical Context-Free Grammars and Head Automaton Grammars
Jason Eisner
Giorgio Satta
An Earley-style Predictive Chart Parsing Method for Lambek Grammars
Mark Hepple
A Bag of Useful Techniques for Efficient and Robust Parsing
Bernd Kiefer
Hans-Ulrich Krieger
John Carroll
Rob Malouf
Semantic Analysis of Japanese Noun Phrases - A New Approach to Dictionary-Based Understanding
Sadao Kurohashi
Yasuyuki Sakai
Lexical Semantics to Disambiguate Polysemous Phenomena of Japanese Adnominal Constituents
Hitoshi Isahara
Kyoko Kanzaki
Computational Lexical Semantics, Incrementality, and the So-called Punctuality of Events
Patrick Caudal
A Statistical Parser for Czech
Michael Collins
Jan Hajic
Lance Ramshaw
Christoph Tillmann
Automatic Compensation for Parser Figure-of-Merit Flaws
Don Blaheta
Eugene Charniak
Automatic Identification of Word Translations from Unrelated English and German Corpora
Reinhard Rapp
Mining the Web for Bilingual Text
Philip Resnik
Estimators for Stochastic “Unification-Based” Grammars
Mark Johnson
Stuart Geman
Stephen Canon
Zhiyi Chi
Stefan Riezler
Relating Probabilistic Grammars and Automata
Steven Abney
David McAllester
Fernando Pereira
Information Fusion in the Context of Multi-Document Summarization
Regina Barzilay
Kathleen R. McKeown
Michael Elhadad
Improving Summaries by Revising Them
Inderjeet Mani
Barbara Gates
Eric Bloedorn
Designing a Task-Based Evaluation Methodology for a Spoken Machine Translation System
Kavita Thomas
Robust, Finite-State Parsing for Spoken Language Understanding
Edward C. Kaiser
Packing of Feature Structures for Efficient Unification of Disjunctive Feature Structures
Yusuke Miyao
Parsing preferences with Lexicalized Trey Adjoining Grammars exploiting the derivation tree
Alexandra Kinyon
Cohesion and Collocation: Using Context Vectors in Text Segmentation
Stefan Kaufmann
Using Linguistic Knowledge in Automatic Abstracting
Horacio Saggion
Analysis of Syntax-Based Pronoun Resolution Methods
Joel R. Tetreault
A Pylonic Decision-Tree Language Model- with Optimal Question Selection
Adrian Corduneanu
An Unsupervised Model for Statistically Determining Coordinate Phrase Attachment
Miriam Goldberg
A flexible distributed architecture for NLP system development and use
Freddy Y. Y. Choi
Modeling Filled Pauses in Medical Dictations
Sergey V. Pakhomov